• DOMA ShMOMA: How MA Is Changing the Anti-Gay Marriage Game, One Case At a Time

    The Prop 8 trial isn’t the only federal litigation happening right now regarding the definition of marriage – two other cases are currently making their way through the federal courts in Massachusetts that challenge the constitutionality of Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act. Autostraddle’s Legal Eagle explains how this could be a real game-changer.

  • Gay Activists Hunger Strike for DADT Repeal – Good Idea/Bad Idea?

    Lt. Dan Choi shares his feelings about the DADT compromise and announces a controversial hunger strike, which we have a lot of feelings about. Also; VFW refuses trans member, Elena Kagan gets Sandra Day’s support and India aims to prevent gay & lesbians from using surrogate parents.

  • Hangover Thursday: Gay Olympians, Facebook Spies, Lying Models & Rentboys!

    American Apparel doesn’t want you to know they use models, interview with feminist author or wearing heels, Olympian speed skater Blake Skjellerup comes out, Facebook’s privacy settings are screwing you, gay softball team in San Francisco is suing, and more. Problems with pink culture, Muslims in Latin America, turning a self-loathing gay boy self-loving, and more effing research about hooking up [only this time, they’re not slut-shaming anybody].

  • 10 Best Quotes From Midsummer’s Great Girl-on-Girl Feminist Cyberwar

    It’s a new dawn & a new day for feminism on the internet, and a lot of ladies have said a lot of things about it and even if nobody won The Daily Show/Olivia Munn/#yallarejustjealous cyber-wars, some of those things are really important things! Also, Jezebel is taking over the internet if that’s ok with you.

  • White House Compromises on DADT: ‘Cause Everyone Loves Meeting Halfway

    The White House has given its support to an official compromise on the repeal of DADT. It will happen this year – sort of! Get the rundown here. Constance’s school district denies misleading her to the wrong prom, some ‘encouraging statistics’, and Harvey Milk Day was super fun!

  • Dani Campbell Wants More: The Autostraddle Interview

    We sat down with Dani Campbell (probably best known for A Shot At Love, though she’s hoping to change that) to talk about likes/dislikes, thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Nearly three years after the show, lesbians still go wild for this charming genderqueer firefighter — and she’d like to do something with that. Something MORE!

  • Chaiken’s Real Lesbian “Stories,” Gaga’s Blasphemous Orgy & ABC’s Pretty Little Lesbian Liar

    Ilene Chaiken ready to tell more story story storyland storified “stories” courtesy of “The Real L Word” cast, Alejandro director Steven Klein defends the religious symbolism in Gaga’s video while Katy Perry condemns it, Pretty Little Liars debuts with a lesbian lead, Zooey Deschanel & Rashida Jones to be a couple in new Paul Rudd movie, Sarah McLachlan on Letterman, teenage boys want Jane Lynch.

  • Ellen Page’s Lesbian Debut in Freeheld and Her Almost-Gay Role Retrospective

    It’s finally happening: Ellen Page is going to play a real live lesbian on the big screen. We take a deeper look at the story behind her lesbian debut in Freeheld and analyze her former roles where she wasn’t gay, but still warmed our gay hearts.

  • Betty White on Saturday Night Live: Lesbionic Muffintastic Lady Alumni Reunion Best Episode Ever

    Last night’s episode of Saturday Night Live with Betty White hosting and Jay-Z performing was the show’s highest-rated in 18 months! Lesbian jokes, muffins, Tina Fey, Maya Rudolph, Amy Poehler, Ana Gasteyer, Rachel Dratch & Molly Shannon came back just to play! Let’s recap and share our feelings.

  • Uncool High Schools: Constance McMillen Transfers, Kern Votes Against Harvey Milk Day

    Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.

  • Lady Gaga’s Fuzzy Butterfly Feelings on Masculine Women, Feminism, Gay Culture

    In the best article ever about Lady Gaga, she discusses feminism, bisexuality, the importance of gay culture, her health, and goes to a sex club with the reporter. GO Magazine has their first non-presidential dude on the cover, and he’s wearing gold hotpants! Plus, Australia is full of the gays, new pics of Skins’ Effy, and Expedia has a gay travel store.

