• Kristin Chenoweth Gets Her Own Musical TV Show, Does No Wrong on “D-List”

    Kristin Chenoweth does Kathy Griffin: Life on the D-List and Ryan Murphy announced a new musical TV collabo. Plus: Jennifer Beals is rocking Bette Porter power suits in the trailer for Ride-Along, Glee casting news, Real Exploitation on The Real L World?, Allen Ginsberg’s East Village, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and the trailer for Burlesque debuts.

  • This is a Glee, Kristen Stewart, Real L Word, Lindsay Lohan, Julie Goldman Post

    Kristen Stewart gets sexy behind-the-scenes for a FLAUNT shoot, Glee gets renewed, behind the scenes of Glee’s Lady Gaga episode, Julie Goldman live in your box, Tila Tequila is addicted to a pill of some kind, Chely Wright & Sean Hayes book award show gigs, Lindsay Lohan interviewed, and new videos from The Real L Word!

  • Fix: Gaga Does Drag For Vogue, Lohan Debuts on ‘Double Exposure’

    Lady Gaga channels Ivan for Vogue, Ally Sheedy outs her daughter, the religious right goes after The Real L Word, Erin Foley’s audition vid for The Bachelorette, Angelina Jolie talks Shiloh’s butch style, Wonder Woman gets a makeover from DC Comics, and Kristen Stewart is slightly less awkward (but still hella awk) on Letterman.

  • Chaiken’s Real Lesbian “Stories,” Gaga’s Blasphemous Orgy & ABC’s Pretty Little Lesbian Liar

    Ilene Chaiken ready to tell more story story storyland storified “stories” courtesy of “The Real L Word” cast, Alejandro director Steven Klein defends the religious symbolism in Gaga’s video while Katy Perry condemns it, Pretty Little Liars debuts with a lesbian lead, Zooey Deschanel & Rashida Jones to be a couple in new Paul Rudd movie, Sarah McLachlan on Letterman, teenage boys want Jane Lynch.

  • Ellen Page’s Lesbian Debut in Freeheld and Her Almost-Gay Role Retrospective

    It’s finally happening: Ellen Page is going to play a real live lesbian on the big screen. We take a deeper look at the story behind her lesbian debut in Freeheld and analyze her former roles where she wasn’t gay, but still warmed our gay hearts.

  • Lady Gaga’s Fuzzy Butterfly Feelings on Masculine Women, Feminism, Gay Culture

    In the best article ever about Lady Gaga, she discusses feminism, bisexuality, the importance of gay culture, her health, and goes to a sex club with the reporter. GO Magazine has their first non-presidential dude on the cover, and he’s wearing gold hotpants! Plus, Australia is full of the gays, new pics of Skins’ Effy, and Expedia has a gay travel store.

  • Jennifer Beals Lands Lead in Fox Pilot “Ride-Along” as Top (Hot) Cop

    Jennifer Beals will star in the new Fox Pilot “Ride-Along” as Chicago’s first female police chief, and we expect lots of ball-busting to ensue. ‘Anyone But Me’ is up for awards and has a new episode! Also; photography of “girlfriends,” Rosie O’Donnell’s new show aims to fill Oprah’s void, Bitch Slap’s Lesploitation, Scream 4 is ON, Adam Lambert’s interviewed in Scotland, and Sue’s Corner is back.

  • Cynthia Nixon: Gay Identity a ‘Political Stance’, We’re All Bisexual.’

    The beautiful/perfect Cynthia Nixon is on the cover of Advocate’s pride issue, talking relationships, sexual identity, her Miranda identity, her hot butch partner and “Sex and the City 2.” Also; Katie Melua questions her sexuality, Julie Goldman covers SHE Mag, Lea Michele covers Women’s Health Mag, Bitch Blogs celebrates the Daria DVD release and Family Guy features a trans character.

  • Gay Newsweek Writer Says Gay Men Can’t Play Straight, Other Offensive Things

    Newsweek’s out gay writer Ramin Setoodeh is at it again with another totally offensive article about gay people — this time it’s about how gay men can’t convincingly play straight but vice-versa works just fine. Also; Pam Grier has written her memoirs, Melissa Etheridge opens up about the breakup with Tammy Lynn Michaels, Chris Colfer talks about Kurt’s boyfriend and Portia does Ellen.

  • Reflections On Tegan & Sara’s Cuteness, Inspired by New Cute Video, Alligators

    Tegan & Sara’s latest episode of Reflections makes us want to reflect on the Quin Twin’s never-ending capacity for adorabilosity and Alligator re-mixes. SamRo says “xo” to Lindsay Lohan, Glambert wants new interview questions, Ellen rides The Hulk, Queer Broadway and more!

