Pop Culture Fix

In the Future, Every Hot Girl Will Play Gay for 15 Minutes

Is going “lesbo-promotional” good for LGBT visibility, or a step in the wrong direction, or do we even care? Glee gets four golden globe nominations, Lady Gaga Christmas Album parody, 25 Gay & Lesbian Australians, Anyone But Me switches to bliptv, the lesbian author of Push the novel made into Precious, NINE premiere, Michelle Rodriguez doesn’t wanna talk about her sexuality, and more!

Book Lists

10 Awesome ’00s Books by Queer Women

Autostraddle looks back on some of the decade’s most awesome books by queer ladies. Annie Leboivitz shoots Britney’s Candies Campaign, a year in Gaga costumes, Disney’s best & worst princesses, and Lady Gaga gives an interview that’s really weird, even for her.


Riese’s Team Pick: If You Don’t “Get” Lady Gaga

“Celebrity life and media culture are probably the most overbearing pop-cultural conditions that we as young people have to deal with, because it forces us to judge ourselves…I guess what I am trying to do is take the monster and turn the monster into a fairy tale.” Want to “Get” the Gaga Love? Read This.