Pop Culture Fix

Riese’s Team Pick: Queer Zine Archive Project

“The mission of the Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP) is to establish a “living history” archive of past and present queer zines and to encourage current and emerging zine publishers to continue to create. In curating such a unique aspect of culture, we value a collectivist approach that respects the diversity of experiences that fall […]


Video Game Maps: An Ode to Overworld Cartography

This (early) edition of Geekender is a love song to video games maps! Because I love cartography, and by cartography I guess I mean gaming. But hey, everybody likes Mario 3 and Zelda, right? AND THERE’S A SECRET BONUS QUESTION which is: Would you join an Autostraddle guild in WoW? Because that’d be hot.

Pop Culture Fix

That Lesbian Kiss is Gonna Need Some Tongue Before We Deem it “Hot” Thanks

Lads list TV’s Hottest Lesbian Scenes but miss all the good stuff, 90210’s lesbian kiss anticipation, Adam Lambert does “Sleepwalker” on Jay Leno (VIDEO), Rosie recaps The View’s interview with Octomom (IT’S AMAZING), Kanye writes a good blog post, Real World DC’s Emily Schromm talks to AfterEllen, Lindsay Lohan’s Purple Magazine photoshoot, 90210 House on sale & more!