• Local Cops Out Lesbian Soldier: Is Bigotry to Blame? Or Spite?

    Gay people, especially lesbians of color like Jene Newsome, continue not asking or telling and being discharged anyways — and sidenote, Rapid City has a significant history of racial discrimination. J. Crew has discriminatory hiring practices, Elton got a death threat, gay men may or may not be able to give blood eventually, New Hampshire is standing for marriage equality, and the Paycheck Fairness may be able to make a difference for working women and their families. Also, Jon Stewart explains it all for you.

  • Lesbian Lifestyle Unpopular Today: Maureen McCormick, Kim Zolciak, Alicia Keys h8 the Rumors

    Apparently the gay agenda isn’t working today ’cause no one wants to be a lesbian BUT who cares, This American Life’s 2002 ep about how homos aren’t crazy is streaming online this week! Also; homophobia in African-American churches, Johnny Weir on “That’s Gay!”, the upside of depression, Caster Semenya is not the real Middlesex, Clay Aiken’s HRC speech FTW, Crystal Renn interviewed, “Bro-etry,” 10 Reasons to Avoid the Phone and more!

  • Gay Equality Will Require More Imagination, Less Talk of Buttsex

    A new book explains how “politics of disgust” have drowned out the “politics of humanity” necessary to achieve equal rights [sidenote: similar imagination and empathy-based strategies apply to challenging racism as well]. Also, gay Asians face racism within the community, International Women’s Day, watching “The Little Mermaid” while trans, Corey Haim’s death, Jon Stewart & Steven Colbert FTW last night and gay TV-makers will lose their tax breaks.

  • Top Defense Officials Seek to End Don’t Ask Don’t Tell For Real This Time

    Important announcement today as top defense officials seek to end DADT — but there is one catch. And also, John McCain is cranky about it. We’re happy to see that Obama is actually making some forward progress on repealing DADT! Newly-elected Senator Scott Brown explains his position on gay rights. Plus, Hawaii has rejected civil unions, Utah legislators shelved anti-discrimination laws, and CBS makes even more weird Super Bowl ad decisions.

  • Super Bowl Fight Heats Up: Lawsuit Against CBS for Anti-Choice Ad, Rejected Gay Dating Site Cries Foul

    The Superbowl’s ad spots are in hot contention — and the recent acceptance of an anti-abortion ad and rejection of a gay dating ad have inspired a lot of controversy. But is the “true story” featured in the abortion ad even true? And is the gay dating ad company being honest about their motives too?

  • Lady Gaga & Cyndi Lauper Talk Safe Sex on Good Morning America (BAM!)

    On Good Morning America to promote Mac’s VIVA/GLAM lipstick (all profits going to MAC Viva GLAM AIDS fund), Lady Gaga & Cyndi Lauper stay on topic about the importance of safe sex for gay & straight women. Also; suggested changes to the DSM V are OUT!, wanna be sexy Elmo for Halloween, shopping for love, sexism by the numbers, nuns go all Salt’n’Pepa on Oprah, and feminism at school.

  • Portia De Rossi’s ‘Advocate’ Cover Story: ‘I Feel Like My Life Can Stand for Something.’

    Portia De Rossi is on the cover of The Advocate with a fantastic in-depth interview, discussing topics including her marriage, equal rights advocacy, career aspirations and her new willingness to speak openly about her private life. Also! St.Vincent, behind the scenes of Skins and Lily Loveless interview, Chloe trailer, lesbian Desperate Housewives, Rihanna music video shoot, Lady Gaga’s telephone video, Vanity Fair responds to the WOC issue (not well), Justin TImberlake loves gender stereotypes, 40 sexiest videos, Jersey Shore and so! much! more!

  • If eHarmony Embraces the Gays, Should Manhunt Straddle the Strais?

    We’re on the fence about the eharmony lawsuit — who needs compatibility testing when you can have craigslist or any of the 500 lesbian “dating sites” sure to spam this post?!! A school gets rid of dictionaries, Jezebel has fun with Vogue, Katie Wudel can’t smell, gay cartoonists get the last laugh, and abstinence-only still doesn’t work.

