Daily Fix: First Comes Ugly Gays, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes Your Incest Baby in a Baby Carriage

Today on Autostraddle: Reading is AUTOFUNDAMENTAL so Riese & Laneia are plowing through the lesbionic young adult cannon, recap style part two!!! Carly tackles a week of finales and surprises in her Tuesday Televisionary (my fave so far), and our Sunday Gay-Day piece rolls on, now with transcripts from all our interviews. Our video is in the top 100 (News & Politics) on YouTube!

+ A gay woman is attacked outside a Seattle club where Samantha Ronson was DJ’ing.  Samantha is, quite understandably, not happy about this at all:It’s 2009 people, why are we still fighting each other?” (@ohnotheydidnt)

+Did you watch GLEE last night? Did you LOVE IT? I actually maybe liked the preview just as much as the show itself, but regardless I’d rather watch Glee than anything else on the teevee, and they got me at the end with the Journey! Here’s 12 other TV musicals. You can watch Glee on Fox’s webpage. (@the daily beast)

+ Also, Jane Lynch‘s other show, Party Down, which we love, has been picked up for 10 more episodes.

+ Part two of the Judge Judy vs. Feminism also delivers. Really, this stuff is ace. Especially for other feminerds like me who recognize everyone mentioned in this piece, and are then so nerdy they have to announce said knowledge to the world, which I think is post-post-post-pre radical feminism holler. (@jezebel)

+ Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach on Rachel Maddow last night. Here’s a quick lesson on the retirement policies of the U.S. Military: Once you’ve served for 20 years, the United States promises to give you a percentage of your current paycheck PLUS health care benefits FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Unless, of course, you’re gay. Then you don’t even get a gold-plated watch.

“This building views DADT as the law of the land until Congress acts otherwise. To my knowledge, there are no internal planning efforts underway in anticipation of a change in that law.”
-Geoff Morrell, Pentagon Spokesperson

+ Obvs this link was courtesy of an intern, the only time I read about Dana is Dana Carvey and the only time I read about Dana & Sports is Dana Fairbanks: ESPN’s Dana Jacobson takes on Dana White: “First thing, it wasn’t a gay slur,” White said about his use of the word “faggot”. “I didn’t attack the gay and lesbian community. That’s not the way I used it. I apologized and put it behind me.” (@Yahoo Sports)

+ The Survey says: Protestant clergy support gay rights, not marriage. (@usatoday)

+ Amy Sedaris on YO GABBA GABBA!

+ Pennsylvania is not going to take the marriage train to lezzie town any time soon… (@philly.com)

+ Nashville schools sued over gay-themed sites block: The American Civil Liberties Union sued Knox County and Nashville schools for blocking non-pornographic gay-oriented websites but allowing websites that condemn homosexuality and promote programs that aim to alter one’s sexuality to heterosexual. (@ wbir)

+ Gender Identity Disorder: Has Accepted Practice Caused Harm?: “We got homosexuality out of the DSM because of protests at the APA, now it’s time to do the same with GID (Gender Identity Disorders” (@ Psychiatric Times)

+ I think these people would feel differently if they saw how pretty Haviland is:

+ Lady GaGa on Dancing with the Stars last night:


crystal-iconfrom Crystal:
I don’t think this is breaking news, but Sky News ran an interesting article about how scientists believe they’ve finally discovered the missing link. It also mentions a 50-ft marine monster named ‘Predator X’, which is fascinating. I love evolution. You can read more here.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3286 articles for us.


    • No, no…the one from you tube with the scrolling still images.

      The autostraddle video is beyond awesome.

  1. OMGAR. Sea monsters, Crystal?? Why?? Whyyyyyyyy?!

    Even though I am literally quite terrified, I still <3 u, Crystal. :)

    • Sorry! They are terrifying, sure, particularly when they’re given names like ‘Predator X’. My solution is to avoid the sea.

  2. I have so many feelings about that anti gay marriage video. A- using emotes and lots of !! is a great way to prove a point. B- Did they just randomly pull pictures from photobucket or something? Weird and random. C- Yay for Lady Gaga!

