The Comment Awards Are Posting The Very Best Thirst Traps, TYVM

Hello, my loves! Guess what I did: I awarded the comment awards backwards (newest to oldest) instead of chronologically like I normally do. But instead of fixing it, I’m gonna embrace it! Life’s too short! Gonna eat dessert first! Breakfast pasta! Pants on criss-cross! Etc!


This week, the TV team discussed the waysĀ Orange is the New Black changed tv forever.

Drew watched Rebecca and oh boy, was it a thirsty classic!

Not always sure what to say on a first date? Rachel’s got you covered.

I have a crush on everyone featured on Insta Crush.

Drew went to Outfest and I must include this headline in all its glory: Outfest 2019: The Future of Queer Cinema Is Trans.

You got help! The team gave advice on all of the burning questions you submitted during the fundraiser.

Jen Richards killed us dead.

InĀ this week’s Foolish Child, relationships with the shows we watch can be…complicated.

In perhaps the one piece of casting that could make me truly excited for The L Word: Generation Q, it’s…Jamie Fucking Clayton, Ladies and Gentlefolks!

This first essay from The Travel Issue absolutely blew me away.

And then there were your comments!

On What We Love and Hate About Dating Leos:

The Everything The Light Touches Award to Claire:

This Leo is loving skimming this for only the positive words and ignoring all the rest! Thanks for this 100% positive nothing negative article about Leos!!!

On No Filter: This Extremely Hot Picture of Jen Richards:

The Influencer Award to Meghan:

In the Celine Dion pic, it doesnā€™t look like one where sheā€™s the one being excessively influenced

And the Her (Likely) Story Award to SmartAssJen:

I posted that photo just to be included in No Filter. šŸ˜€

On 8 Sins I Committed by Viewing This Catholic-Themed Gillian Anderson Photoshoot:

The I Want to Believe Award to adunlap and Chrissy:

Queer clergywoman here! You are fine. We are all fine. May the Divine bless you for these photos!

On 25 Questions to Make Conversation with on a First Date:

The Rich Tapestry Award to Snow:

I thought Iā€™d be making art, traveling, and playing music. Now Iā€™m transplanting organs in Utah. Life goes in strange directions. How the hell did you end up here?

On NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday: Consider the Urn Dildo:

The Dump Them Award to Amanda ling:

Wow, sometimes youā€™re going along thinking everything is alright and then you hear there are people who donā€™t give their lover water on a hike.

And on

The Best. Perk. Ever! Award to Jay:

Iā€™m so excited for AS! Watching the flash sale is super fun, I want every perk! What if one of Archieā€™s perks was being a guest character in Grease Bats?!

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! I’m [at] queergirl on Autostraddle and [at] queergirlblogs on Twitter!

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. *Victory lap*
    thank you thank you

    Still in Utah

    Still don’t know what happened, but I got this nifty award, so that’s nice! Thanks gang!

    • But did you put some sauce on it or just the pasta?

      I’m all in favor of cold pizza or some empanadas for breakfast so I can add some new choices

  2. Left over cold vegan cheese and shells with peas and corn in it for breakfast comes highly recommended

  3. Why did I never notice that the CAs were ordered chronologically?

    What other patterns or acrostics or subliminal messages might we have missed?!!

    • Hahaha apparently I hold myself to very high standards that nobody notices šŸ˜‚

      Maybe next week Iā€™ll order them in some sort of acrostic situation

      • The care you take with the comment awards is so very evident. Even if we miss the details that you pay attention to. The fact that you pay attention to the details comes through.

        That said. Donā€™t hurt yourself with your high standards. šŸ˜‰

  4. Iā€™m just so excited about exceeding the fundraising goals. I couldnā€™t give much but it felt so good to give it and it feels so good to be part of a community that came together to raise this much money for such a good cause.

    And I had never noticed the order of the awards either.

  5. The hot question is: is she a Jennuinely smartass #singlelady or is she just playing #hashtag with us?

  6. Oh wow! Hi yes! I am so excited for whoever it is that did end up getting that perk! Jealous, maybe, I was asleep when it posted and can’t afford $100 rn anyway, but still jealous. I’m sure its gonna be really cute and exciting when it happens!!!!!

      • Yeah! Became a perk for the 2nd flash sale! Dream the world you want and sometimes it happens!
        As amicably as possible I suppose, finally healing more and more.

  7. For clarity, when I wrote my comment I had misread the article and thought that was a literal thing that had happened, but honestly I am just as distressed by the metaphorical reality. Give your lover water, but like for their emotions.

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