Hi friends! This week I am bursting with love and pride, because two of my favorite Straddlers got married! Caitlin and Chandra, I am so incredibly happy that you found each other! Your bravery, openheartedness and clear delight in each other is an absolute honor to witness every day. (And look how amazingly cute they are together, y’all!) Autostraddle is magic, and so are both of you.❤

Photos courtesy of the brides
This week, Lena Waithe was on the cover of Vanity Fair.Â
A.E. posted their very last column as a staff writer for Autostraddle! We love you, A.E.! (Don’t worry, you can still see them at camp!)
Riese watched You Me Her, and it’s relevant to our interests.
Carmen wrote about The Fosters and their return to what gives the show its heart: the moms!
Vanessa wrote about Allgo, an app that could change the world for people of size.
Join! A+! Already! It’s a party in there, and you’re invited!
And finally, in a very Miranda move, Cynthia Nixon is running for governor of New York.
And then there were your comments!
On 47 Passionate Comments From 100% Straight People On The Daily Mail’s “Nobody Is 100% Straight”:
The Welcome to Thunderdome Award to dufrau:
And the High Price of Heterosexuality Award to, in order of appearance: thatottergirl, Rous Rose, Carmen SanDiego, Lisa, and Rachel W.!
On How About That Study Claiming Bisexual Women More Likely to Be Psychopathic Narcissists, What a Ride:
The Winging It Award to Cleo:
On 30 Days of Carol: Day 15 – I Found Either the Best or Worst Song to Score the Carol Trailer:
The Younger Than 311 Award to Rous Rose:
On 30 Days of Carol: Day 16 – Is Carol Mommi or Daddy?
The PG-13 Award to Snaelle:
On What If Today Was the Day You Joined A+?
The Seven Year Sitch Award to Kristen:
The Imagine Award to Michael:
And on 30 Days of Carol: Day 17 – The First Three Pages of Carol: Tokyo Drift:
The Showtime After Hours Award to Erin and Riese:
See a funny or amazing comment that needs to be here? E-mail me at queergirlblogs [at] gmail [dot] com!
I had the great honour of being asked to be a witness at. Caitlin and Chandra’s wedding.
Love is an elusive mystery that cannot be grasped, it is a letting go.  Fear contracts, but love expands, taking us beyond our boundaries into the great unknown.
Seeing their beautiful stars ignite sparks of recognition in each other, seeing that glow as their own lights burn brighter, has felt like being afforded a glimpse into the magical, mysterious heart of the universe.
They are not melding, but meeting with open hearts. Not joining in a fear of scarcity, but in a celebration of plenitude, of the fullness of living their own truths freely and lovingly. And in doing so, they are embracing love, growth, and the expanding mystery at the heart of their selves.
It was a privilege beyond words to witness, to behold my loving, beloved friends choosing love.
Live in love, grow in love, each and every day and night, you darling beauties <3 <3 <3.
Really beautiful, thank you
This is the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a while! Well said, @Snaelle
And an enormous congratulations to you both, Caitlin and Chandra!
Snaelle, this captures them so very perfectly. Wow.
We’re so glad you could be there with us. Your warmth and friendship (and hairdressing skills!) helped to make our special day even more special.
A true Autostraddle romance with a happy ever after! The wedding was so beautiful! The best part was seeing so many straddles sending the brides their love.
(˶◕‿◕˶✿) (✿˵◕‿◕˵)
Also every single comment on the ’47 Straight Men’ post was gold, thank you all :-D
That thread was soooo much fun. And I’m convinced it was good luck – I kept checking on the thread while working on an intimidating, kind of a long shot job application. And guess what!?!? I have a phone interview for said job on Mon!!!! (Yay me).
Congrats to my two amazing friends! I feel honored to have witnessed their love grow and blossom. Here’s to the happy couple! We love you!
See what you’re missing by not commenting? You could meet the love of your life here!
Congratulations to Caitlin and Chandra! I wish you the best always
You can also meet friends! And co-wives!
so when’s the group wedding to kate mckinnon again?
This is an important question. Rous? What is your schedule like?
I shall clear it in the name of love.
What do you do on Sundays? (I think it’s safe to say Kate is busy on Saturdays)
Let’s invite her ’round.
*upgrades membership to A+ Titanium*
I see what you did there
Aw an Autostraddle wedding is pretty much the best kind! Congrats, you too.
Also thank you and congrats to my team of The Het Price Is Right commenters!
You *two, phone commenting from LAX comes at a price as well, apparently, and that price is orthographic dignity
Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered.
Congrats Cait and Chandra!
It’s a wonder you didn’t do it sooner…
? What, getting married on our third date isn’t lesbian enough?
Racing to the altar like
(<3 <3 <3)
That warms my queer heart to see the happy couple. Congratulations Caitlin & Chandra!
Darcy! YOU are magic, for helping to create this amazing space where we could meet. Thank you to all of you who have helped multiply our joy with your encouragement, enthusiasm and love. ?
I’m just blown away by all the good stuff that you all have brought to this space! <3 And I'm so excited for you two, and honored to call you friends!
All this joy and happiness about a couple of chicks getting hitched sure is pulling focus away from my very first Comment Award. Yay, me!
Caitlin and Chandra, I wish you ladies all the best–may your lives be filled with laughter, tears, adventures, love, and the little critters of your choice.
LISA CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR VERY FIRST COMMENT AWARD, I hope you two will be very happy together for all the rest of your lives! :-D
CONGRATS LISA!! You and your comment award were made for each other ?
Wow, a comment award? For me? I feel SO AFFIRMED. It’s like I bought a comment award and got an AS subscription for free!