  3. oh. for. christ’s. sake. please tell me that anti-gay vid is a joke. my elderly grandfather could edit together something more compelling than that paltry shit.
    i DID watch GLEE!! and i DID love it!! i felt it moved along a little quickly? but i’m so not gonna complain b/c the Journey ensemble at the end was beyond amazing and almost made me cry for real!
    i’m REALLY MAD about DADT. really really. i’ve had it up to here, g. stefani-style. i wanna get my track pants and my ‘beater and some badass red lipstick and KICK SOME BIGOT ASS.
    um, but seriously, when asked whether he thought Obama’s election would put an end to DADT, Lt. Col. Fehrenbach’s reply of, “I had tremendous hope. I had hope that Pres. Obama would follow through…”, kills me a little on the inside. yeah, we all had hope.

  4. Seriously? I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the anti-gay vid. I can’t believe they’re using “Requiem for a Dream” as background music. It totally reminds me of Rachel Maddow talking about “terrifying music” in political ads a few weeks back. Speaking of Rachel, it’s about that time…

  5. I say If Two people love each other they should be able to get married and Not have sex like all married couples. LOL :)http://tinyurl.com/dgtcno

  6. It is a true delight to watch religion begin to crumble. Religious zealots have weaved their entire relevance around our causes, and everyday that we live happily, healthy, honestly, and equally protected under the law, we reflect their wholesale failure of religion.

    Keep it up supporters of equality! The limp dick, constipated christianists are losing their minds!

  7. hello Autostraddle…. did you miss me?

    the title of this daily fix is the best EVER!!

    i don’t know who Amy Sedaris is….. but i think she is amazing.

    Anti-gay video….. Really?? There is a large possibility that person is probably retarded. Also also….. i love that gays are put in the same category as polygamy, incest, and bestiality. Idiot

    DADT is something that gives me a lot of negative feelings.

  8. hi autumn, you need to pick up DVDs of a show called ‘strangers with candy.’ it’ll change your life. amy sedaris is one of my all-time great loves, and yo gabba gabba is an AMAZING show. the two of them combined.. magic.

    also, i want to mention that my mom caught this gaga performance and is apparently now a huge fan, which is so <3<3<3 i can’t handle it.

  9. Crystal – thanks for the link to the sky news article, it’s certainly gotten everyone around me shouting over each other excitedly the last couple of days. Well, not so much the article, more the finding it here. We had been watching the story all day, fascinated at the wide-scale distribution. Then I came here for my daily fix (which, sidenote, is my favourite part of the day) and noticed your link. This is all kinds of awesomeness. But the story itself is now really creating a lot of conflicting emotions and internal turmoil.

    On the one hand, my gut reaction is to get annoyed at the sensational way this has been announced. The Darwin’s “missing link” thing is rubbish. Franzen et. al were forced to take that claim out of the scientific paper as it is really just wild conjecture. They have next to no evidence to back up any connection between this new species and the simians. The true significance of this discovery has been blown completely out of proportion just for the sake of a few snappy headlines and future book sales. And watching legends such as David Attenborough spreading such nonsense is soul destroying.

    On the other hand, okay the truth has been stretched a little, and the importance perhaps exaggerated a tad. But look at the interest it has created. This has gotten people talking. About science. About discovery. About the possibility that life originated from some primordial ooze. How often does that happen?

    The importance of getting scientific research out there and into the masses cannot be stressed enough. If only more discoveries were announced and celebrated with such a fanfare, there would be hope for us yet. So maybe the Norwegians have done the right thing here. Get the info out there. Get people excited. This is a good thing, right? I mean where exactly is the harm?

    According to the angry inner geek in me (and the louder outer geeks around me) the harm is that
    A) it’s wrong. The information is wrong.
    B) It detracts from the true significance of the discovery. Ida is an astounding fossil. Only 1% of life gets preserved in any way, and that level of preservation is a one in a trillion chance. It’s a new species that will provide so much valuable information about Eocene primates. It has filled a missing gap in our knowledge. It deserves to be celebrated in its own right, not overshadowed by incorrect conclusions.
    C) The so called “missing link” problem hasn’t been solved yet; the Holy Grail may still be out there. Sure geologists will keep looking, but will anyone really care since, apparently, we already have the answer.

    All that said, Ida is one stunning fossil, and I know I will still be queuing outside the London National History Museum at the end of the month with my “when I was your age Pluto was a planet” tee, “geology rocks” badge and lucky handlens on ;-)

    I am not entirely sure I have explained myself very well there, but I guess I was just trying to say thanks for posting this, you rock. Sorry for the length of this, the mind fart just had to go somewhere. /rant.

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