  • Ellen DeGeneres to Katie Couric: ‘Sad That A Mom Will Love Me, But Reject their Gay Kid.’

    This is basically the best daily fix ever, featuring an all-star lineup: Ellen DeGeneres and Katie Couric talk for a whole half hour, and it’s perfect, Tegan & Sara on peace, Lindsay Lohan talks to Nicey Nash about her hoarding problem and darkest secrets, Adam Lambert heralded as “the new face of glam rock” in the UK, Lady Gaga’s new tattoo, and more!

  • Can The Baby-Sitter’s Club Update Include “Why Mallory is Gay”?

    Happy New Year! Happy Palindrome Day! They’re giving “The Babysitters Club” a makeover and not the Claudia kind! Are you still hung over? Would it make you feel better to see pictures of Lilo in a bikini? Also: New Hampshire midnight marriages, Megan Fox’s feelings about kissing girls, and LESBIAN TEACHER SEX BRAWLS.

  • The Lure of Hating on “The Lure of Dating an Ex-Lesbian”

    Details celebrates the joys of “dating a hasbian” by interviewing a bunch of guys and mentioning Anne Heche. Also; gays & lezzies smoke way more than everyone else, hookup culture, Dear Abby, more from V’s size issue, why women love Law & Order (Mariska?) and reasons to hate Oprah.

  • Uganda’s Bill to Punish Gays with Death Supported by Actual Human Americans

    Under Uganda’s anti-homosexuality bill, gays face life imprisonment at a minimum and often execution and the public is required to report gays or go to jail. Who are the Americans supporting Uganda’s Museveni legislation of evil? We break it all down for you. Also; should we settle for civil unions, the implications of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, another teacher-student lesbian sex scandal and “Who Do We Have to Blow to Get Gay Marriage in New York”?

  • New York Magazine’s Queer-Friendly Sex Diaries: Yup, They’re Real.

    New York Magazine devotes a print issue to the titilating Sex Diaries, Geocities calls it quits (save ur Neve Campbell fansite asap!) and the ex-gay people want their books to be in libraries, which is fine if they’re OK with it being right next to And Tango Makes Three.

  • How Do You Like Us Now? All The Other Churches Are Doing It.

    Churches love/hate us, Mormons have signs for us, Jersey wants you to have a chance to vote against us, and Dan Choi is on NPR’s THE MOTH!

  • Twitter Fail, Intervention for Intervention, Therapy Can’t Make You Straight & A Lesbian Club Can’t Make You Gay

    What did KD Lang love about Leisha Hailey in 2000? Is it really so wrong to make different ads for the gays? Why is Obama on the cover of the Advocate? Can a gay club make you gay, can conversion therapy make you straight? And what the hell about “modern feminism” makes it “illogical, unnecessary and evil?”

  • Flesh Suits, Elmo, Dolphin Drew, Foolishly Loving Obama, What KD Lang Knows

    Don’t trust Obama! You can’t get married! Where’s your job? Look at Lady GaGa! JK is getting divorced! Facebook is Bad says the Catholics, Facebook has some technical glitches says Slate! Big protest in Australia! KD Lang Knows Stuff About Women! And the best of girl-on girl craigslist.

  • Daily Fix: I AM Here to Make Friends, BTW.

    We are all intersex, we’re not here to make friends, Michael Jackson and his kids, people don’t know who the celeb-gays are, bisexuals kill people, gays come home, NARTH publishes fake study in fake journal, teachers say yes to marriage equality.

  • Sunday Funday: Tinkerbell Will Come Out on the Cover of DogFancy, Papa, Paparazzi

    “In this world, denying gayness is not keeping your private life private. It is, essentially, accepting either 1) Straightness (e.g., John Travolta) or 2) An obvious and compromising closeted lifestyle (e.g., Queen Latifah). In Adam’s case, that’d be lying, and lying is bad. But he hasn’t lied. So yes, it is relevant.”

  • Daily Fix: The Gays in Maine Marry Mainly on the Plain

    Gays can get married in Maine, Jennifer Beals runs, & Marie Osmond is down with her gay daughter.