• Uncool High Schools: Constance McMillen Transfers, Kern Votes Against Harvey Milk Day

    Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.

  • Transpeople, Ewoks, Dolly Parton: It’s All The Same to Bill O’Reilly

    Now that American Eagle staffers don’t have to choose “gender-specific” outfits, what’s to stop them from DRESSING LIKE EWOKS? Lawyers think George Rekers gay sex controversy could call his past expert witness testimony into question. Why aren’t we talking about the sex lives of the white male Supreme Court Justices? Plus, how parents deal with Glee, how to be a good beard, and racism in beauty pageants.

  • Gay Best Friends Named Prom King & Queen, Are The Future

    Two gay best friends won prom king & queen by a landslide, American Apparel gets shadier by the minute, Judy Shepard’s memoir deemed “homophobic” in the Bible Belt – WTF, Pride dos and don’ts. We bring you an unfortunately non-Alex Vega Lady Gaga recap, and exciting news for celesbian chef Cat Cora, as well as a new lesbian indie film.

  • Who the F*ck Are Those Anonymous Internet Commenters, Anyway?

    The Boston Globe takes an in-depth look at anonymous internet commenters and clearly we have some feelings re: this. Also, Samoan culture has a third gender for trans women, Target accidentally got into the business of fascism, French law seems to love gender policing, more on the documentary 8: The Mormon Proposition, and there’s a new Bollywood film about Hitler?

  • Is Facebook Helping the Gay Rights Movement by Outing You?

    Newsweek has a new article about gay people! This time, a new writer wonders if facebook might change the ACTUAL FACE of gay America? Also, Margaret Cho on Rue McClanahan, lesbian newlyweds are the first in the New York Times Vows video series, Dutch airline denies gay flight attendants request to not stay in Iran and South Africa’s only lesbian soccer team.

  • GLAAD Asks Newsweek for Apology (Though This Isn’t Its First Anti-Gay Offense)

    GLAAD asks Newsweek for apology over Seetodeh’s gays-can’t-play-straight piece! Why do we still care? Because, believe it or not, this isn’t even the worst thing he’s written about gay people for Newsweek, just look at the victim-blaming hate-crime cover story! Anti-DADT empirical research is on YouTube and they’re dancing, Happiness without perfection, what your server is thinking about your date, and a Catholic university isn’t hiring a lesbian.

  • The Nightmare of Rape on College Campuses

    An article about one woman’s experience of the aftermath of rape sheds light on a problem on college campuses nationwide. Plus, does prom even matter, Ellen maybe ruined AI, people who shop at Whole Foods are thin because they have money, and watch the trailer for Kiana Firouz’s controversial movie.

  • Is Jennifer Knapp the Brave Christian Lesbian We’ve Been Waiting For? (Larry King VIDEO)

    A full video of Jennifer Knapp’s appearance on Larry King Live is out — will Jennifer Knapp be the one to show Gay & Christian are not mutually exclusive? And when did Ted Haggard stop being an asshat and start being bearable? Rosie makes our little gay hearts feel full of love, Archie Comics are getting a new gay in Riverdale, Will Phillips is the cutest recipient of a television journalism award in the history of television journalism, and there’s a new name in media aimed at Muslim women. And hey, have you made a video for Be Queer, Buy Queer yet? If not, make moves!

  • Lesbian Forced to Pay Back $80K ROTC Scholarship. But Shouldn’t Pride be Priceless?

    Sara Isaacson came to school on her ROTC scholarship before she realized she was a lesbian. But coming out has cost her $80,000 — ROTC wants her money back. In 2002, the same thing happened to a girl that I once knew — who I learned today is still fighting against DADT in unexpected ways. A look at how much things have changed, and how much they have stayed the same. Also, do your hobbies make you gay, a good day to love gay men, and meet Chris Pureka!

  • Atlanta is the Gayest City in the USA, Sorry WeHo!

    Atlanta tops the list of the gayest cities in the USA — and you’ll be surprised who didn’t even rank. Also; Caster Semenya update, Haiti relief efforts, transgender high school quarterback turned lesbian filmmaker, dog people vs. cat people and would Martin Luther King have been an LGBT advocate?

