It’s Hey! Meet An Autostraddler & Get A Comment Award Week/Friday!
EXCERPTS ARE HARD WHEN YOU’RE TIRED. Just come get your awards and sit down.
EXCERPTS ARE HARD WHEN YOU’RE TIRED. Just come get your awards and sit down.
Zero percent of teens with lesbian parents report instances of abuse; probably this means everyone should have two moms, like Riese. Also: You can get married over Skype now, Dan Choi is eloquent on Veterans/Remembrance Day, and meeting Autostraddlers and making friends will make you happy.
OK Go are notorious for making intense(ly choreographed) music videos. Their new video for “Last Leaf” was made with burned toast. Check it out:
“Can sexual orientation be changed through conscious decision-making or therapy?”, ABC’s Nightline asks in its piece on Journey into Manhood retreats. Really? Is that still a real question?
Edith Windsor had to pay crippling estate taxes when her wife died as if they were strangers because the federal government didn’t recognize them as being married. Now she’s suing on the basis that DOMA “effectively creates a tax on being gay.” Meanwhile two other lawsuits have been filed against DOMA by a Boston-based gay advocacy group. Are lawsuits the future of the gay rights movement?
It’s not gay it’s fashion. I mean vintage. IT’S A TUMBLR.
“If you loved me then you should’ve put some cheese on it.”
Halloween is over but there’s still time to do things with pumpkins. Vegan Spiced Pumpkin Pie! Pumpkin Soup! Pumpkin Granola! Pumpkin Squares!
Hannah Williams tried to bring her girlfriend to a formal and her school principle said it would ruin her ability to meet boys. Also Obama had a gay cross-dressing nanny, and Senator Tom Duane was arrested standing up for the rights of people with HIV/AIDS.
Kurt is mad as hell about getting gay bullied all the time and he’s not gonna take it anymore. Luckily that cute boy from Hogwarts shows up and we all learn a lot of lessons, like “always say yes to the wind machine.”
Yesterday it looked like the Democrats are going to take a Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal off the bill currently in Congress because they’re tired of arguing about it. But that was before three senators tweeted their commitment to the repeal. Twitter. Yes. This is the way we live now.
Madonna adds her voice to the It Gets Better Project, Skins USA has more sneak peaks at the lez, Sue Sylvester is getting married – to a woman? and someone thinks GLAAD is a bully.
The Supreme Court has denied Lisa Miller’s appeal, which means that full custody of their daughter still belongs to her non-biological mother Janet Jenkins. Unfortunately, no one knows where Miller and Isabella are.
Brandon Bitner was fourteen and went to school in Pennsylvania and played Mario Kart with his friends and now he’s dead.
It’s a really hard life being unemployed. Here are some of the ways that I cope.
Amazing Human Gene Robinson is retiring from his post as Bishop because it’s hard out there for a gay bishop and Giant Douchebag Andrew Shirvell is getting fired from his job at the Attorney General’s Office. We’re still unemployed, btw.
Emily Haines is badass.
What color is YOUR aura?
Remember that time in your life when you listened to Oasis and ate at Sbarro? Look inside the eye of your mind, children, don’t you know you might find a better album to play.
This Sunday is extra Funday because we have VIDEOS of EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD. By which we mean Kurt and his maybe future boyfriend, sexy ninja mental asylum ladies, superawesome trans athletes, and a special surprise marine mammal. Oh also did we mention that we managed to elect 106 queers to public office? Pat yourself on the back and have a cupcake. Also Keith Olbermann is on twitter, saying things.