Results for: gay marriage
Houston Largest City to Elect Openly Gay Mayor, Don’t Mess With Texas Srsly
This Sunday Funday Fix has a still frame of Lady Gaga kissing a lady, and it’s not even Christmas yet! Also, Annise Parker becomes the first lesbian mayor of a major US city, life lessons learned from ’00s teen girls, and Bruno has saved all the gays in Austria.
L Word Fans Passionately Underwhelmed by IFC’s L Word Movie Idea
The L Word Movie? No thanks say fans who are still upset about all that other crazy stuff that happened. Queerty says gays need to look at the man in the mirror to make a change, a lesbian comes out as straight, and Transpeople have trouble flying under new TSA regulations.
Uganda is Takin’ it Back: Anti-Gay Bill Will Kill the Gays After All
Uganda calls takebacks — killing gays will remain a piece of the anti-gay legislation after all. We look at other countries with similar laws and recent interviews with anti-gay leaders in Uganda. Also; GLSEN is counting the number of times you say “dyke” on twitter and we don’t understand why and an annoying columnist talks smack about the hot teacher makeout.
Daily Fix: She Missed the Bisexuality Boat, But “Miami Social” Is Riding that Train
I missed the boat, wheee, I missed the boat, whee, I missed the boat, YAH!, and I ain’t never ever ever ever doing it again.
Sex and The City’s Lesbian Casting Call and John Hughes’ Heroines & Love Stories
In addition to NSFW Sunday, we bring you Lady Gaga’s intersexuality, Books for Gay Teens, best of the John Hughes’ tributes, Julia Child’s pity for lesbians and Shark Tank TV.
Want Lesbian TV? Try the BBC.
The BBC’s Spring/Winter 2010 trailer features a Shane-esque blonde in lesbian drama “Lip Service” and overall the BBC’s got more lesbians on tap this year than the entire USA. Logo announces new shows, Michael Urie makes a gay statement, Kristin Chenowith & Kerry Washington are looking to hook up on screen and the Tila/Casey story is never going to end.
++ ++ Curve Magazine – December 2011 Holiday Issue Curve Magazine features The Autostraddle 2012 Calendar in its annual holiday gift guide: “Back for a second pulse-raising year, Autostraddlers Robin Roemer (photographer) and Sara Medd (stylist) are bringing their special brand of SoCal sexy for your daily pleasure. By selecting calendar girls with an emphasis […]
Flesh Suits, Elmo, Dolphin Drew, Foolishly Loving Obama, What KD Lang Knows
Don’t trust Obama! You can’t get married! Where’s your job? Look at Lady GaGa! JK is getting divorced! Facebook is Bad says the Catholics, Facebook has some technical glitches says Slate! Big protest in Australia! KD Lang Knows Stuff About Women! And the best of girl-on girl craigslist.
Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson Are ON, Playing Guitar Hero: Daily Fix & Extra Team Picks
Samantha & Lindsay are back on, Lady GaGa is on the cover of Out magazine, Lisa Carver battles Xanax, Meghan McCain battles Michelle Malkin, Fiona Duets, Right Wing Conspires to get Ex-Gay Books into Libraries.
Fred Phelps Says God Hates Lady Gaga & The Gays, God Says Fred Phelps Needs a New Line
Does Fred Phelps ever succeed in recruiting people with that nonsense? Also; incredible photos taken of Brittany Murphy at her hubbie’s website, Law&Order SVU, Glee, Snapshot’s New Year’s Eve Party to Remember, Jersey Shore, Megan Mullally, Queer Kumbia, Amber Rose and the Sex & The City 2 Trailer!
Lesbian Soldier Denied DADT Discharge Wins Appeal in Canada! Oh Canada!
In October we interviewed Skyler James, a lesbian soldier denied the DADT discharge she expected when outed — she wanted you to know the true story of her appeal to Canada for asylum. Today, we’re happy to report her success! Also; San Fran tells feds to back off and let it grant benefits to same sex couples, gay panic will be cited in Mercado case and NY looks ahead for same-sex marriage.
Lindsay Lohan is Real, Adam Lambert is Sexy & Talk About Megan Fox Day!
Lindsay Lohan Has Feelings Too You Guys. Also that Elmo thing. Following through on the Elmo thing.
Whip It! & Introducing Did You See That Comment Friday
Bluehost vs. The Lesbians, Tegan & Sara, True Blood, What Would MLK Jr. Do, Sotomayor, Whip it! Trailer, Dave Eggers on the Salvation of Print and Free Legal Clinic for Gays
Yahoo! Finance Features Steele’s Anti-Gay Agenda as a Top Story — We Call WTF
Breaking News! Gay Marriage hurts small businesses — heaven forbid we demand health insurance or other crazy stuff like that.
Join the Nationwide Kiss-In, the Samantha Ronson Porch Sit-In or Kathy Griffin’s Activist Army
We are looking for work as a Senior Champion for Sexual Orientation or within Kathy Griffin’s New Gay Activist Campaign for Oscars & Equal Rights.
Apocalypse 2012: Ahmadinejad Blames Gays, Gays Blame Sarah Palin
A Lot of Video Today! Conflicting visions of the apocalypse (our favorite is from Saturday Night Live), Tegan & Sara have a new webseries, Window Media’s closed titles live on, Healthcare reform continues to keep us on the edge of our seats, Palin groupies storm a tour bus, Twilight exploded all over the world and Venice The Series looks really hot!
Skins Recap Episode 404: Katie F*cking Fitch
It’s Episode 404 of Skins, when Katie mixes a heavy dose of kickass with a little portion of feelings feelings feelings. How’d Naomi and Emily end up in the swimming pool? Let’s recap.
We Appreciate You: Hey Did You See That Comment (Black) Friday!
Stuffed from Thanksgiving dinner? Sit back, relax, pop open that top pants button, and indulge in some Autostraddle comments. It’s the internet equivalent of apple pie a la mode. Yum yum.
Daily Fix: I AM Here to Make Friends, BTW.
We are all intersex, we’re not here to make friends, Michael Jackson and his kids, people don’t know who the celeb-gays are, bisexuals kill people, gays come home, NARTH publishes fake study in fake journal, teachers say yes to marriage equality.
Lesbian Welcome in Hospital TV Show, Not So Much in Real Life
“I don’t judge people, but at the same time, if they believe in what they believe, they have to accept me and what I believe. But I accept anybody as they come. That’s my character and my personality.”