Results for: gay marriage
Claire’s Lesbian Kiss Scene from Heroes Lack’s Sufficient Tongue, Per Ush
Wanna see Claire’s big lesbian kiss scene? We got it. Wanna be sure no one knows you’re gay? No homo. Plus, in defense of Lindsay Lohan, in defense of radio, and Jim & Pam get married!
Obama Pretty-Promises He’ll End DADT & Lady Gaga Sings For Her HRC Supper
Obama to the HRC: “I’m here with a simple message. I’m here with you, in that fight.” Obama pinky-swore and pretty-promised to do everything we want him to do. So, lesbians – what now?
National Equality March Inspires Solidarity, Provides Attractive Lesbian Activists
On one of the last straggling days of summery skies and subsequent sunburns, Equality Across America lured queer freedom fighters, the out & proud, the ambitious allies and the hungover & downtrodden to Washington, D.C. for The National Equality March for GLBTQ rights.
The Week TV Got Out of Control: Aliens, Lesbians, Suicides, Housewives, Oh My!
We are clearly in November sweeps, because TV is just OOC right now. Get the skinny on Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, V, Grey’s Anatomy, Tabatha’s Salon Takeover, all of the Real Housewives, Parks and Recreation, SNL and more!
S.T.A.U.N.C.H Characters Include Alan, Susan, Jane, Stephen, Wendy & Lisa, Meghan and Christine.
In TV, Grey Gardens premieres tonight, and we really want Glee to be picked up. Look, more NOM jokes!
Sunday Funday 5.17 – Yahoo Messed Up but The Lynch & Judge Judy Can Do No Wrong
How confusing is this exactly? One adult human being + One adult human being = acceptable union. That’s all. No room for livestock or multiple wives or children in there, right? Right.
Video! NYC’s Big Gay Day: Autostraddle Does the Anti-Gay Evangelical Rally, Chats with Dan Choi
Dan Choi & his boyfriend give Autostraddle some exclusive homosexual conduct. And we say “it is good.”
Daily Fix – A Tattooed, Loved/Hated, Rock ‘n Roll Anarchist Collective
“I really enjoyed being a part of that show because it showed same-sex relationships in a semi-normal atmosphere. Being open about who you are and who you choose to love is vital for our generation.
Daily Fix: I Hope My Cartoon Baby Also Sounds a Little Gay
“Many residents are out of work; others worry they will lose their jobs. Thousands of people have difficulty making ends meet … No one needs a campaign to stomp on legislation that doesn’t hurt anyone.”
Daily Fix: It’s Raining Gays!
Miss California stands by her answer, even though it cost her the crown. L Word webisodes are still happening? Plus Jane Lynch in something new.
Robin Shoots & Riese Interviews Julie Goldman, World’s Funniest Lez
“The desire to be on a sketch show has been fulfilled, and I get to be on one which I fit into instead of being the brunt of the jokes.”
Daily Fix – May Day Gay Day Shay Day Get-Laid Day Pay Day
“We have done everything in our power to limit the confusion in the market place about who is speaking these words and that it is not Miss California, but Carrie Prejean.”
Daily Fix: Joe vs. The NOMcano, Bart vs. Lisa and L-Cast Updates
Riese put pictures of girls in boyshorts on the internet, Larry King’s guests are dumb sometimes, HRC takes on NOM in an epic battle of acronyms, and omg Erin Daniels will be on CSI.
Daily Link Fix 3.9.09 – Living in a Material World
Glamour has sexy American Icons, we wonder why gay marriage is so comfy in New England, and Steven Waldman wants to strike a deal with conservatives.
Universal Health Care, Universal Glee, Universal Makeovers For Female Athletes! : Daily Fix
Tegan & Sara have a book they’re gonna release with their CD!! Health Care! Glee! Gender Makeover! EllDrew kisses in Marie Claire! I’m gonna live forever! Sarah Waters is gonna get a prize! Did Annie pay her debts? New Anyone But Me preview!
Daily Fix – Models Pose for Pics, IFC’s Last Kicks, Oprah Gets in the Mix
Too easy, Miss California. Just too. f*cking. easy. And down you go with your nude photos, ten toy soldiers all in a row. I can’t wait to see what Gallagher’s got up her Wal-Mart blazered sleeve. Hopefully Spanx.
Daily Fix 4.1.09 – From Boyish Girls to Bisexual Disco Queens
Japan okays same-sex marriage abroad, and Zurich okays their very own lesbian mayor; also, New York Magazine gets to spend 125 whole minutes with Lady Gaga!
Lesbian Music Prodigy Helen Goddard Jailed for Teacher-Student Affair, Using “Fuzzy Handcuffs”
From now on we’ll be having the Daily Fix in three parts! This is News & Politics. Today, a music prodigy who performed at the Sydney Olympics is jailed for a sexual affair with a female student, a lesbian Mom wins in court, Obama is anti Patterson and Serbia’s gay parade is totally f*cking canceled.
Whip It! Behind-the-Scenes Featurette, Sandra Bullock, Same-Sex Counseling, Soda Addiction! Sunday Funday Daily Fix!
New featurette from Whip It!, NSFW Sexy Sundays with vintage lesbians, Bisexuality, G-spots and more! Haviland Stillwell plays with the video camera and so much more!
Obama Comes Out Against DOMA At Last and a Gay Comes Out Against “Fag Hags”: Daily Fix
The Obama administration filed court papers Monday claiming a federal marriage law discriminates against gays, even as government lawyers continued to defend it. Also, Salon does fag hags and everyone pretends to like Mad Men, many have not actually seen it.