• Who’s Coming Out in People Magazine May 5th?

    Which celebrity is getting ready to come out to People Magazine, Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson face-spitting, Adam Lambert is going on tour, and Megan Mullally talks Sean Hayes’ coming out and going on tour as her Will & Grace character.

  • Miley Cyrus Kissed A Girl, No One Liked It

    Did you hear Miley Cyrus kissed a girl? Did you care? Anna Paquin says she’s always been bi, where were you, NYTimes looks at why men’s approval of gays has SKYROCKETED over the last four years while women have always been cool with it, Constance is getting a sweet benefit concert, Lilo is making friends, KStew says she’s sorry, Shit My Dad Says is coming to a TV near you. Also, don’t miss AfterEllen’s guide to DIY Pride, and watch the lolworthy WBC videos if you can stomach it!

  • Lindsay Lohan’s New Girlfriend? (UPDATE: Not?) Shared Interests Include ‘Art,’ ‘Meaning of Life.’

    Does Lindsay Lohan have a new girlfriend? 36-year-old photographer Indrani — a Princeton graduate, photographer and upcoming co-star of Bravo TV show “Exposure” — has reportedly been going on dates with LiLo, being a good influence oh and also discussing art and the meaning of life. This would put Lindsay Lohan on the short-list of bisexual Hollywood starlets who have publicly dated more than one woman.

  • Adam Lambert Headlines GLAAD Awards: Big Gay Events Booking Big Queer Stars

    Adam Lambert, previously criticized for allegedly not being down with gay media, is totally doing the gay media awards, y’all! Lady Gaga at the HRC, DJ Samantha Ronson & Ke$ha at Dinah Shore — something’s changing! Also; Tila Tequila, Nicki Minaj, glaad likes Ricky Martin & pro wrestling’s new bisexual.

  • Rihanna’s Lesbosexy “Te Amo” Video Will F*cking Tease You, You’ll Like It

    Rihanna has a girl-on-girl video too y’all! Speaking of videos, Kristen Stewart & The Muppets have new ones too. Also, Lambda Lit award-winners announced, The Real Girls Guide to Everything Else on NPR, Chely Wright at the GLSEN RESPECT awards, how musicians are protesting Arizona, Lady Gaga’s health, and lesbian vampires!

  • Glee, Glambert, Maddow, Big Gay Sketch Show: Verdict on TV’s Gayest Night Ever?

    Teevee came out of the closet last night and was SUPER gay. We count down all the reasons why. Plus, the US of Tara features the most non-event coming out ever, Jennifer Knapp is a cute lesbian who used to sing Christian music, hating Twilight is so last year, and House’s Thirteen talks about bisexuality.

  • Chely Wright on Ellen: Why We Love Watching Out Celebs Meet Ellen DeGeneres

    Chely Wright was interviewed last week on Ellen, gets teary, talks about Ellen’s Mom, and we take a look at why Ellen’s show has been so important for out celebs, and why Ellen, like Oprah, succeeds because of her “outsider” status, not in spite of it. Everyone is having a fabulous time this Sunday Funday! Librarians are covering Lady Gaga songs while she’s hanging around British pubs, Neil Patrick Harris is surprising his boyfriend with awesome parties, a brief gay pride parade happens successfully in Moscow, the “first modern lesbian” will get her time in the spotlight, and Gawker would like to talk to you about prescription medication.

  • Lindsay Lohan’s PR Machine De-Gays Lesbian Relationship with Sam

    Bisexual Lindsay Lohan wants to get back together with Sam, but is now sticking to the “Sam is the only girl I ever liked” storyline. We know it’s just a story, but we explain why it matters that they’re making her tell it. Gaga exemplifies the modern age with her stardom. Natalie Portman is working on a female stoner comedy. Oh, and we shamelessly ask you to vote for us in some contests!

  • Hollywood Loves Gay Men & Teens, Just Ask “The Marriage Ref”

    Not since the dawn of Rickie Vasquez & Will Truman have gay men been so loved by Hollywood. It’s fine, ladies have tampons and performance art. Also; A new teaser for Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono’s We Have to Stop Now, Glee on Oprah, & Prop 8 Films’ gay marriage documentary ‘Till Death Do Us Part.’

  • GLEE: Brittany & Santana Aren’t Gonna Fall in Love, Become Girlfriends

    Adam Lambert’s got tour dates OMG OMG OMG! Tegan & Sara have a new video where they shop at the store, Ke$ha is done with boys boys boys, Lady Gaga a capella, Sarah McLachlan talks “no label” sexuality, Candy Slice Girls are funny!