  • Trans Father Scott Moore’s Baby Photos Inspire Awws, Bigotry

    Scott Moore (dubbed “the second pregnant man” by the media) and his husband Thomas (also FTM) welcomed a new baby into the world yesterday, and TMZ has photos. And the homophobia and transphobia is ‘a-flyin’.

  • Constance McMillen Sent to Fake Prom, Itawamba Students Aren’t All That

    Constance McMillen continues to be f*cked over: her school sent her to a fake prom with “learning disabled” students. Also, employers are exploiting unpaid interns and it could be illegal. Why do gay men sometimes make fun of vaginas? Plus, it’s been a year since Iowa allowed gay marriage, Lambda Legal needs your help, and Obama may get another Supreme Court nomination.

  • Facebook Says; ‘The Social World is Led by Women’. Let’s Talk About It.

    Ladies love facebook and social networking in general, men just like to digg stuff. Also! Women [not] behaving badly in business, queer culture in Spain, plastic surgery getting a bad rap in hollywood, mind over meds and sartorial immigration policy.

  • Anti-Gay Leader Vacations with Rentboy.com Escort

    Another anti-gay evangelist caught being gay! Also; ten things you should never say to a lesbian, the new Usher & Nick Minaj video pushes the bisexuality theme a little too hard, why are boobs so awesome, and don’t forget about Mother’s Day! Plus, gendered iPad ads and the tales of gay magazines.

  • Gays Playing Sports, Shopping for Menswear, Still Not Going to Prom

    Closeted gays play basketball, lesbians play softball, gay boys rank each other on websites that get startup funds (bah!), Constance McMillen has her day in court and the school officials whipped out some doozies, a good lesbian suit is hard to find, Elisabeth Hasslebeck and Whoopi fight about health care, also wait ’til you see these portraits of soldiers affected by Don’t Ask Don’t Tell!

  • Gay Prom Update: ACLU Schedules Hearing. Also Constance McMillen’s Mom is Gay!!!

    In a radio interview, Constance mentions that her Mom is gay and also talks about how the response online has warmed her while classmates have been hostile. Also: big boobs do not a “curvy model” make, the case for girl geeks, Miss England trades swimsuits for sports, Karl Lagerfeld hates gay marriage, Tampon ads come back around, and a woman coaches football.

  • Lesbians Gone Wild! Murder! Sex! Drugs! Boobs! Also, Tragedy! Also, Parties!

    Lesbian scandals that have been clogging our Google Reader so let’s get ’em all out there: sex! murder! terrible fark-ready things! It’s been a year since Dan Choi visited the Rachel Maddow show and came out — he returns and is f*cking brilliant. Also: that’s gay, best interrupting moments & more!

  • Girls These Days: Bisexual or Lesbian, Educated and Unemployed, Raunchy but Unfunny

    Today, let’s talk about why bisexuals & lesbians are popping up in big numbers on important surveys and how the American College Dream failed black graduates in the recession. Also, Vogue is combating lighter-skinned ideals of beauty in India, the conservatives are the only ones writing about the Day of Silence, and Justin Bieber is part of a lesbian conspiracy.

  • Canada Votes Lucas Silveria Sexiest Man, Trans Kids Hurting in US Schools (#goodnewsverybadnews)

    Lucas Silveira nabbed Sexiest Man in ChartAttack’s 2009 Awards. New research confirms existing research about harsh realities for trans and gender-nonconforming youth in US Schools. Obama might talk about DADT in the State of the Union tomorrow. The Moscow mayor thinks gay pride parades are Satanic. The HRC tells you where to work. And Chicago might appoint a lez to the city council.

  • “Homosexuals” Less Popular than Gays: What’s in a Word?

    Today is sociology day on the society and culture fix! We’ve got the linguistics of homosexual/gay/queer/lesbian/gaymo discrimination, problematic gay boyfriends, avatars that deal with sexism and racism, and gays who look loaded. Oh and also; Alex explains some of Autostraddle’s brand-new (this week!) design elements.