
Leaked iPhone 4G Lost Then Found and Hipster Time Travel

A secret version of the unannounced next-gen iPhone 4G showed up in a bar in California and someone whisked it up and unloaded the goods to Gizmodo! Also, you have to watch this weirdly artful home movie an octopus took because it’s totally amazing. And that’s not all: a hipster shows up in a photograph from 1941, Steve Jobs gets called out and more!

Politics + Activism

Conservatives Fear Gay “Amerophobe” Supreme Court Takeover, Elena Kagan

Everyone still has many feelings about Elena Kagan & Elena Kagan’s potential sexuality and we’re here to tell you about them. Also Conservatives have A LOT of feelings about radical ‘Amerophobes’ taking over SCOTUS. Also, DADT stories get shared, bigots get invited to dinner, we’re not sure how to feel about the GOP in Massachusetts, and elderly couples are cruelly separated by the courts.

Pop Culture Fix

GLAAD Awards 2010: Famous Lesbians With Unexpected Dates. Also, Adam Lambert.

The 21st Annual GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles, California featured Wanda Sykes, Constance McMillen, Adam Lambert, Drew Barrymore, the cast of GLEE and much more! We’ve got your gallery with captions & highlights of the night — including Wanda Sykes’ wife Alex and Constance McMillen’s guest who you might recognize from October ’09’s Brave Homo Headliners.

Celebrities (Vapid Fluff)

Jillian Michaels Dates Women, Wants to Adopt: ‘Women’s Health’ Gets the Gay Story

Wheeeeeeeee it’s Sunday Funday! Jillian Michaels follows up her Ladies Home Journal bisexual reveal by telling “Women’s Health” she’s dating men & women (we’ve got full scnas!). There’s a lesbian Muffia in NYC and gay superheroes, Bollywood might have a lesbian movie someday and Gaga will be on American Idol. Also, books! And Anyone But Me!


International Record Store Day: What’s the First Record You Bought? The Last?

Remember record stores? The ones built of bricks and mortar? They didn’t disappear the day you bought your MacBook. Your local record store continue to be a pivotal part of the music landscape and to celebrate, there’s Record Store Day – an international event happening on April 17. To celebrate, we’re reminiscing about the first record we ever bought, you should too –