• Stuff You Should Know: ANTM’s Lesbian, Johnny Weir’s Weirdisms, Harry Potter 101, Lohan’s Career

    ANTM meets its lesbian/bi girl quotient once again, Johnny Weir says amazing things to New York Magazine, Marx and Engels get the homo slashfic treatment, Kathy Griffin speaks out about gay marriage and Harry Potter can help you earn your degree!

  • Does Gay Marriage Make Gays Straight?

    It’s three days until you can get legally married in California, so you had better get all your feelings about the bourgeois upper-middle class heteronormative paradigm out now, before they have to come out in couples therapy later on. While you’re here you can check out an infographic on Lady Gaga, find out which person you have possibly heard of came out this week, mourn the passing of Portland’s only lesbian bar, and celebrate BABIES with NEIL PATRICK HARRIS.

  • American Gays Want (And Can’t Have) Rights Straight People Hate

    Hawaii’s governor vetoes civil unions bill, Today Show excludes gays from its Modern Weddings contest and a lesbian is denied the malpractice settlement from her deceased ex-wife — seems gays can’t get a break in the US these days. It’s okay though, because new studies show that straight people are married & have kids & they HATE IT. But also there’s the super-cute new issue of gay wedding mag EquallyWed… gawd, it’s so hard to choose a number one feeling today!

  • Jersey Shore Boys Cover Village Voice’s Queer Issue: ‘Guidos’ Got PUNKED

    The Village Voice has an intriguing cover for their Queer Issue — we outline some of our more major confusions on the issue. Also, Chicago loves Nat Garcia and so do we, Lady Gaga fashion update, Gawker is there for those straight people trying to make it through Pride, one brave girl blogger takes on Seventeen Magazine, and one writer discusses how she manages marriage while bisexual.

  • Jane Lynch Can Do No Wrong & Everybody Knows It, Including Emmys, Outfest, Madame Tussauds

    It’s Sunday Funday, and Jane Lynch is doing no wrong like it’s going out of style. What else is new? Well actually Angelina has a new tattoo, Staceyann Chin has a new one-woman show, and Angel from RENT might have some really good news in the form of a possible HIV vaccine in the forseeable future.

  • Samantha Ronson is Open to Lindsay Lohan Reunion, Boys, Writing a Novel

    Samantha Ronson never wants to talk about her relationship with Lindsay Lohan nearly as much as we do. Also, she’s not gay, she’s an “equal opportunity player.” The more you know…

  • Chely Wright on Ellen: Why We Love Watching Out Celebs Meet Ellen DeGeneres

    Chely Wright was interviewed last week on Ellen, gets teary, talks about Ellen’s Mom, and we take a look at why Ellen’s show has been so important for out celebs, and why Ellen, like Oprah, succeeds because of her “outsider” status, not in spite of it. Everyone is having a fabulous time this Sunday Funday! Librarians are covering Lady Gaga songs while she’s hanging around British pubs, Neil Patrick Harris is surprising his boyfriend with awesome parties, a brief gay pride parade happens successfully in Moscow, the “first modern lesbian” will get her time in the spotlight, and Gawker would like to talk to you about prescription medication.

  • Even in Canada! Did Toronto F*ck Up Gay Pride?

    If you thought there wasn’t room for one more controversy to sweep Toronto, well, you were wrong. This officially marks the first time ever we haven’t wanted to move to Canada. Also: Judith Butler turns down an award, bisexuality gets surveyed, gay marriage in NY and the lives of gay youths.

  • Prop 8 Trial Resumes Today With 100 Questions

    Judge Walker will begin hearing closing arguments in the Prop 8 trial today. Oh, and the Prop 8 supporters are going to ask him to expand the reach of the ban. Catch yourself up so we can process everything tomorrow!

  • When Will Queen Latifah Come Out Gay? Never. Never Ever Ever.

