TV News & Trailers

Daily Fix: The GLAAD Network Responsibility Index Makes Us Do Math to Uncover its Most Shocking Statistic (Lezwhat?)

Methodology: For GLAAD’s third annual report, we divided our analysis of reports into two sections (network & cable) and found neither section provided statistics that specifically addressed lesbian, gay and transgender characters as independent groups, therefore requiring us to read every word to get some info about the ladies. We suspect this decision was made because lumping gays, lesbians, transpeople and bisexuals together makes it less depressing.

Politics + Activism

Evangelicals, Rapists, Tramps & Thieves: Why Anti-Gay Leaders Love to Sin, Are the Sinners

Evangelical Christians, televangelists and other conservative religious leaders have been convicted of rape, sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, rape as an accomplice, polygamy, infidelity, solicitation of male and female prostitutes, incest, sexual conduct with minors, taking indecent liberties with young boys and … stealing a sex toy from a woman’s home. Yet the ball’s still in their court. Why is that?

Issues LGBT History

The Lesbian Avengers – Time to Seize the Power & Be the Bomb You Throw!

“In my years with the Minneapolis Lesbian Avengers, we defaced anti-choice billboards, participated in visibility actions at schools, constructed a giant paper machè bomb piñata filled with lube and dental dams, helped plan the first of many Dyke Marches, designed and built a boat out of milk cartons for the Aquatennial Milk Carton Boat Race (dubbed The “Lez Boat” and pronounced with a hard “z” – no mystery there) and ate fire on countless occasions.”