LGBT Adults Go Green, Believe in Global Warming, Know Children are Our Future

lesbian-outdoors2GREEN: Much to our surprise, LGBT Americans Think, Act, Vote More Green Than Others: even though gays aren’t allowed to adopt kids and they can’t have ’em on accident (at least not with our preferred gender of mate) a new study shows that LGBTS are still way more concerned about the ozone layer than all ze breeders, which this Reuters article attributes to “a very high sense of community and cooperation that many LGBT citizens know first hand.” You know, like how we made the AIDS quilt together, and built huts for our hippie lesbian naked mating rituals and child-rearing at the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival etc.

It’s a relatively small sample size and the statistical differences here aren’t all that significant either, but nevertheless — if they’re right about lezzies being so into the planet, this post will have lots of comments! (If it doesn’t, everyone reading this better go cool the global whatevs now)

Two-thirds (66%) of lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender adults say that it is important to support environmental causes, compared with 56% of non-LGBT adults.

Three-quarters (75%) of LGBT adults (compared with 53% of heterosexuals) believe global warming is happening right now

39% of LGBT adults say they have seen or read Al Gore`s “An Inconvenient Truth” while only 20% of heterosexuals say they have seen or read it.

Althugh LGBT households are not parenting as frequently as heterosexuals, 51% say they are concerned about the planet we are leaving behind for future generations — compared to 42% of heterosexual adults.

22% of heterosexuals think “going green” is a marketing tactic but only 16% of LGBT adults agree.

So even though we can’t have kids, we sill want your kids to have trees to play in. That’s so gay! And by “gay” I mean “happy.”

SCIENTOLOGY BUNK: Every time Scientology suffers, we smile on the inside with our eyes: Paul Haggis quits Scientology after 35 years of dedication, b/c of their homophobia and hypocrisy. Leader Tommy Davis “dramatically removed his microphone, and walked out of the interview in the most indignant Scientologist way possible” during an interview with the Nightline guy who also got Michael Jackson to spill his beans. (@nymag, @salon)


Call Her or Text Her? The phone is right there buddy

DATING: For the first date — call or text? Peter argues for texting (bravo, I agree) and the girl argues for a phone call (sigh). Peter makes many good points mostly that the girl is making the whole thing way more complicated than it oughta be. What do you think? (@nerve)

SINGLE LADIES: Sex therapist Ian Kerner, Ph.D. says that those complaining about being single should consider their location: “In a lot of cities where professional status really matters, people focus on their careers, valuing their jobs over quality of life—things like relationships, marriage and kids get put on the back burner…there is a higher proportion of eligible, interesting people, so the need to settle down doesn’t feel as much as a priority. This is actually completely true, especially for lesbians. Like if there’s only one other lesbian in your village, it’s her way or the highway you know? The entire article is at YourTango, which oddly bills itself as “smart talk about love.” (@ nerve)

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. i have a friend, who is christian, who rather unashamedly has admitted that she doesn’t care much about the environment because by the time things are catastrophic she will be in heaven or whatever. like, she’ll have moved on to better things so it doesn’t matter? she doesn’t even care about the env her potential spawn will grow up in.
    so yeah, there’s that..

    • whatt? I thought people liked to think about heaven because as well as it being well, heaven, it will let them look down on all the people they left behind and see what they’re up to. no?
      also I’m doing ecological science at uni ( i really do heart the environment) and one of the guys on my course is a full on creationist which blows my mind pretty much every day, and the only time i’ve ever braved the conversation about why he is doing the degree he said that he thinks we ‘have a duty to god to look after the earth.’I couldn’t ask him anymore as would have got the rage a bit, but feel he shoudl maybe spread that around in creationist circles. Its also fun to talk about dinosaurs near him.

      • I read an article about this once! Apparently there’s a whole conservation movement in evangelical circles; maybe not a very big one, but at least some people who think that environmental consciousness is like a duty to take care of the Earth God gave us. It is a pretty ok idea I think, and pretty interesting!

        • If they’re taking care of the Earth God gave us, that’s pretty much okay with me — any force used for good and not evil is awesome

          • Liberal Christian circles (e.g. Presbyterians, the Christian Reformed Church, lefty Mennonites, etc.) make a very (VERY) big deal (and wonderfully so) over what they call creation stewardship. The deal being that God didn’t put people on this earth to fuck it up OR to lord over creation, but instead to care for creation. To act with love, mercy, and justice towards ALL of creation. Some of the “greenest” people I know are committed to their environmental stewardship because they love Jesus first and for them environmentalism is just a natural result of that love/commitment.

            Now, I used to fight tooth and nail with those same friends over whether or not it was just as good to love the earth for it’s own sake/for future generation’s sake, as opposed to loving it for God’s sake, their argument being that environmentalism without God is not as good/pure as environmentalism with God. And we did really argue and often just had to agree to disagree.

            But just as often as I once found myself arguing with my Jesus friends about how my reasons for/approach to environmentalism was as equally valid as their own, I now find myself arguing with my non-Jesus (excuse the labels, for now) friends about how the Jesus-people’s reasons for/approach to environmental goodness is equally valid as their own, as we’re all just trying to get the job done here and reasons are reasons but actions of love are actions of love and the latter is always just a little bit more important.

            LONG story short, I do agree. You cannot judge the good, it’s all AWESOME.

      • hahahaha we had a pamphlet in my Born AGain church and my friends would take them and then laugh and laugh. It was about dinosaurs. I can’t remember what they taught me about dinosaurs, but it was something supercrazystrange.

  2. I actually really love the idea that we all worked together to make the AIDS quilt. Like, is that a story we can perpetuate to straight people? That there was a big team meeting of every queermo in the US and we all sat in a circle sipping yerba mate and stitching? Also we all wore flowers in our hair like that girl in the photo, even the men.

    • I actually feel like I did something for the AIDS Quilt when I was a kid. I have flashbacks of a gigantic stadium with an enormous quilt there, maybe we were just looking at it. I just woke up can you tellll?

    • I tell straight people we have a headquarters that sometimes sends care packages. But the aids quilt things sounds fun, too.

  3. Since when was speaking to another human being “complicated”? Man, I love technology, but if it’s getting that hard to have an actual conversation, maybe we need to start reconsidering things…

    Maybe we believe in global warming and environmentalism cause it’s harder to accept brainwashing from people who hate your guts.

      • I know that’s an issue for some people, in which case I understand texting. But the guy in that article seems to think that having a conversation is an overly personal way of communicating… idk, maybe i’m old fashioned :X

        • I don’t get why these two are arguing about it in the first place. I mean, to each his own right? Some people prefer calls and some prefer texts. There’s really only a few situations that would actually be inappropriate to do one versus the other. Like you wouldn’t text some one that their mom just died and you wouldn’t call to say OMG! LOL!

  4. 2009, but still…
    Man oh man i love the environment. Lesbians are the future. Women power, caring for all children, saving the planet, loving each other. The world should start preparing.

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