Society + Culture

Is Jennifer Knapp the Brave Christian Lesbian We’ve Been Waiting For? (Larry King VIDEO)

A full video of Jennifer Knapp’s appearance on Larry King Live is out — will Jennifer Knapp be the one to show Gay & Christian are not mutually exclusive? And when did Ted Haggard stop being an asshat and start being bearable? Rosie makes our little gay hearts feel full of love, Archie Comics are getting a new gay in Riverdale, Will Phillips is the cutest recipient of a television journalism award in the history of television journalism, and there’s a new name in media aimed at Muslim women. And hey, have you made a video for Be Queer, Buy Queer yet? If not, make moves!

Society + Culture

Larry King’s Gay Christian Night: Jennifer Knapp, Clay Aiken, Ted Haggard & Pastor Bob

Larry King has booked quite a show tonight — recently out Christian singer Jennifer Knapp will appear with Clay Aiken, Ted Haggard and Pastor Bob Bostford, who recently spoke out against Knapp’s sexuality. (ETA: We’ve got VIDEO!) Also; a new That’s Gay, Pan-Am’s gay flight, America’s highest cities, documentary exposing Afghanistan’s “boy play,” Generation Y’s debt and more!

Politics + Activism

Teens Attempt Throwing Lesbian Classmate Off Cliff on Day of Silence

Some classmates tried to push their lesbian friend off a cliff because she’s gay; but police are saying this attempted murder, committed on the day of silence, could just be a “prank gone awry.” It looks like DADT won’t be repealed in 2010, and Dan Choi’s civil disobedience got little to no mainstream news coverage. Plus, it’s harder for LGBT victims of violent crimes, Jon Stewart’s Gaywatch, and the Tories in the UK are courting gay voters.

Society + Culture

Lesbian Prom Update: Constance Suing for Damages & Westboro’s Coming to Graduation

Constance McMillen is now seeking unspecified monetary damages in her case against Itawamba High School, citing public humiliation. Even worse, Westboro Baptist Church has announced they’ll be picketing her graduation to remind everyone that dykes are ‘filthy.’ Also; more on Scott Baio’s evolving lesbian rage, Gay tourism, forced gay marriage, bisexuals aren’t gay enough, Sikhism and feminism, tv bans plus size ads, and headache fun!