
Vanessa Carlton is Bisexual and Katy Perry Don’t Mind It When Rihanna Kisses Girls

This is a Celeb Bisexual-themed Sunday Funday special just for you! Katy Perry shares her feelings on Rihanna’s feelings about other women’s feelings for each other, Vanessa Carlton has feelings for ladies and dudes, and Lindsay Lohan feels like she really likes kombucha tea. Also, Obama gives a shoutout to gay dads for Father’s Day and premiere photos from The Kids Are Alright!

TV Reviews

Real L Word Premieres Sunday, Hated It

The Real L Word premieres on Sunday, aren’t you so excitant? We reflect and look forward and read reviews and witness strap-ons. But really the best part is that Autostraddle’s Nat Garcia is gonna be doing exclusive Real L Word content for Showtime &! I know! See! We got our grrrl in there, and she is perfect.

Pop Culture Fix

Laura’s Team Pick, I Am Comic Sans, Asshole

Listen up. I know the shit you’ve been saying behind my back. You think I’m stupid. You think I’m immature. You think I’m a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font. Well think again, nerdhole, because I’m Comic Sans, and I’m the best thing to happen to typography since Johannes fucking Gutenberg. Word to my brother […]