• Why Activist Judges Are A [Gay] Girl’s Best Friend, and That’s Okay

    This weekend, a district judge in Arizona reversed a ruling that would have denied domestic partner benefits to the gays and lesbians of the entire state. In honor of his decision, we investigate what exactly an activist judge is, and why they make us feel so warm and fuzzy.

  • It’s Time for HEY! Did You See That Comment Friday? The Special Coupon Edition

    Hello. Have you done your duty as a gay person and molested your obligatory 117 people yet? Don’t worry, we’re offering a special deal where you can cash in your comment award and have that number reduced by 10 people. Just like the games at Chuck E. Cheese! We’re just here to help.

  • This is a Glee, Kristen Stewart, Real L Word, Lindsay Lohan, Julie Goldman Post

    Kristen Stewart gets sexy behind-the-scenes for a FLAUNT shoot, Glee gets renewed, behind the scenes of Glee’s Lady Gaga episode, Julie Goldman live in your box, Tila Tequila is addicted to a pill of some kind, Chely Wright & Sean Hayes book award show gigs, Lindsay Lohan interviewed, and new videos from The Real L Word!

  • Will Healthcare Reform Lure College Grads Back to The Parental Units?

    Some are ‘worried’ that extending family health care under Obama’s plan to 26 year-olds will encourage ‘slackers,’ many more find this safety net ‘awesome.’ New provisions will make it harder to kick gays out of the army ’cause of DADT (like your ex-girlfriend can’t do it for revenge, etc.) while they decide what the f to do long term. Also; the redacted memo, web 3.0, prom in New Orleans? & marijuana legalization on the ballot.

  • Fix: Gaga Does Drag For Vogue, Lohan Debuts on ‘Double Exposure’

    Lady Gaga channels Ivan for Vogue, Ally Sheedy outs her daughter, the religious right goes after The Real L Word, Erin Foley’s audition vid for The Bachelorette, Angelina Jolie talks Shiloh’s butch style, Wonder Woman gets a makeover from DC Comics, and Kristen Stewart is slightly less awkward (but still hella awk) on Letterman.

  • Malawi “Gay” Couple Pardoned, Ceding to U.N. & International Pressure (No Homo)

    GOOD NEWS! Following a meeting with U.N Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika pardoned the “gay” couple who had been sentenced to 14 years of jail and hard labor, announcing, “I have done this on humanitarian grounds but this does not mean that I support this.” Also,

  • DOMA ShMOMA: How MA Is Changing the Anti-Gay Marriage Game, One Case At a Time

    The Prop 8 trial isn’t the only federal litigation happening right now regarding the definition of marriage – two other cases are currently making their way through the federal courts in Massachusetts that challenge the constitutionality of Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act. Autostraddle’s Legal Eagle explains how this could be a real game-changer.

  • Gay Activists Hunger Strike for DADT Repeal – Good Idea/Bad Idea?

    Lt. Dan Choi shares his feelings about the DADT compromise and announces a controversial hunger strike, which we have a lot of feelings about. Also; VFW refuses trans member, Elena Kagan gets Sandra Day’s support and India aims to prevent gay & lesbians from using surrogate parents.

  • Hangover Thursday: Gay Olympians, Facebook Spies, Lying Models & Rentboys!

    American Apparel doesn’t want you to know they use models, interview with feminist author or wearing heels, Olympian speed skater Blake Skjellerup comes out, Facebook’s privacy settings are screwing you, gay softball team in San Francisco is suing, and more. Problems with pink culture, Muslims in Latin America, turning a self-loathing gay boy self-loving, and more effing research about hooking up [only this time, they’re not slut-shaming anybody].

  • 10 Best Quotes From Midsummer’s Great Girl-on-Girl Feminist Cyberwar

    It’s a new dawn & a new day for feminism on the internet, and a lot of ladies have said a lot of things about it and even if nobody won The Daily Show/Olivia Munn/#yallarejustjealous cyber-wars, some of those things are really important things! Also, Jezebel is taking over the internet if that’s ok with you.

  • Microsoft’s Unsettling New Kin Ad a Pro-Kidnapping PSA?

    The more I think about Microsoft’s newest Kin ad, the more sketched out I get: the video depicts a young woman, sponsored by Microsoft, heading out on a road trip to meet all of the sketchy weirdos she talks to online IN PERSON. And it’s fun, edgy and appealing, just like an Urban Outfitters catalog. So think about how creepy this vid is, then buy a bunch of great games that came out yesterday to feel better.

  • Chaiken’s Real Lesbian “Stories,” Gaga’s Blasphemous Orgy & ABC’s Pretty Little Lesbian Liar

    Ilene Chaiken ready to tell more story story storyland storified “stories” courtesy of “The Real L Word” cast, Alejandro director Steven Klein defends the religious symbolism in Gaga’s video while Katy Perry condemns it, Pretty Little Liars debuts with a lesbian lead, Zooey Deschanel & Rashida Jones to be a couple in new Paul Rudd movie, Sarah McLachlan on Letterman, teenage boys want Jane Lynch.

  • Adam Lambert Snags UHH’s Camila Grey for Magical Gay Mystery Tour

    This Sunday is extra Funday! Camila Grey is Adam Lambert’s new keyboardist, Gay Mardi Gras rocks Sydney, Harry Potter is going to save gays from suicide, Chris Rock schools you about healthcare, Sad Magazine will make you feel good, and recovery from anorexia is possible. Also, Lilo’s looking hawt.

  • Winter Olympics Guide for Lesbians: You Better Get Ready

    The Winter Olympics starts tonight, and we have a roundup of all the gayness happening in Vancouver. This is the most gay-friendly games yet, boasting two Pride Houses for gay athletes. Plus, we tell you which sports should you be watching, and who is actually out.

  • Ellen Page’s Lesbian Debut in Freeheld and Her Almost-Gay Role Retrospective

    It’s finally happening: Ellen Page is going to play a real live lesbian on the big screen. We take a deeper look at the story behind her lesbian debut in Freeheld and analyze her former roles where she wasn’t gay, but still warmed our gay hearts.

  • Sex & The City 2 Sucks, Let’s Watch SATC TV Clips Instead

    The reviews are in: “Sex and the City 2: The Movie” sucks. We round ’em up for you and then take the edge off with a retrospective on some of the moments that made us fall in love with the show to begin with; when it was just about the girls, the friendship, the love, the support, and the tribal female bonding. Did you see it? Do you want to?

  • Lesbian on Skins USA: Is MTV’s Skins Swapping Out Gay Maxxie For Lesbian “Tea”?

    Skins USA, based on Cycle 1 of the British series, has been picked up by MTV and is shooting in Baltimore. Early reports suggested that the gay character “Maxxie” would become “Teo” in the US version, but we’ve got news that Teo is out the window — replaced by a lesbian cheerleader named “Tea.” HOW HOT IS THAT GONNA BE. Also: Skins movie news, Adam Lambert’s tour, Reality Bites Rocks, remembering Rue & moar.

  • This One’s For The Girls… It’s Comment Awards Time!

    This is for all you girls about 25/In a little apartment, just trying to get by/Living on, on dreams and spaghetti-o’s/Wondering where you life is gonna go.

  • Uncool High Schools: Constance McMillen Transfers, Kern Votes Against Harvey Milk Day

    Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.