• Hey, Free Comment Awards! Happy Friday!

    Build a wall of comment awards between us in our bed.

  • U.S Government Really Likes Us Gays or is F*cking With Our Heads

    The Pentagon has agreed to meet with a group of partners of gay servicemembers and discuss the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal in addition to listening to the opinions of straight soldiers’ partners. One small step for mankind, amirite? (amirite?) Furthermore, Ken Mehlman being gay is NBD ’cause apparently the GOP doesn’t care about same-sex marriage anymore anyhow? Also the (conservative) guys raising money for our rights have historically raised money for anti-gay candidates. Oh yeah and Roger Ebert loves gay people.

  • “Skins”-Themed Parties Corrupting France, Teens Like Drugs, Sex, Music, Effy

    In France, the 16-to-18 year-old children have gone completely mad! They’re having crazy “Skins” themed parties with sex, drugs, security guards, admission fees, and costumes! It’s basically like the 70’s up in there!

  • American Gays Want (And Can’t Have) Rights Straight People Hate

    Hawaii’s governor vetoes civil unions bill, Today Show excludes gays from its Modern Weddings contest and a lesbian is denied the malpractice settlement from her deceased ex-wife — seems gays can’t get a break in the US these days. It’s okay though, because new studies show that straight people are married & have kids & they HATE IT. But also there’s the super-cute new issue of gay wedding mag EquallyWed… gawd, it’s so hard to choose a number one feeling today!

  • Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Survey is Extra Biased Against Gays, Somebody Failed Statistics!

    The survey to assess the troops’ readiness to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is chock full of response bias and other methodological sins. Is there hope? Do you like our re-write?

  • Microsoft’s Unsettling New Kin Ad a Pro-Kidnapping PSA?

    The more I think about Microsoft’s newest Kin ad, the more sketched out I get: the video depicts a young woman, sponsored by Microsoft, heading out on a road trip to meet all of the sketchy weirdos she talks to online IN PERSON. And it’s fun, edgy and appealing, just like an Urban Outfitters catalog. So think about how creepy this vid is, then buy a bunch of great games that came out yesterday to feel better.

  • Chaiken’s Real Lesbian “Stories,” Gaga’s Blasphemous Orgy & ABC’s Pretty Little Lesbian Liar

    Ilene Chaiken ready to tell more story story storyland storified “stories” courtesy of “The Real L Word” cast, Alejandro director Steven Klein defends the religious symbolism in Gaga’s video while Katy Perry condemns it, Pretty Little Liars debuts with a lesbian lead, Zooey Deschanel & Rashida Jones to be a couple in new Paul Rudd movie, Sarah McLachlan on Letterman, teenage boys want Jane Lynch.

  • Samantha Ronson is Open to Lindsay Lohan Reunion, Boys, Writing a Novel

    Samantha Ronson never wants to talk about her relationship with Lindsay Lohan nearly as much as we do. Also, she’s not gay, she’s an “equal opportunity player.” The more you know…

  • It’s Friday! Have You Seen That Comment? Where’d It Go?

    Oh, you. You make us laugh every day. You are so great, we just might ask you to marry us at one giant gay polygamous wedding.

  • This is a Glee, Kristen Stewart, Real L Word, Lindsay Lohan, Julie Goldman Post

    Kristen Stewart gets sexy behind-the-scenes for a FLAUNT shoot, Glee gets renewed, behind the scenes of Glee’s Lady Gaga episode, Julie Goldman live in your box, Tila Tequila is addicted to a pill of some kind, Chely Wright & Sean Hayes book award show gigs, Lindsay Lohan interviewed, and new videos from The Real L Word!

  • Obama to DADT Activists: I’m On Task, Don’t Yell!

    GetEqual interrupts Obama’s speech, again. Closing arguments for the Prop 8 trial will be heard on June 16, but will there be cameras? Also, a behind-the-scenes look at trans rights advocacy in Washington, Clayton McKleskey of The Dallas Morning News wants to know if we can stop talking about gay stuff yet, and more on college courses on gay marriage (or, as we like to call it, ‘marriage’).