    Queen Latifah still ain’t confirming she’s a homo, Adam Lambert fends off boys & girls in new interview, Kathy Griffin lays the smackdown on Elisabeth Hasselbeck on The View and smooches Mariska Hargitay, watch We Have to Stop Now’s free episode right here, and the new Riot Grrrls.

  • Is Facebook Helping the Gay Rights Movement by Outing You?

    Newsweek has a new article about gay people! This time, a new writer wonders if facebook might change the ACTUAL FACE of gay America? Also, Margaret Cho on Rue McClanahan, lesbian newlyweds are the first in the New York Times Vows video series, Dutch airline denies gay flight attendants request to not stay in Iran and South Africa’s only lesbian soccer team.

  • Glee Creator Calls for Newsweek Boycott & Newsweek’s Response to Gay Backlash Fails All Over Again

    GLEE Creator Ryan Murphy backs up Kristin Chenoweth and calls for a boycott of Newsweek until Setoodeh apologizes — and invites him to come on set. Also, Ramin Setoodeh has responded to the “internet backlash” and Kristin Chenoweth’s response to his homophobic article “Straight Jacket” in Newsweek and unsurprisingly, all he really does is dig himself even deeper. We break it all down for you. Lots of feelings on this one.

  • Not the Best Week for Lesbian Media Visibility: Lohan Gets Used, Real Housewives, Bein’ Miley & Moar!

    Lesbians, this has not been our week. The Real L Word premiered, and we hated it. Nicki Minaj redacted her bisexuality, Miley Cyrus keeps on fake-lesbian kissing everyone and I had to do research on Danielle Staub. At least Anna Paquin said some reassuring things about her sexuality, otherwise we’d just shut this place down.

  • Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial Closing Arguments Recap: This Time It’s Personal

    Are you ready to get this Prop 8 thing taken care of once and for all? SO ARE WE. We recap today’s closing arguments on the Prop 8 trial on gay marriage in California, with characteristic Autostraddle style and class.

  • Ellen Page’s Lesbian Debut in Freeheld and Her Almost-Gay Role Retrospective

    It’s finally happening: Ellen Page is going to play a real live lesbian on the big screen. We take a deeper look at the story behind her lesbian debut in Freeheld and analyze her former roles where she wasn’t gay, but still warmed our gay hearts.

  • Friends of Lesbian Teen Gave Her Six Months to Go Straight Before Attacking Her

    New information in the Cheyenne Williams case (maybe), and shocking violence in Edmonton. Gay and bisexual politicians abound, and the petition on Ref. 71 is finally going to court. Also, a defense of the Boy Scouts, and an investigation of the gay dollar.

  • Teens Attempt Throwing Lesbian Classmate Off Cliff on Day of Silence

    Some classmates tried to push their lesbian friend off a cliff because she’s gay; but police are saying this attempted murder, committed on the day of silence, could just be a “prank gone awry.” It looks like DADT won’t be repealed in 2010, and Dan Choi’s civil disobedience got little to no mainstream news coverage. Plus, it’s harder for LGBT victims of violent crimes, Jon Stewart’s Gaywatch, and the Tories in the UK are courting gay voters.

  • GLAAD Asks Newsweek for Apology (Though This Isn’t Its First Anti-Gay Offense)

    GLAAD asks Newsweek for apology over Seetodeh’s gays-can’t-play-straight piece! Why do we still care? Because, believe it or not, this isn’t even the worst thing he’s written about gay people for Newsweek, just look at the victim-blaming hate-crime cover story! Anti-DADT empirical research is on YouTube and they’re dancing, Happiness without perfection, what your server is thinking about your date, and a Catholic university isn’t hiring a lesbian.

  • GLEE: Brittany & Santana Aren’t Gonna Fall in Love, Become Girlfriends

    Adam Lambert’s got tour dates OMG OMG OMG! Tegan & Sara have a new video where they shop at the store, Ke$ha is done with boys boys boys, Lady Gaga a capella, Sarah McLachlan talks “no label” sexuality, Candy Slice Girls are funny!