Weekday Update: Autostraddle Fun(d)raising & Headhunting

All of our feelings are buried in posts here and there and so we thought we’d consolidate them into this singular, compact easy-to-read post, like a fold-up bike or a poncho.


1) Fun(d)raising!

There’s a thermometer in the right column of the website tracking the progress of your donations and fundraising sticker purchases, which we feel is relevant to your interests.

As of the morning of Tuesday, April 19th, we’ve raised almost $13,000 (UPDATE: Thursday 8:00 AM PST — $16,037) thanks to about 500 readers who donated and ordered stickers. It’s F-CKING MINDBLOWING and, as discussed in this post, we f-cking love you for it. It’s basically changed our lives forever more or less — and yours, because you’ve already guaranteed that we will both continue existing AND eating 2-3 meals a day, plus snacks.

We’re being super aspirational and continuing this fun(d)raiser until the end of the week! Because our parents always told us to reach for the stars (way before they told us that liking girls was just a phase). If you think that’s crazy, just remember — we ARE crazy!!




Subscription Options


Buy Stickers:


You can buy stickers at our Goodsie store.

Other Ways You Can Help:

When you buy things, buy them via our Amazon Associates Account. Check out the bottom of the “We Need Help” post for a list of some of the shopping guides we’ve produced including Boyshorts 101 and The Headphones Shopping Guide. If you’re buying books outside of America, we now also have an account with The Book Depository.

If you want to turn on us on by getting off, we also have affiliate accounts at Babeland and Good Vibrations — so there’s never been a better time to get that vibrator or that harness you need?


2) Business Advisor / Ad Person Hunt

In the “We Need Help” post, we let you know about how we need an Ad Salesperson and a Business Advisor to keep this ship sailing.

We’ve gotten a ton of REALLY AMAZING applications and we’re really excited to go through all of them and figure out what the hell to do with ourselves!

Two quick reminders:

a. We will be getting back to people late this week but more likely early next week.

b. Also! Remember that we are not looking for new ideas of things we (as in — Laneia and I) can do on our own. We are looking for explanations of what YOU can do.

If you’re pitching a business/money-making/marketing idea to us in your email, at least 75% of your pitch should be an explanation of how YOU can make that happen or help make that happen — because clearly if we could make it happen without you, we wouldn’t be asking for your help. You follow?

c. We’ve gotten a really incredible response to this and would like to let you know, once again, that WE LOVE YOU.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!

the team

auto has written 744 articles for us.


  1. I had a dream last night that I won $373 million. I donated many, many millions of that to AS. It was just a dream, but I would totes do it if I won a lot of money IRL. This is not helpful to either of us. Sorry.

    • i bet if every single person who reads autostraddle bought just one lottery ticket someone would win big and then all the problems would be solved forever. :)

      • Or we would have small winnings that could still add up to lots. This is the first time I’ve felt compelled to buy a lottery ticket since my 18th birthday.

    • Thought about buying something but again the t-shirts sold out so I just did a cash donation but I still want a tank top so now I am thinking I will buy one when more are available. As I typed I realize this at any other site/cause = I might be annoyed but I wasn’t, not a bit. Where am I going with this? No idea except I REAALLY want a tank top or t shirt. Oh yeah, I won $50 bucks in a scratch off, that’s it.

  2. I love this site so much and will donate as soon as I can but I am unemployed until June :(

  3. “HEADHUNTING” makes you all sound fucking fierce and like that group that nearly headless nick was never allowed into.

  4. Big Love. Bought some Easter gifts for family through your Amazon link earlier this week and other stuff.

    Love ya, like really a lot

    • It’s just stickers, you could probably stick them in a small envelope and call it a day

  5. commenting/donating for the first time bc about a year ago some friends came over to tell me that “oh my god [my old college dormmate] is a total lesbian and a drag king!! we found video!!” so we watched the videos & they laughed & emailed everyone the links & asked if i was ok. i felt mad & confused but i didn’t know at who or why. i just had this overwhelming feeling of ‘we don’t know shit…none of us, sitting here in the houses our parents bought us with our boyfriends in their khaki pants, knows shit’

    so everyone left & i started to google and i came across autostraddle. i started reading and my first thought was oh my god we are homophobic assholes. i hadn’t seen it before, because i don’t think i even really knew or cared, but it was there & i couldn’t ignore it any longer.

    but beyond that i had found this place where women were powerful & smart & funny. where women had voices & opinions. where i learned it was ok to finally say “i know he has his own house & a great job & knows all the people, but i can not be led by the hand my whole life and told i made such a great impression when all i did was smile and say hello. i can not.”

    anyways three weeks ago i left & moved to phoenix to live with my best friend. i have absolutely no plan or idea of what is going to happen next and i have never been happier. i don’t think i could have done it without this website. so the very least i can do is donate & write this very long thank you.

    • Just wanted to say I love your story and you are incredibly brave. Good luck with everything<3

    • I also love your story, and I hope everything works out. Sounds to me like you have a good head on your shoulders and will be just fine. :)

  6. I’m kind of shocked that only 450 people have donated. Surely you have many more readers than this? I know not everyone can afford to give, but it’s hard to believe that everyone is totally broke…

    • A lot of people are waiting for their paychecks… Plus maybe some are donating via Amazon and the other websites?

  7. i don’t post much, but just wanted to let you guys know i feel proud and inspired to be part of such an awesome community

    sending you lots of love & appreciation (ok, and cash, cause lets face it, that’s what you really need right now)


  8. I am sure that there are many readers of auto out there. they just don’t have money to donate, i think, like me… I hope I can next time. I love auto… so much…

  9. I don’t comment much, but I just thought I’d let you know that now that you have the $5/month option I donated again. :) I recently gave up my expensive Tim Horton’s addiction and this is a MUCH better place to be spending my hard earned pennies. <3

  10. I’ve not commented before (I may have registered in order to do so…) but I just wanted to say thank you so, so much for what you ladies do. Autostraddle provides a place for female-oriented queer discussion (plus 100 pictures of Shane) and it has been invaluable to me, even sitting on the sidelines as I’ve been doing. I’ve bought some stickers with the dregs in my bank account and I’m planning on getting a subscription as soon as my loan kicks in :)

    Thanks so much ladies, you are incredible.

  11. I could not afford the stickers or anything (no income since January and no pending income), so instead I just gave you the last $2.11 that I have. Love you guys.

  12. Just a tip: I couldn’t find the Amazon Affiliates link in the “Support Us” section so it might be helpful to put it up there! Unless, of course, it’s already there and I’m just blind.

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