Stuff You Should Know: ANTM’s Lesbian, Johnny Weir’s Weirdisms, Harry Potter 101, Lohan’s Career


There’s a lesbian Hooters waitress on America’s Next Top Model‘s new season! She lives with her girlfriend but hopefully they have an open relationship so she can convert some of her housemates just for funsies:


In a post that took the photos of Natalie Portman‘s kissing Mila Kunis in Black Swan out of context and posted them all over the internet, Showbiz Spy quoted Natalie Portman as saying:

Nudity is something absolutely natural and I’m not prudish — but in a film it can be distracting,” she said. “Doing Black Swan I couldn’t say no. The project is a huge opportunity for me to show a new me. I can’t always play the nice mothers. My other problem is that single pictures are being taken out of context and put on the internet.”


Your Marxist-feminist prayers have been answered, worker bees – somebody has finally thought to fill the gaping void in Marx-Engels historical homo slashfic. Now if somebody would please write about a steamy afternoon tea between Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville West, our dreams would be realized.


Alex read the Johnny Weir interview in New York Magazine and wanted to share her favorite quotes from it. But then Jezebel beat us to it. That’s okay! Here are our favorite excerpts anyway:

“I don’t need anyone for anything. I can have sex with myself, I can love myself, I can do all those things myself.”

“I would marry a woman. I very well could. People laugh at me, but why is that so funny? I love women. My whole stance is that I just want people to react to who I am, I don’t want people to react to what I am.”

“Girrrrrrrrrrl! GURL.”

“I’m not saying I’m gay, bisexual, multisexual, transsexual. I’m just me. And tomorrow if I want to marry a man, I’ll marry a man.
If I want to marry a woman, I’ll marry a woman. It’s not categorizing.
It’s not a box.”

“The importance that people place on me not having
[a sexual partner is] irrelevant to me. It’s very old school.
When you put people in boxes you take away a lot of who that person is. How many gay men do we know who [seem straight] but they get classified in the same box as somebody who’s a drag queen?
It’s void. It’s not real.
I filled out my census form and I wrote down that I was a Pacific Islander because yes, I’m white, but why is that important? Why is anything important?”

Basically, as a public figure his approach to his sexuality is refreshing, and sometimes he talks the crazy, and we love him for all of it.


As further proof that magic is real, Durham University in England is offering the UK’s first-ever course on Harry Potter as part of a BA in Education Studies. Harry Potter and the Age of Illusion will explore “the world of rituals, prejudice and intolerance in the classroom, bullying, friendship and solidarity and the ideals of good citizenship.” Maybe some slashfic writers will take that class and they’ll talk about this.


Did you know that Ann Coulter is headlining a gay Conservative conference called Homocon 2010? We’re shocked you don’t have your tickets already. As a result of her decision to fraternize with fellow self-loathers, Coulter’s own employer, WorldNetDaily, has dropped her from its upcoming conference because by then she’ll probably have AIDS.


Celebrity gossip blog TheFABlife doesn’t know how to feel about the invasiveness of recently-published paparazzi photos of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart making out at a Montreal house party, and raises some interesting questions about when we feel like it’s okay to look. More to the point, that same weekend it was Pride in Montreal – coincidence???


The Hollywood Reporter is speculating that Lindsay Lohan could receive up to $1 million for her first post-prison interview, possibly with Ok! magazine! Little do they know, big-in-Japan ladygay website is actually paying ONE MILLION DOLLARS for the exclusive opportunity to talk to Lindsay Lohan about how mean those girls in prison were. Thanks for donating!


Hipster writer Tao Lin recently had dinner with the New York Observer and the resulting piece is written entirely in Lin’s style. Autostraddle read the article and felt amused.


Comedian and fag hag Kathy Griffin recently spoke out on Larry King about gay marriage and you can watch it here and feel happy about something maybe!

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  1. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for lesbian-hooters-waitresses-gone-nearly-naked-model types, but this season of ANTM I am all about that Rhianna girl.

