Autostraddle’s Fall Preview Issue 2009

We’re celebrating the local changing of the seasons at Autostraddle HQ this year with a giant Fall Preview Issue … our first special issue of hopefully many more! Even if it’s not fall where you live, you can get in the spirit of change and renewal, with new columns, a look at entertainment & culture […]

pick an actual category, you strange genius

Support Autostraddle

Hello Friends! Sometimes you have so much love for our continued existence that you don’t know where to put it, and maybe you wonder to yourself “how can I ensure that Autostraddle remains a gutsy, independent, intelligent website who cares about my experience more than they care about search engine optimization?” Well good news! We […]


Pink’s “Funhouse: The Tour” Makes 58 Sold-Out Dates in Australia – The Autostraddle Concert Report

Photographer Stef Mitchell & Autostraddle Deputy Music Editor/Australian Specialist Crystal report from the trenches of the Outback’s Outbreak of Pink Fever. Lady Gaga Who? “Even the most passionate Pink fans couldn’t have predicted that this feisty pop star was capable of selling out a whooping 58 stadium shows in a country with only 21 million […]


What We Talk About When We Talk About Healthcare: The Autostraddle Roundtable

You’ve heard the propose policies, the pundits, the fear-mongers, the critics and the cynics — now hear the people. Autostraddle talks about the future of health care with true stories from the unemployed, laid off, employed, students, underemployed, stuffed dogs, government-aided, Canadian, Australian, British (a boy, even!) and Intern Daphne from Belgium, Offering the Greatest Healthcare in the World.