  • Lesbian on Skins USA: Is MTV’s Skins Swapping Out Gay Maxxie For Lesbian “Tea”?

    Skins USA, based on Cycle 1 of the British series, has been picked up by MTV and is shooting in Baltimore. Early reports suggested that the gay character “Maxxie” would become “Teo” in the US version, but we’ve got news that Teo is out the window — replaced by a lesbian cheerleader named “Tea.” HOW HOT IS THAT GONNA BE. Also: Skins movie news, Adam Lambert’s tour, Reality Bites Rocks, remembering Rue & moar.

  • Rose Rollins’ New Show “Chase” Plus Full L Word Cast Updates

    Rose Rollins (aka The L Word’s soldier girl Tasha) will be back on TV in new NBC action show, Chase, and we’ve got updates on new projects for Kate Moennig, Laurel Holloman and the rest of the L Word cast! Alice Pieszecki as Brian Kinney’s wife and Pam Grier as Queen Latifah’s Mom? Holler! Also; video of Pink & Linda Perry’s EWW performance, Johnny Weir to judge Miss USA pageant, Jane Lynch does PETA ad, Sarah Silverman Program canceled, Betty White on Glee? and Lady Gaga calls Ellen.

  • Cynthia Nixon: Gay Identity a ‘Political Stance’, We’re All Bisexual.’

    The beautiful/perfect Cynthia Nixon is on the cover of Advocate’s pride issue, talking relationships, sexual identity, her Miranda identity, her hot butch partner and “Sex and the City 2.” Also; Katie Melua questions her sexuality, Julie Goldman covers SHE Mag, Lea Michele covers Women’s Health Mag, Bitch Blogs celebrates the Daria DVD release and Family Guy features a trans character.

  • Lesbian Forced to Pay Back $80K ROTC Scholarship. But Shouldn’t Pride be Priceless?

    Sara Isaacson came to school on her ROTC scholarship before she realized she was a lesbian. But coming out has cost her $80,000 — ROTC wants her money back. In 2002, the same thing happened to a girl that I once knew — who I learned today is still fighting against DADT in unexpected ways. A look at how much things have changed, and how much they have stayed the same. Also, do your hobbies make you gay, a good day to love gay men, and meet Chris Pureka!

  • It’s Not Friday, But You Get Comment Awards Anyway!

    It’s Saturday, which usually means nothing, but today it means comment awards! You guys are so funny; we love you.

  • SHOCK: Movies Love Lesbian Psycho Killers, Gay Men in Period Costumes

    One newspaper asks if queer film festivals are still necessary, another discovers the lesbian psycho killer phenomenon and wonders why we don’t get nice gay man movies. also; Adam Lambert interview, eyeliner 101, The Runaways, girl bands like the Runaways, Ke$ha’s appropriation of Native American culture, Tina Fey, the Lambda Literary Awards and Angelina Jolie.

  • Lady Gaga Joins Rockband, Infinity Ward Drama and Hello Battlestar Galactica MMO!

    Holy Smokes! Lady Gaga comes to Rockband, Battlestar Galactica lives on in an MMO, Infinity Ward explodes, Steam for Macs gets announced, six gigs of free SXSW music and holy shit, Earth’s days are shorter. Whoa there!

  • Ruby Rose (UPDATE: IS MAYBE NOT) Engaged to Lady Model! Baio’s Lesbian Twitter Wars! Weed! Big Macs!

    Ruby Rose & Catherine McNeil are engaged to get married! Scott Baio called Jezebel a bunch of lesbians! Is it wrong for a gay person to edit Glenn Beck’s books? Plus, pot can maybe help autism, it’s important to come out as married, parents fail at preventing bullying, and insurance companies are buying into fast food.

  • Happy Birthday to Us, Happy Comments from You! It’s the Comment Awards!

    It’s Friday! Finally! So much happened this week; we had a birthday, talked to Marisa Meltzer, and went to prom with girls. There were some haters out on the interwebs this week, but y’all beat them up them with your typical funny and smarty pants selves so do yourselves a favor and go watch the new video for ‘Telephone.’