Issue 3

Issue 3
We asked for stories about queer lives grounded in a very specific sense of place. We got that and so much more — including the first run of what would become our legendary Queer Girl City Guides.
Queer Girl City Guide: Montreal, Canada
“I envision Montréal as some sexy androgyne character with a sweet moustache and a pair of lacy panties.”
Playlist: Just A Girl In The World
Songs about places. So many places to sing about, like Ohio and Carolina and Georgia and London and Nashville and New Orleans and New York and California and you’ll see! Just listen to it.
Queer Girl City Guide: Portland, Oregon
“And yes, every day in this Queer Mecca is like an episode of Portlandia.”
Queer Girl City Guide: Brighton, UK
“It’s the Peter Pan of cities.”
Oh, But To Be A Queer In Sicily
When the water is turquoise and the sun is out and the coastline is spectacular, politics don’t seem necessary.
Queer Girl City Guide: Seattle, Washington
It rains a lot here, which means the girls are extra wet.
One Girl, One Unicorn: A Truly Epic Guide to Washington DC
Washington DC through the eyes of a hyper-social resident and her pet unicorn.
Here/Queer: Sydney Mardi Gras Is On Your To-Do List
Highlights from Sydney Mardi Gras and Crystal takes you to Australia’s largest girl party, GiRLTHING!
Queer Girl City Guide: Spokane, Washington
A beautiful city with the best name for an LGBT organization you’ve heard all year.
Queer Girl City Guide: Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland ROCKS!
Madison, WI: Home of Entertainment By and For Lesbians
“Madison has a great history of creative women… So when we saw all the great events they were putting on, we wanted to do that, too.”
Queer Girl City Guide: Dublin, Ireland
It’s a little village, but it’s got a whole lot of gay per square kilometer.
Queer Girl City Guide: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
If you can handle the rain, you’ll be handsomely rewarded by my beloved hometown of Vancouver, one of the gay-friendliest cities in Canada!
Here/Queer: Things We Wrote That You Loved
Let’s take a trip back in time to Bali, Michigan, Nigeria, New Orleans, New York and many other fine fine locales.
Here/Queer: Boogie Down Bronx Edition
Here’s a DIY guide to enjoying a queerified Bronx.
Queer Girl City Guide: Columbus, Ohio
Ohio’s capital city (and the third largest city in the Midwest) has everything you’d ever need, including the world’s best ice cream, one of the country’s largest universities, and a hoppin’ LGBTQ scene.
Queer Girl City Guide: Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Fe through the eyes of a recent transplant.
Here/Queer: Four Women – A Lyrical, Lustful Tour of Oxford
Meet four trusty, lusty ladies to guide you through Oxford!
Get Baked: Australian Edition
None of these recipes use Vegemite.
Here/Queer: Brooklyn Under the Radar
A handy list of queer and queer-friendly parties, places, and neighborhoods to keep you busy all week long!
Queer Girl City Guide: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albuquerque: hard to pronounce, impossible to spell, easy to love.
Everything Happens Elsewhere: Northern Ireland in the Nineties
“Things seemed so big out there and we were just waiting for life to begin properly. I felt electric with anticipation.”
Here/Queer: Ann Arbor, My Bubble and Native Land
I was so lucky to grow up in Ann Arbor, but now I’m afraid I’ll never leave.
Going Mad in New York City
“I feel like yelling at people,” she told me. I didn’t really grasp then that she meant that. This was the very first time. This was the day after Easter.
Get Baked: Here/Queer Edition
With recipes for vegan Cincinnati Chili, Australian Fairy Bread and Puerto Rican Tostones!
Queer Harlem: From LGBT Icons of the Harlem Renaissance to Invisible Me
Even when someone doesn’t know the range of the artistic revolution that was the Harlem Renaissance, they know the name. They know writers like Claude Mckay or singers like Ethel Waters but they may not know them as Queer Black Americans. Why is this?
Here/Queer: Two Years as a Lesbian Expat in South Korea
“Within the violence of invisibility there was also a sense of liberation and expansiveness, like we could just make everything up as we go along.”
A Love Letter To Savannah’s Past, Present and Future
Cities wanna be her.
Queer Girl City Guide: Boston, MA
From “Boston Marriages” to Second Saturdays at Machine, the Boston area has always been kind to the Sapphicly inclined.
Queer Girl City Guide: Manhattan is The New Manhattan
Manhattan is a very good place to be a girl who likes girls.
28 Books About Gay Geography That’ll Take You On Journeys Through Time and Place
If you like lesbian history as much as I do, then you’ll love all these books about queer life in various towns, states, cities and countries. Your input is welcome!