• International Transgender Day of Remembrance: We Will Win the Coming Revolutions

    Yesterday was the Transgender Day of Remembrance. So today we remember, but also look forward. Also: Queer As Folk/Glee, Harry Potter!, Anne Hathaway, Pretty Little Liars, queer youth, and zombies!

  • Does Gay Marriage Make Gays Straight?

    It’s three days until you can get legally married in California, so you had better get all your feelings about the bourgeois upper-middle class heteronormative paradigm out now, before they have to come out in couples therapy later on. While you’re here you can check out an infographic on Lady Gaga, find out which person you have possibly heard of came out this week, mourn the passing of Portland’s only lesbian bar, and celebrate BABIES with NEIL PATRICK HARRIS.

  • 10 Best Quotes From Midsummer’s Great Girl-on-Girl Feminist Cyberwar

    It’s a new dawn & a new day for feminism on the internet, and a lot of ladies have said a lot of things about it and even if nobody won The Daily Show/Olivia Munn/#yallarejustjealous cyber-wars, some of those things are really important things! Also, Jezebel is taking over the internet if that’s ok with you.

  • What Happened To Mitrice Richardson

    The recent discovery of Mitrice Richardson’s body finally put an end to the speculation about her whereabouts – but there are still important questions that need to be asked about how she disappeared in the first place.

  • Hangover Thursday: Gay Olympians, Facebook Spies, Lying Models & Rentboys!

    American Apparel doesn’t want you to know they use models, interview with feminist author or wearing heels, Olympian speed skater Blake Skjellerup comes out, Facebook’s privacy settings are screwing you, gay softball team in San Francisco is suing, and more. Problems with pink culture, Muslims in Latin America, turning a self-loathing gay boy self-loving, and more effing research about hooking up [only this time, they’re not slut-shaming anybody].

  • Lesbian Prom Update: Constance Suing for Damages & Westboro’s Coming to Graduation

    Constance McMillen is now seeking unspecified monetary damages in her case against Itawamba High School, citing public humiliation. Even worse, Westboro Baptist Church has announced they’ll be picketing her graduation to remind everyone that dykes are ‘filthy.’ Also; more on Scott Baio’s evolving lesbian rage, Gay tourism, forced gay marriage, bisexuals aren’t gay enough, Sikhism and feminism, tv bans plus size ads, and headache fun!

  • Is Jennifer Knapp the Brave Christian Lesbian We’ve Been Waiting For? (Larry King VIDEO)

    A full video of Jennifer Knapp’s appearance on Larry King Live is out — will Jennifer Knapp be the one to show Gay & Christian are not mutually exclusive? And when did Ted Haggard stop being an asshat and start being bearable? Rosie makes our little gay hearts feel full of love, Archie Comics are getting a new gay in Riverdale, Will Phillips is the cutest recipient of a television journalism award in the history of television journalism, and there’s a new name in media aimed at Muslim women. And hey, have you made a video for Be Queer, Buy Queer yet? If not, make moves!

  • Constance McMillen Fake Prom 2010 Student Rebuttal: Bigotry or Bullying? (Yes. Both.)

    Constance McMillen’s treatment is a nasty reminder of how high school kids can be cruel, especially when LGBTs are involved. We overanalyze, Angela Chase-style. Basketball players might or might not be changing beauty standards, the first female Cherokee leader died yesterday, racism is bad for your health, and Yale starts a student-teacher sex ban.

  • 61% of New Lesbian & Gay Couples Met Online, Probs Looked Just Like Their Picture

    Lesbians don’t just love the internet, they love meeting each other on the internet. Also; New York City’s Gay-Town entertainment complex proposal, Oprah has the transgendered quarterback turned lesbian filmmaker, Lt. Dan Choi’s Pride Parade plans, Phyllis Lyon interview, and our Valentine’s Day Plans at Stilleto’s UNITE in Fashion.

  • Why is Ted Haggard on my TV, Being All “Cured” of Homo? OH! His Wife’s New Memoir!

    Evangelical preacher and “converted” sinner/homoesexual Ted Haggard’s wife has a new memoir, “Why She Stayed,” so the duo is back on TV, spreading their psuedo-love. And people seem to like it. Also; the ex-lesbian Mom is still on the run, has Twitter peaked?, a funny look at the iPad, nightclub Miami showdown, gay superbowl ads, and women who drink a lot!

  • The Lure of Hating on “The Lure of Dating an Ex-Lesbian”

    Details celebrates the joys of “dating a hasbian” by interviewing a bunch of guys and mentioning Anne Heche. Also; gays & lezzies smoke way more than everyone else, hookup culture, Dear Abby, more from V’s size issue, why women love Law & Order (Mariska?) and reasons to hate Oprah.

  • When Christmas Attacks! Gays Crash NY Senator’s Party, Pope Rushed at Mass

    Why can a wifebeater get married and we can’t? Let’s go to his X-mas Party and find out! Also; pot psychology, health care, cover lies, vegetarian’s guide to surviving Christmas dinner, protesters at Ralph Lauren, facebook makes divorce happen, and LGBT summer camp!

  • Sextortion, Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them

    Time-Travel back to the beginning with Ellen, New York mayor would love to marry Heather & Caroline!, bad explanations for things, Gay Icons at the Portrait Gallery and how Bruno didn’t get sued.

  • Remember Craigslist? & Kill ‘Em With Kisses

    Introducing Craigslist Mondays. Also: a family of boob jobs, the penguins break up, Palin is a liar, a big Mormon kiss-in, secret NY Times Celebrations rituals and “That’s Gay” take on Bruno just right.

  • Daily Fix: Pose Like a Lesbian, Smile With Your Thighs

    Chandra is not a lesbo, the prom queen is a boy, Alexi is wearing Dol-chay, Sotomayor hates bloggers, Obama may or may not care about the gays, Lambert may or may not be out and your girlfriend is pregnant, no lie.

  • Daily Fix: Texas Mayor Chooses Boyfriend over Job, Kate Moennig Picks Scrubs over Girlfriends

    “The mayor of San Angelo chose not only love, but also honesty.”

  • Sunday Funday : Rainy Day Women !

    Welcome to Sunday Funday, where the only news you need is good news!

  • Daily Fix – Best. Earth Day. Ever.

    Empire Pride makes fun of NOM, but with logic instead of jokes. Everyone loves Jennifer Beals. Can psychiatrists cure homosexuality? No, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try.