Issue 6

Issue 6
Underwear Week
A whole week dedicated to your favorite bum-hugging clothesthings! We feel a lady is at her best when she’s not wearing pants. From boyshorts to thongs to edible panties to hoopskirts and history, we’ve got you covered. Just like your underwear.
Laneia Curator
Riese Curator + Editor
Laura Wooley Curator + Editor + Illustrator
Rachel Kincaid Editor
Style Thief: Underwear Week Special Edition
In this very special edition of Style Thief, I’ll strip some of my favorite queer women right down to their underwear.
Ode to My Pant(r)y: Edible Undies
When it comes to Bedroom-Type Objects That Double As Rations, there’s one offering that comes to mind.
Straddler On The Street: Caro, The Lingerie Lesbian
In honor of Underwear Week 2013, Caro, The Lingerie Lesbian, tells us why she started her blog, which brands of lingerie are her favorites and offers some advice to girls who have to buy bras in sizes larger than a DD.
More Than Words: Underwhence?
While the rest of Autostraddle talks about underwear, I will be talking about talking about underwear. You can’t hang out at the strip club all the time, you know?
Make A Thing: Let’s Sew Some Underwear
Why buy underwear when you can make some?
Idol Worship: 30 Photos of Bettie Page In Underwear
Welcome to Idol Worship’s Underwear Week Edition! Speaking of which, I’m still inspired by how Bettie Page showed us her underwear so much.
Thank The 50’s For Your Underpinnings (And Other Fashion Freedoms)
It’s because of the real-life women who took enormous risks to their personal safety, and who physically fought to wear whatever undies, clothing and footwear they damn well pleased that we can have underwear week at all.
Thongs 101: Thongs Are More Than The Sum Of Their Parts
Pretty and practical, thongs are not the monster some paint them to be. It’s all about the details.
Want A Lady Superhero On Your Butt? League of Ladies Undies Can Make That Happen
Vanessa’s Team Pick: I have worn the same brand and cut of underwear since 7th grade but this superhero underwear for ladies, featuring real women of note may finally convince me to leave Victoria’s Secret behind.
How To Own It: Non-Lingerie
Lingerie that’s “designed to frame the erogenous zones instead of covering them up, highlighting your assets.” Mind = blown
Liquor in the Panties: Silk Panties for Underwear Week
Today, we’re making Silk Panties. Panties panties panties. Let’s make a vodka drink.
Lez Liberty Lit #15: A Blind Date With Literary Knickers
Underwear from lesbian fiction, a defence of reading, queer love letters, killer courses and more.
Do Away With Your Naiveté: Let’s Explore the World of Lingerie
“Although bras and panties get the most love, there are so many other facets of lingerie: from corsets to pajamas, babydolls to blindfolds, garter belts to latex gloves. I’m ready to embrace all the variations.”
Femme-ish Underwear Realness Two Ways
Just a couple of femmes talking about why we love the underwear we love and why you should look into loving it with us.
You Need Help: Harnesses For Trans* Women
As a trans* chick with not much going on “downstairs” I’m intrigued with using strapons instead of my actual bits, just not sure how best approach it. Can anyone recommend harnesses with a little extra room in the crotch that won’t break the bank?
Things I Read That I Love #66: Reading In Underpants
This week’s TIRTL includes a special Underwear Week section, as well as pieces on topics including Jehovah’s Witness, onscreen violence, sex abuse, robots, fan fiction, junk food and Alaska.
Playlist: Under Where?
Time for a pants-off dance-off.
Plus Size Underwear For All Gender Presentations
Bevin, AKA the sexy and talented Queer Fat Femme, is here to bring you the lowdown on plus size panties for all you grrrls and bois.
Three Tech-Savvy Panties for Futuristic Sexy Funtimes
It’s time to tech your queer panties, because who doesn’t want panties you can control with a remote? Here’s three pairs of panties similar to the one’s we’ve recommended, the difference being that they buzz and you have to charge them every once in a while.
The dapperQ Underwear Survey Surveys Your Underwear Anxieties and Dreams
“I almost passed out the first time I bought boy undies. I wish that had been easier. I expected someone to shoot at me. Probably just refuse to sell to me, or laugh, really. But still. Racing heart, whole deal.”
NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is Going Commando
A Girls-Gone-Commando gallery, plus french maids are desired, disabled people are sexy and the sex industry is booming!
Briefly Noted: Underwear for Your Masculine Center
What makes “men’s” underwear exclusively for men? Is it still men’s underwear if I’m wearing it? Answers: a) absolutely nothing and b) no, sir.
Meet Jennifer, The Genius Behind RodeoH: The Autostraddle Interview
Founder of RodeoH harnesses Jennifer Weaver tells us everything there is to know about the RodeoH and then some, including how her mom’s 40+ years of crafting experience helped the product get born.
Boyshorts and Girltrunks 101: Your Queer Underwear Guide
Boyshorts/Girltrunks 101: Including 78 boyshorts, girltrunks and boxer-brief suggestions for weirdos.