
Drawn to Comics: We Need to Talk About the Rape in Batwoman

A lot of Batwoman fans (and to be honest, a lot of comic fans overall) were worried when the creative team of W. Haden Blackman and J.H. Williams III left the book after DC refused to allow them to have Kate Kane (Batwoman) marry her longtime girlfriend, police detective Maggie Sawyer. Now, it looks like those fears were completely justified.

Food Lists

30 Goat Cheese Recipes That Are the Greatest Of All Time

“Have you ever done the Would You Rather where the first option is to live in a small apartment with your two worst enemies in your least favorite city for ten years, and the other is to have a goat within a ten-foot radius of your body for the rest of your life? Well I would pick the goat every time, partly because I think I would get used to the goat and that it would be more tolerable than ten years with those two in Las Vegas, but mostly because it means I’d have a perpetual source of goat’s milk, which would then give me access to endless goat cheese.”