• Judge asks: ‘How Does Gay Marriage Affect Conventional Unions?,’ Stumps Anti-Equality Lawyer

    California judge dares to ask anti-equality lawyer how exactly gay marriage will affect opposite marriage. Another Prop 8 Crusader says the effect on him is being seen as a bigot for doing bigoted things. Also; Maine Update, Mormon squabbles, SECULAR SABOTAGE and … teletubbies?

  • Alex’s Team Pick: Fox News’ Prop 8 Poll Needs Your Queer Voice (says us)

    Ahh Fox News and their polls. Let’s use our POWER OF THE INTERNET to really make our voices heard. Go here and vote “yes” (or really vote however you’d like, but I’m assuming you’ll pick ‘yes’?) Here’s the poll: Did Judge Make Right Call In Gay Marriage Case? Yes — Prop. 8 violates the Constitution. […]

  • Judge Will Decide Prop 8 Trial Today, Supporters Unleash Homophobia Early

    Judge Walker will announce his decision this afternoon, so check back with us! Also, Prop 8 supporters are already trying to prevent even the chance of gays getting married, should Vaughn overrule Prop 8.

  • Prop 8 Overturned: Top 10 Smackdowns & Affirmations From Judge Walker’s 138-Page Decision

    Did you read the Prop 8 Trial recaps? Even if you didn’t, you’ll LOVE the highlights from this 138-page ruling, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted to hear w/r/t your rights and the other side’s ridiculousness. Riese let me write this post because it’s easier than you reading the whole thing and cheaper than me going to therapy.

  • California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Loves Gay People, Wants Them Married ASAP

    On Friday afternoon something special happened: Republican Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he thinks gay people should be allowed to get married right now! Not everybody agrees with him, though.

  • Guess Who’s Gay? Judge Walker of the Prop 8 Same-Sex Marriage Trial!

    Judge Vaughn Walker, presiding over the Prop 8 Trial, is a homo! We loved him so much already, this is really just the icing on his homo-cake. Also: should gay cruises visit homophobic ports, New Orleans celebration, gays in schools, sex ed, gender disparity on college campuses and the real Tim Tebow ad!

  • Why Activist Judges Are A [Gay] Girl’s Best Friend, and That’s Okay

    This weekend, a district judge in Arizona reversed a ruling that would have denied domestic partner benefits to the gays and lesbians of the entire state. In honor of his decision, we investigate what exactly an activist judge is, and why they make us feel so warm and fuzzy.

  • Obama to DADT Activists: I’m On Task, Don’t Yell!

    GetEqual interrupts Obama’s speech, again. Closing arguments for the Prop 8 trial will be heard on June 16, but will there be cameras? Also, a behind-the-scenes look at trans rights advocacy in Washington, Clayton McKleskey of The Dallas Morning News wants to know if we can stop talking about gay stuff yet, and more on college courses on gay marriage (or, as we like to call it, ‘marriage’).

  • Prop 8 Trial Resumes Today With 100 Questions

    Judge Walker will begin hearing closing arguments in the Prop 8 trial today. Oh, and the Prop 8 supporters are going to ask him to expand the reach of the ban. Catch yourself up so we can process everything tomorrow!

  • Dear Prop 8 Gays & Anti-Gays, Judge Walker Has Some Questions For You Now.

    Judge Walker released NINE PAGES of critical thinking questions about the arguments in the Prop 8 trial. Closing arguments start in a week! Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga were pardoned last week and now Steven seeks a “normal life” with a new girlfriend. Also, White House on DADT and MORMONS ARE GETTING SUED for failure to disclose its Prop 8 contributions.

  • We’ll Always Have Prop 8 I Mean Paris: Goodbye, Judge Walker

    Judge Walker, our collective judicial heartthrob, has announced that he’ll be leaving the bench at the end of this year in a decision he says has nothing to do with Proposition 8.

  • Judge Walker and the Comeback Kids: How the Gays Beat Prop 8

    By now you’ve probably heard about Prop 8, right? You’ve probably raised a glass or shed a tear or hugged a puppy, maybe you even told your mom. Wondering what it really means and what’s next? Well good news! Everyone’s favorite resident law expert, Autostraddle Legal Correspondent Jessica is here to explain the ins and outs of the ruling so you can know exactly what to say when you’re gloating to your smack-talking relatives on facebook.

  • It’s OK to Hate Gays: Exodus International Counters GLSEN’s Tolerance Campaign

    Exodus International counters GLSEN’s message of tolerance with the “day of truth.” Health care is changing in NY and marriage recognition is changing in MD; Miss Beverly Hills is just as bitchy but not as pretty as Carrie Prejean, and the NAACP’s feelings about gay marriage could be maybe on the way to changing. Stuff might be happening again with the Prop 8 trial, people in the Netherlands are protesting the Catholic Church’s exclusion of gays, because obvs Jesus would love to go to your gay wedding.

  • In Other Gay News: DADT Discharge Who Didn’t Tell, Why H8ers are Surprised by Verdict

    Rachel Maddow is getting tired of waiting for this Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal, and she wants President Obama to know it. Also, Target’s still not back in gays’ good graces, the future of Prop 8 and musings on the reasons why the h8ers hated the trial so much, as well as an alert on the latest crazed commie pinko homosexual Obama appointee who will bring the end times upon us.

  • Anti-Gays Evading Court Custody Orders, Opposing Gay Siblings, Loving Hypocrisy

    The hypocrisy is thick today! Plus, Gay marriage is dead in the water in New Jersey (surprise!) but safe in Iowa. Annise Parker was sworn in as mayor of Houston. California will vote on marijuana legalization soon.

  • Queer the Census: Be Counted or Pay the Price, Homos.

    Get a sticker and queer the census, or go without education and health care. Just saying, it’s up to you. Patraeus says the time has come to repeal DADT. Also; just like kids in middle school, more and more seniors are daring to come out as queer or trans. Even more legal analysis of the Prop 8 trial and what it all means! Plus, a lesbian couple was granted a marriage license in CA because of regressive gender laws, and you can get married at Mt. Everest!

  • Prop 8 Trial is Over, We Obviously Won, Just Waiting for Confirmation on That

    We recap last night’s press conference on the Prop 8 Trial’s closing arguments and affirm our personal feeling that we’ve got this sh*t in the bag, amirite? Also; Stonewall Uprising, Boy Scouts still hate gays, Rachel Maddow on the oil spill and lesbians raise better kids.

  • The Prop 8 Revolution Will Be Televised – On YouTube

    Why the plan to televise the Prop 8 Trial on YouTube is BRILL. A round-up of reactions to New Jersey’s vote-down of same-sex marriage (“an absolute disgrace”), Portugal legalizes same-sex marriage, Glenn Beck says “African-American” is a made-up word!

  • Gay NOH8 Photographer Adam Bouska: The Autostraddle Interview

    NOH8 Campaign photographer Adam Bouska talks to us about the night it all began, his surprise engagement to partner [and NOH8 visionary Jeff Parshley], his dream celebrities to shoot, why the hell Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert haven’t posed yet, backlash from the anti-gay contingent, and gearing up for the hot & sweaty Dinah Shore open shoot later this month.

  • 10 Best and 10 Worst Gay Happenings of 2009

    Here’s our roundup of the biggest, best, and worst events for gay people in 2009.