  • Teens Attempt Throwing Lesbian Classmate Off Cliff on Day of Silence

    Some classmates tried to push their lesbian friend off a cliff because she’s gay; but police are saying this attempted murder, committed on the day of silence, could just be a “prank gone awry.” It looks like DADT won’t be repealed in 2010, and Dan Choi’s civil disobedience got little to no mainstream news coverage. Plus, it’s harder for LGBT victims of violent crimes, Jon Stewart’s Gaywatch, and the Tories in the UK are courting gay voters.

  • Marriage Equality: Not Coming To a State Near You?

    Jessica our Real-Live Lesbian Lawyer/Legal Eagle, is back with more facts about things we don’t understand! If marriage equality isn’t coming to our states any time soon, what can we do NOW to protect the rights of same-sex couples in the meantime? Project 515 has answers, and its a blueprint you could bring to your own community much sooner than you think.

  • Lesbian Forced to Pay Back $80K ROTC Scholarship. But Shouldn’t Pride be Priceless?

    Sara Isaacson came to school on her ROTC scholarship before she realized she was a lesbian. But coming out has cost her $80,000 — ROTC wants her money back. In 2002, the same thing happened to a girl that I once knew — who I learned today is still fighting against DADT in unexpected ways. A look at how much things have changed, and how much they have stayed the same. Also, do your hobbies make you gay, a good day to love gay men, and meet Chris Pureka!

  • Jennifer Beals Lands Lead in Fox Pilot “Ride-Along” as Top (Hot) Cop

    Jennifer Beals will star in the new Fox Pilot “Ride-Along” as Chicago’s first female police chief, and we expect lots of ball-busting to ensue. ‘Anyone But Me’ is up for awards and has a new episode! Also; photography of “girlfriends,” Rosie O’Donnell’s new show aims to fill Oprah’s void, Bitch Slap’s Lesploitation, Scream 4 is ON, Adam Lambert’s interviewed in Scotland, and Sue’s Corner is back.

  • Gay Activism Flowers for Earnest/Angry/Dancing Youths of America

    All the young gays are celebrating in Seattle, uprising in NYC, dancing in Rutgers (and our strai army allies are dancing homosexily in Afghanistan!), taking back the night in WI, speaking against violence in CA, hosting Dan Choi at Harvard, and more! Also; Hawaii passes civil unions (the bill now goes to the governor), a lesbian stabs her ex, trans identity & faith & Laura Bush’s memoir on the 2004 debates around same-sex marriage.

  • Even in Canada! Did Toronto F*ck Up Gay Pride?

    If you thought there wasn’t room for one more controversy to sweep Toronto, well, you were wrong. This officially marks the first time ever we haven’t wanted to move to Canada. Also: Judith Butler turns down an award, bisexuality gets surveyed, gay marriage in NY and the lives of gay youths.

  • Cynthia Nixon: Gay Identity a ‘Political Stance’, We’re All Bisexual.’

    The beautiful/perfect Cynthia Nixon is on the cover of Advocate’s pride issue, talking relationships, sexual identity, her Miranda identity, her hot butch partner and “Sex and the City 2.” Also; Katie Melua questions her sexuality, Julie Goldman covers SHE Mag, Lea Michele covers Women’s Health Mag, Bitch Blogs celebrates the Daria DVD release and Family Guy features a trans character.

  • Drinking While Female, Educated, Among Friends or Hosting American Idol

    Meet the women “saving” the UK’s pubs and the woman banned from all of them and also; your friends, your womanhood and your education are making you drunk! The New York City LGBT Community Center’s rainbow flag was burned, countering the truth on anti-bullying day, Funky Brown Chick loves FourSquare and there’s still time to be queer & buy queer!

  • ‘Same-Sex Marriage’ is the New ‘Struck by Lightning’: It’s Easier to Get Elected Than to Get Marriage

    While we keep losing on the gay marriage front, it’s getting easier for gay people to get elected. Dead magazines, dead feminism (again, this time it’s Hilary’s fault), Living NYE Parties, Judge Judy, sex tapes, trending topics, the end of time, trans inclusion in feminism, queer lounge, 2009 WERE YOU LISTENING?