    When asked what she would take if she were stranded on a desert island? She said “magic.”


    • You and my younger brother! I mean, I love/know a lot, but he remembers like every minute detail from every book. It’s insane.

  2. Johnny Weird, stop fucking up the census! Christ.

    They called me to verify my census a few days ago and I hard the most difficult time trying to figure out how to categorize Kelsey as an entity that sleeps at my house and also at her house, where I also sleep. I think “homodrifter” should be a category.

    I did a lot of yelling about Ann Coulter yesterday, but somehow managed not to get kicked out of my house. Weird!

  3. Those pictures that are supposedly of KStew and Pattinson are the worst quality.
    I’m still holding out hope for her.

  4. Same. She’s at least got to be bisexual. And didnt he say once in an interview he was allergic to vaginas? Together make one straight person at best. I do get a kick out of the guy just creepin’ in the back of those pics though.

  5. I’d feel weird saying she should’nt have been outside if she didn’t want those pictures taken, because beeing at someone’s private residence is already pretty darn private. It was probably the best time to do anything in public, I guess, seeing as most people were downtown.

  6. What worries me the most about that Harry/Draco picture is that when I clicked on the link, I already knew what it was going to be. And yet I clicked anyway.

  7. Gay conservative here. Actually, I’m not a self-loather (only when I’m wearing a certain dress that always makes me feel fat, and then that’s just a good incentive to go work out), and I’m pretty offended that you’d characterize the lot of us (gay conservatives) as self-loathers. I don’t see what’s particularly incompatible about being gay and holding conservative principles such as limited government (including limiting the government’s rights to prevent us from marrying whoever we want!), limited spending (so we have enough money to throw the gala bash that our girlfriends want the wedding to be), and limited political intervention in everything. I sign the petitions, I protest on behalf of gay marriage- but not because I want to be political. I want to live in a world where walking down the street holding my girlfriend’s hand is NOT a political statement.

    • I totally agree, i actually had never heard of GoProud before but looking through it, i am really happy it exists. My brother who is also bi, loves Ann Coulter so i am going to go call him and let him know about this. I am pretty sure he will squeal like a little girl.

    • I see what you’re saying. I think the problem is in conflating uber-social conservatism & the kind of aggressive gov’t expansionism/imperialist leanings of our dearly departed g.bush with the kind of purer (or more historically relevant?) tenets of conservatism like a free market, limited federal authority, etc. I guess the right is particularly complicated right now, so it’s all getting the bad rap for you know, all that vitriol and bullshit that keeps us gays from our inalienable rights. we just need better, more articulable nuanced political identities that aren’t squashed all the time by our two party system. squash squash squash.

  8. I wanted to appreciate the existence of GoProud, but their decision to have Ann Coulter speak is just infinitely problematic. I’d like to think that it’s just smart exposure for a group that might not have a whole lot of visibility, but yeah…I can’t reconcile it. Remember when she called John Edwards a faggot? I mean, she’s obviously a laughable caricature who goes to sleep under a quilt made of sewn-together one hundred dollar bills, but still a dangerous one for fucking morons to adopt as their patron saint.

  9. What? Gay republicans?
    There is still a not so small part of the party that wants to send gays to reeducation camps. But i guess money and shit is more important then civil rights.

  10. I would like to let Johnny know that if he does, in fact, decide to marry a woman, my ring finger is open to his innumerable fur-covered charms. I’m not exactly sure how to go about this, but somehow I sense tweeting him this information is not the way to go.

    • Um I think by ‘a woman’ he meant me. So get in line Sasha, you can have him when I’m done.

  11. I’m starting at Durham university this October and I am definitely going to take the Harry Potter course. Pretty much everyone I know is super jealous.

  12. She has a progressive loose disk because of “extreme soccer playing”?

    More like from extreme muff diving!! AMIRITE? High fives and chest bumps all around!

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