• Bachmann Friend Bradlee Dean Sues Maddow for Speaking the Truth

    “Heavy metal evangelist” and homophobe plots his “big revenge” on years of well-deserved criticism.

  • Stuff You’ve Been Hearing About Dan Savage, Addressed

    Dan Savage has gotten himself into quite a bit of trouble with quite a lot of people on topics such as Michele Bachmann’s husband and monogamy.

  • Philosopher Unsure If The True Self Is Gay

    “How is one to know which aspect of a person counts as that person’s true self?” (Is it the gay part?) (“no seriously this is fascinating stuff, read this post!” -the editors)

  • Everybody Hurts

    Not all gay kids are depressed — and not all straight kids are happy. In The New York Times’ “Gay or Straight, Teenagers Aren’t So Different,” experts discuss new research and make salient points. This whole thing reminds me of “Pump up the Volume.”

  • Alabama Lesbian Arrested for Getting Attacked Outside a Straight Bar

    Thankfully, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Act means that when someone is attacked by a dozen people and the police are called to the scene, justice can finally be served. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking.

  • Nightline Probes Gay Conversion Camp, Provides Balanced Commentary on Deranged Concept

    “Can sexual orientation be changed through conscious decision-making or therapy?”, ABC’s Nightline asks in its piece on Journey into Manhood retreats. Really? Is that still a real question?

  • Also, Dudeliness Is Next To Gayness

    Have you had any coherent thoughts or engaged in activities that were not watching Sex and the City today? OMG, bro, you’re like such a dude! Chest bump!

  • 26-Year Old Gay Youth Activist Joseph Jefferson Kills Himself in Brooklyn

    26-year-old Joseph Jefferson was a gay youth activist and an inspiring human being. Now he’s dead.

  • 26-Year-Old Joseph Jefferson Didn’t Kill Himself Because of Gay Bullying. Neither Did Raymond Chase.

    I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by everything or anything: the family & friends of 26-year old Joseph Jefferson and 19-year-old Raymond Chase remember “out and proud” community leaders. Also; an update on the Terrel Williams suicide hoax some sick f*ck played on the internet.

  • 5-Year-Old Boy’s Daphne Costume Throws Gender-Conscious Parents Into Shiloh Panic

    A five-year-old boy wanted to dress like a character from Scooby Doo who happens to be a girl. Then other kids’ moms made fun of him. We’d like to take this opportunity to define a little something we call SHILOH PANIC.

  • Hey Jackie, You’re Not A Lesbian, Also We’re Not Your Chemistry Experiment

    An essay by British sort-of-former lesbian is so ridiculous we didn’t write about it, we just quoted it for you. Plus, gay parents are great parents, European nations don’t have to grant same-sex marriage, an awesome 15-year-old boy is pissed that his library has no gay books, and Soledad O’Brien talks about DADT.

  • Gay Bullying Update: Your Near-Daily Roundup Of Stuff That’s Happening

    Largely positive, and largely in video form! A Fort Worth councilman breaks every part of your heart and then puts it back together again, awesome kids with awesome families fighting against queerphobia, and other people working to help our communities.

  • Colleges Making Fancier Gyms Instead of Smarter Graduates

    Colleges keep building buildings and raising tuition, but who benefits? Katrina The College Runagay has feelings about college and Sarah has facts and together we have ourselves an article about student debt, generational job market issues, and you know, the point of college etc.

  • The Nightmare of Rape on College Campuses

    An article about one woman’s experience of the aftermath of rape sheds light on a problem on college campuses nationwide. Plus, does prom even matter, Ellen maybe ruined AI, people who shop at Whole Foods are thin because they have money, and watch the trailer for Kiana Firouz’s controversial movie.

  • Newsweek Confirms Inability to Talk About Gay People

    Newsweek does a story about LGBT retirement communities, which are filled with Indian Chiefs, flower arrangers, and sexual minorities. Also, Colin Farrell talks to Ellen Degeneres about anti-gay bullying, Douglas Coupland donates his papers, Jezebel talks feminism and Sarah Palin, there’s a new film about virginity that you’ll probably want to watch, and the future of online news!

  • Uncool High Schools: Constance McMillen Transfers, Kern Votes Against Harvey Milk Day

    Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.

  • On The Upside, These Gay Kids Have Awesome Parents!

    It’s not all doom & gloom. Ceara Sturgis’ tuxedo pic didn’t even make it into the yearbook, but her Mom is standing up for her! And she’s not the only Mom out there taking a stand. Also, Houston Pride will feature uniformed police officers, the Washington Blade returns, California struck down anti-gay law and um someonemurderedtheirdaughtersgirlfriend and a trans student was attacked in a college bathroom.

  • Lesbian Forced to Pay Back $80K ROTC Scholarship. But Shouldn’t Pride be Priceless?

    Sara Isaacson came to school on her ROTC scholarship before she realized she was a lesbian. But coming out has cost her $80,000 — ROTC wants her money back. In 2002, the same thing happened to a girl that I once knew — who I learned today is still fighting against DADT in unexpected ways. A look at how much things have changed, and how much they have stayed the same. Also, do your hobbies make you gay, a good day to love gay men, and meet Chris Pureka!

  • Do School Libraries Need Books? (Yes! We needed “Annie on my Mind”!)

    Many schools are considering doing away with books — NYTimes debates the issue with Experts, and we have feelings. Also; gay Canadian teens in rural areas are lonely, lesbian activist marries gay man to prove a point, transgender woman on Oprah, first African-American gay speaker of the house in Rhode Island, Utah GBLTs won’t be ignored, and a kickass parody of the offensive Dodge Charger Superbowl Ads.

  • Why is Ted Haggard on my TV, Being All “Cured” of Homo? OH! His Wife’s New Memoir!

    Evangelical preacher and “converted” sinner/homoesexual Ted Haggard’s wife has a new memoir, “Why She Stayed,” so the duo is back on TV, spreading their psuedo-love. And people seem to like it. Also; the ex-lesbian Mom is still on the run, has Twitter peaked?, a funny look at the iPad, nightclub Miami showdown, gay superbowl ads, and women who drink a lot!