• What Does a Lesbian Look Like?: The Autostraddle Roundtable

    What does a lesbian look like? Until a few years ago, mainstream culture was pretty sure they knew the answer to that question, even though they didn’t. The Autostraddle Roundtable tackles passing, why people can’t understand that lesbians can have long hair, and the relationship between gender, style, and sexuality.

  • Top 10 Lesbian Fashion & Style Icons

    Lesbian Chic is here. Top Ten Fashion style icons of the lesbian world including Ellen DeGeneres, Samantha Ronson, Leisha Hailey and Beth Ditto. Lesbian fashion & style.

  • Sister Spit’s New Generation of Queer Poets & Rebels: The Autostraddle Interview

    In 1997, Michelle Tea and Sini Anderson started Sister Spit – a spoken word tour full of the best queer writers and poets around. Twelve years later, Sister Spit: The Next Generation is taking over the world/my heart. On October 5, the tour came to Phoenix and I interviewed them for you, which is actually a big deal because it was the first face-to-face interview I’ve ever done and I was scared, y’all.

  • Green-On-Meaghan O’Malley: The Autostraddle Interview

    Quick! Pick one stereotype and squeeze yourself into it.

    Yeah, Meaghan O’Malley thinks that’s pretty stupid, too. If you’ve ever wondered what would happen if you crossed an activist, self-assured, cargo shorts-wearing, feminist lesbian with an embroidering, cupcake-baking, doting housewife, Meaghan is your answer …

  • The L Word Episode 511 Recap: Lunar Cycle

    Things that suck: when you and your girlfriend accidentally wear the same outfit, when everyone has PMS, trying to break up with a girlfriend who refuses to be broken up with, getting blackmailed, meeting a cute girl when you already have a perfectly nice girlfriend, etc. It’s all right here, girls.