Lady Gaga’s Most Shocking Stunt Yet? She’s a Good Actress: Sunday Funday!

GAGA: Our heads exploded when Lady Gaga and Madonna did a skit together on Saturday Night Live. Not just because two of our favorite pro-sex feminist warrior pop star fashion icon biblically-provacative dance fever performance art queens were on the screen at the same time, and it was late and we were probably drunk, but because have you ever seen Lady Gaga be so just — very simply good? Not that SNL is Macbeth or anything, but it’s incredibly apparent that the voice Lady Gaga uses to be “Lady Gaga the character” in interviews and performances isn’t even her actual voice, but rather her affected “pop star voice.” Really, it’s like OBVS, ’cause she is capable of just about anything … but also like … OMG!

And here’s her performance of “Paparazzi”:

Awkward fashion moment:

SARAH PALIN IS ALWAYS FUNNY: Bill Maher makes fun of Sarah Palin’s new book. (@jezebel)

gaga snl 2

TRUTH: Seriously, ten people sent me this article yesterday: The High Costs of Being a Same-Sex Couple For years, we’ve heard from gay couples about all the extra health, legal and other costs they bear. So we set out to determine what they were and to come up with a round number — a couple’s lifetime cost of being gay. (@nytimes)

#AMAZONWIN: Children’s Book At Top of US Banned Books List Races up Amazon Charts:Its denigrators will be kicking themselves: a children’s book about two male penguins who raise an orphaned chick has shot up Amazon’s bestseller charts after it was named as the title which people have tried hardest to ban in the US.” (@guardian)

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HAHA WE WIN: Lawmakers Tried To Ban Gay Marriage + Adoption In El Salvador. They Failed. (@queerty)

HIPSTER GRIFTER: The New Hipster Folk Hero: Danielle Bremner, Grafitti Bombette Babe. While Keri Ferril’s still incarcerated, we need a new hipster folk hero in her stead. Also, Keri Ferrel’s Law & Order episode happened on Friday, it was really weird.  (@gawker)

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. the only cool thing about the kate beckinsale esquire cover is that they shot it with a 5K red camera, which has a totally ridiculous resolution and probably cost more than a car. did anyone actually read that article? it’s horrendous. maybe i just don’t read esquire enough and this is what all of their articles are like?

    or maybe i should just look at the pretty pictures of the pretty girl in her pretty underwear and shut up.

  2. The Spice Girl link is the best link ever.
    I can tell you EVERYTHING about them and their post Spice days.

    Also, I love Lady Gaga and am constantly yelling at those who don’t believe in the gaga.

  3. You guys, I was seriously shocked at how good Lady Gaga was on SNL. When the last skit started, with the awkward fashion moment, I was like “omg”, then she was really good and I was like “I can’t believe this isn’t super lame!”. She really came off to be really laid back and just cool. I thought she was great. Maybe she should make more appearances on SNL? Just a thought.

  4. I don’t think I could possibly love Lady Gaga more… She should be in SNL skits more often!
    P.S. Off topic, but I saw Whip It this weekend and you all must see it. Mkay? Good.

  5. I’m not surprised that Lady Gaga can act/was good, and not because I’m a fan (I’m still on the fence) but because ‘Lady Gaga’ is all an act, a persona she (whatever her real name is) invented and puts on whenever she is in the public eye. It’s sort of genius, it’s always intriguing. The woman even said in an interview once that she doesn’t want her fans to know the real her, just ‘Gaga’ and the music. I’m impressed that she keeps it up as much as she does, and that she takes it to all these weird places. Brava.

    • I maybe the only one but I did not like the SNL skits. I didn;t think there were funny or clever. I also don’t think she did that great.

      But I do agree with what you said. A 24 hours a day, 365 days a year character does take talent and genius; I love it!

  6. This is really embarrassing/shocking to me, but at the very beginning of that video I could not tell which was Lady Gaga and which was Madonna? Then I had to do a lot of soul-searching, because what does that mean about my level of commitment to her? Oh God

    • There there my child. I was confused too, which says a whole hell of a lot for Madonna that her body could be confused with the body of a 23-year-old.

    • I was confused… in a *wha-psh!* whiplash!gagaandmadonnainthesameframe!/faint sort of way, because I wasn’t sure how to tell them apart. It was like the most wonderful gift ever.

  7. i was a gaga skeptic but now I am sold. I would pay decent money to watch her sing and play piano. Not to mention the awesome stage presence she has and for god sakes her legs are fantastic.

  8. Re: The Lady GaGa sketches.

    With Madonna, after Keenan says “I want you two to kiss, and make up!” then GaGa says, “…excellent”. The stuff LOLs are made of.

    And the beginning of that same sketch, GaGa’s outfit…excellent.

  9. I looooved the fashion bubble skit. Also, my head literally did explode when Madonna and Lady Gaga were on stage together. In fact, this is not even me typing right now (ya know..cuz my head exploded) this is actually a pre-typed automated message I left for autostraddle in my last will and testament. Well worth it.

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