  • Megapost: Kristen Stewart’s Rep, Lohan’s Future, Queen Latifah’s New Show, Et Al

    Basically everyone we ever talk about is in this post. Lindsay Lohan’s new role & good behavior, Santana on the future of Brittana, Gaga does Alejandro on American Idol, Kristen Stewart defends her reputation for not giving a shit, Queen Latifah is writing a girl power scripted show for VH1, James Franco skirts the gay issue, new trailer for Machete starring Lindsay Lohan & Michelle Rodriguez, Ellen apologizes for offending the iPhone, and new PSA for Prop 8 Films.

  • Lady Gaga Headlines Lollapalooza, Ellen “Hijacks” Idol & Maddow Does “People”

    Ellen DeGeneres has a secret lesbian agenda and we never even noticed! Lady Gaga is headlining Lollapalooza, and Rachel Maddow & Susan let People Magazine into their home. Also; Wanda Sykes’ Erykah Badu parody, Jane Lynch’s wife, GLEE performance vid, Anyone But Me on DVD, and Rihanna-Nicki Minaj-Ke$ha go on tour.

  • Glee Guide: Glee Returns With Extra Gay, Gaga, Madonna and Britanna

    Tomorrow GLEE premieres and we have everything you need to prepare: photoshoots, air-dates, guest stars, episode summaries, musical numbers, sneak peeks, interviews about our favorite bi-curious duo Brittany & Santana, a rundown of exactly how gay GLEE is and photos of the Lady Gaga bubble dress. Rachael Hip-Flores of Anyone But Me picks up a Streamy Award, Oprah’s unauthorized bio & Coronation Street’s first lesbian kiss draws big audiences.

  • Lady Gaga Announces New US Tour Dates, Has Basically Taken Over the Internet Today

    Heaps of Lady Gaga News (including the identity of that girl she’s making out with), Adam Lambert in flaunt magazine, GLEE spoilers from the Paley Inside Media sessions, Suzanne Westenheoffer is interviewed about being a really funny lesbian, Joyce Carol Oates wins an award, AfterEllen’s Top 50 Lez/Bi Characters, lesbian kicked off Celebrity Apprentice & moar!

  • Who’s Coming Out May 5th in People Mag? We Think We Know.

    It’s been a week since we first weighed in on “Who’s coming out May 5th in People Magazine?” and now basically the entire internet has an opinion on Who Will Be America’s Next Top Gay or Lesbian Superstar. If you wanna win the coming out office pool, put your money where ours is — on a country music singer hitting the road with tears, lies and alibis.

  • Lady Gaga: We’re Born Gay & Homosexiness is Telephone’s Most Bestest Aspect

    Constance McMillen is on the Ellen Show and we’ve got video! Lady Gaga talks to an Australian radio show about “Telephone” and exhaustion (and the podcast is advertised as her “gay revelation”?) Also; Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning are adorbs, The Lost Boys, Joss Whedon fans’ sex advice, pretty ugly girls, slut-shaming McGee and A Wrinkle in Time.

  • Weekly Music Fix: Broken Social Scene, Laura Veirs, Gorillaz, and More!

    Broken Social Scene releases a new single, Laura Veirs is (still) cute, the Gorillaz are back with an album, and so much more!

  • Kristen Stewart’s Sundance Interviews: Hoodie-Enabled Nervousness Endears Us More

    Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning go to The Runaways premiere in Sundance, the media reviews the movie and Cherie Currie gives the deets on her and Joan Jett’s actual lesbionic sexual experiences. LESBIAN SEXUAL EXPERIENCES you guys. Also: Tegan & Sara preview, the week in gay tv, the Lynch is getting married, Amber Rose has issues and The Muppets are not conservative!

  • Lindsay Lohan & SamRo Seen in Same Location: Now That’s Change We Can Believe In

    Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson were spotted in the same location, which means they’ll probs reunite any minute now! Celebs including Ruby Rose gather in Sydney, Australia to support Wear it With Pride. Could a LiLo/Gaga duet be on the horizon? Glambert turned 28 this weekend! Plus, we’ve got a hot video of Amber Rose, Liza Weil will be on Anyone But Me, RuPaul thinks Gaga is awesome, and Stephen Baldwin is an asshole who supports his gay friends… who follow the lord back into heteroville.

  • Showtime Likes Girls But HBO Prefers Twentysomething Bro-Gangs

    Jezebel has noticed that all of HBO’s new shows are total sausagefests. We’ve noticed Showtime loves ladies. Do you care? Also; Lindsay Lohan auctions herself off, Christina Hendricks, Jillian Michaels, Beezus & Ramona film