• Weekend Fix-Team Hangover Will Attempt to Entertain You

    Everyone in the world loves Portia, the Lesbian Exploratorium Project has created an exhibit on “Genderplay in Lesbian Culture,” and Katy Perry and Ellen DeGeneres performed a duet together? Really?

  • That’s One Tall Woman

    Obama, Tallahassee, and Judge Judy all love the gays, Tyra Banks is creeping us out, and Stef has great new music picks.

  • She’s Done it Again, She’s Managed It – The L Word, Like the Cat, Has Nine Times to Die

    But we fell in love with these characters in 2004 not because they self-mutilated or had fancy jobs on movie sets or had stalker/assistants or appeared on billboards; we loved them because they reminded us of us … just hotter, and living in West Hollywood. It was like our lives but burning a little brighter, and sexier, and richer … like most teevee shows are.

  • Beat on the Street: SXSW Captain’s Log #2

    Stef’s suitcase finally arrived! She saw Devo and Amanda Palmer and Margaret F*cking Cho! Amanda asks if maybe internet silence is going to be the new punk for musical artists, and later barks like a dog at Margaret Cho.

  • Hesta Prynn on Northern State and her new Solo Project – Beat on the Street

    When we here at Autostraddle HQ heard that Hesta Prynn (alias Julie Potash) was among the illustrious performers at SXSW 2009, we knew immediately that she’d be a perfect candidate for our first Beat on the Street interview.

  • There’s Something About Jenny[s] – Why Killing Jenny is Killing All of Us

    Jenny stayed controversial ’cause her behavior didn’t demand universal like or dislike, and the dislike it prompted was real. Bette & Tina’s relationship does that too — there’s been interesting cases on both sides throughout the show’s run, often influenced by how much you personally relate and your feelings on monogamy, CORE values, etc.. Like Jenny, we consider Bette & Tina with nuance and personal subjectivity.

  • Season Five – Recaps, Rants & Round-Ups

    This is really the only episode guide you need to find the Season Five recap you’re looking for. We could provide you with real episode summaries like everyone else. But what does “Jodi and Bette fail to see eye-to-eye” really mean? It means STIR-FRY SEX, obvs! Plot points Shmot points, we watch this show for […]

  • The L Word Premiere Party: Cocacabana

    Autostraddle’s own Riese, Natalie, and Haviland went to The L Word season 4 premiere party. You should check out their adorable little code for “inappropriate.”

  • Beat on the Street Meets the Thunder Down Under: Crystal & Stef Do This Week in Music

    Crystal from Australia & Stef’s Beat on the Street team up to bring you this week in music, with lots of secrets too.

  • The L Word Episode 511 Recap: Lunar Cycle

    Things that suck: when you and your girlfriend accidentally wear the same outfit, when everyone has PMS, trying to break up with a girlfriend who refuses to be broken up with, getting blackmailed, meeting a cute girl when you already have a perfectly nice girlfriend, etc. It’s all right here, girls.

  • Autostraddle Roundtable: Last Night a DJ Saved My Life

    Because we’ve been serious at the Roundtable for the last two weeks, we went easy on ourselves this week and asked what song makes you jump up and scream OMG THIS IS MY JAM! at the club? You know, the club? Where all the girls go to get down?

  • Crystal-On-DeAnne Smith – Queer “Last Comic Standing” Alum Lacks Focus, Has Shiny Hair

    DeAnne Smith, a New York native who lives in Montreal, is a superstar comedian who is currently amassing many awards and honors that you may not have heard of [it’s not a Nobel] but are nevertheless important and indicative of fame and stardom. She has appeared on NBC’s Last Comic Standing and in the “Just for Laughs” Comedy Festival.

  • RECAP of “The Who Killed Jenny Show.”

    The most telling part of this whole she-bang is the ominous “Jenny Schecter 2002-2008″ graphic that concludes the program. Not only does it imply that Mia looks hella old for a 6-year-old, it also serves to remind us that life begins and ends in the hands of our Creator, the Lord Above, Her Majesty Chief Alaskan Protection Community Coordinator Princess of the Lesbian Universe of All Peoples. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

  • Carlytron Talks Tech and the Life of a Lady-Nerd & Apple Enthusiast

    Carly loves robots! But is creeped out by talking iPods. The iPhone 3.0 has fantastic features (what does landscape mode even do? probably something great), and you can make your voice into a waveform bracelet!

  • The Last L Word Recap: Episode 608, “Last Word”

    Talk about NOT ending with a bang. Really IFC, it’s one thing to weigh down your show’s sixth season with an endless parade of unnecessary melodramatic plot devices — a murder, a pregnant man, a stolen film, a botched adoption from homophobic out-of-towners, two out-of-the-blue love triangles — and quite another thing to, when the season ends, not even “use” these devices to infuse the series finale with aforementioned melodrama.

  • The L Word Episode 604 Recap: Leaving Los Angeles

    This L Word recap was originally published on Riese’s personal L Word recap blog in early 2009, before the Autostraddle YOU know and love got invented! It has been republished here for your viewing delight, but there may be messed up formatting and missing pictures. Remember last week when I said that I wanted 603 to […]

  • 55 Reasons Why Recapping Episode 608 of The L Word is Driving Me Crazy

    Because every single scene is so jam-packed with these nitpickable problems, technical errors, logistical disasters and blatant inconsistencies — ignoring them is maddening … and writing about them is exhausting. It’s making me crazier than Jenny could ever be … and so I must vent.

  • No Limits (For Real!): British Import Sugar Rush Comes to America

    It’s not a revolution … but it’s solid. It’s sweet, it’s snappy, it’s clever, smart, delicious. It gets away with things American teevee shows never try for. It’s everything television should be.

  • Now What?: An Intro to Green, the DIY Movement and Handmade Nation

    Meet Green & get the scoop on her AS column “Now What,” where she’ll bring you DIY Culture, crafting, flippin’ sweet interviews, recipes, book reviews, run-on sentences & hyperlinkage out the whazoo!

  • The L Word Episode 512 Recap: Loyal and True

    Someone just let Angelica honk the horn. already because shit is going DOWN in the season finale. Phyllis, Jodi, and Adele want it their way and Shane’s fucking [it all up] again but at least Helena and her money are here to save The Planet. Because where would be be without The Planet?