  • Adam Lambert Headlines GLAAD Awards: Big Gay Events Booking Big Queer Stars

    Adam Lambert, previously criticized for allegedly not being down with gay media, is totally doing the gay media awards, y’all! Lady Gaga at the HRC, DJ Samantha Ronson & Ke$ha at Dinah Shore — something’s changing! Also; Tila Tequila, Nicki Minaj, glaad likes Ricky Martin & pro wrestling’s new bisexual.

  • Ellen DeGeneres Rocks American Idol Debut, Excels at All Things

    Ellen Degeneres’ Idol debut (VIDEO!), Molly Shannon to guest on GLEE, Lady Gaga & Britney duet, Armani ad same-sex love scandal, controversial John Mayer interview, the history of fangirls, Lindsay Lohan sets the record straight, Rihanna and Tina Fey have new magazine covers!

  • Lesbian Lifestyle Unpopular Today: Maureen McCormick, Kim Zolciak, Alicia Keys h8 the Rumors

    Apparently the gay agenda isn’t working today ’cause no one wants to be a lesbian BUT who cares, This American Life’s 2002 ep about how homos aren’t crazy is streaming online this week! Also; homophobia in African-American churches, Johnny Weir on “That’s Gay!”, the upside of depression, Caster Semenya is not the real Middlesex, Clay Aiken’s HRC speech FTW, Crystal Renn interviewed, “Bro-etry,” 10 Reasons to Avoid the Phone and more!

  • Lady Gaga & Cyndi Lauper Talk Safe Sex on Good Morning America (BAM!)

    On Good Morning America to promote Mac’s VIVA/GLAM lipstick (all profits going to MAC Viva GLAM AIDS fund), Lady Gaga & Cyndi Lauper stay on topic about the importance of safe sex for gay & straight women. Also; suggested changes to the DSM V are OUT!, wanna be sexy Elmo for Halloween, shopping for love, sexism by the numbers, nuns go all Salt’n’Pepa on Oprah, and feminism at school.

  • Portia De Rossi’s ‘Advocate’ Cover Story: ‘I Feel Like My Life Can Stand for Something.’

    Portia De Rossi is on the cover of The Advocate with a fantastic in-depth interview, discussing topics including her marriage, equal rights advocacy, career aspirations and her new willingness to speak openly about her private life. Also! St.Vincent, behind the scenes of Skins and Lily Loveless interview, Chloe trailer, lesbian Desperate Housewives, Rihanna music video shoot, Lady Gaga’s telephone video, Vanity Fair responds to the WOC issue (not well), Justin TImberlake loves gender stereotypes, 40 sexiest videos, Jersey Shore and so! much! more!

  • Ellen DeGeneres to Katie Couric: ‘Sad That A Mom Will Love Me, But Reject their Gay Kid.’

    This is basically the best daily fix ever, featuring an all-star lineup: Ellen DeGeneres and Katie Couric talk for a whole half hour, and it’s perfect, Tegan & Sara on peace, Lindsay Lohan talks to Nicey Nash about her hoarding problem and darkest secrets, Adam Lambert heralded as “the new face of glam rock” in the UK, Lady Gaga’s new tattoo, and more!

  • Can The Baby-Sitter’s Club Update Include “Why Mallory is Gay”?

    Happy New Year! Happy Palindrome Day! They’re giving “The Babysitters Club” a makeover and not the Claudia kind! Are you still hung over? Would it make you feel better to see pictures of Lilo in a bikini? Also: New Hampshire midnight marriages, Megan Fox’s feelings about kissing girls, and LESBIAN TEACHER SEX BRAWLS.

  • Twitter Fail, Intervention for Intervention, Therapy Can’t Make You Straight & A Lesbian Club Can’t Make You Gay

    What did KD Lang love about Leisha Hailey in 2000? Is it really so wrong to make different ads for the gays? Why is Obama on the cover of the Advocate? Can a gay club make you gay, can conversion therapy make you straight? And what the hell about “modern feminism” makes it “illogical, unnecessary and evil?”

  • Daily Fix: I AM Here to Make Friends, BTW.

    We are all intersex, we’re not here to make friends, Michael Jackson and his kids, people don’t know who the celeb-gays are, bisexuals kill people, gays come home, NARTH publishes fake study in fake journal, teachers say yes to marriage equality.

  • Sunday Funday: Tinkerbell Will Come Out on the Cover of DogFancy, Papa, Paparazzi

    “In this world, denying gayness is not keeping your private life private. It is, essentially, accepting either 1) Straightness (e.g., John Travolta) or 2) An obvious and compromising closeted lifestyle (e.g., Queen Latifah). In Adam’s case, that’d be lying, and lying is bad. But he hasn’t lied. So yes, it is relevant.”