• Oscars Live-Blog: 82nd Annual Academy Awards Open Thread

    Oscars 2010 “Live-Blog”/Open Thread with Autostraddle! Plus we make up for a year without film coverage by giving you our opinion on the 2010 Oscar Nominees! Get out your laptop, there will be lots of gay people, but no Jay Manuel.

  • Do School Libraries Need Books? (Yes! We needed “Annie on my Mind”!)

    Many schools are considering doing away with books — NYTimes debates the issue with Experts, and we have feelings. Also; gay Canadian teens in rural areas are lonely, lesbian activist marries gay man to prove a point, transgender woman on Oprah, first African-American gay speaker of the house in Rhode Island, Utah GBLTs won’t be ignored, and a kickass parody of the offensive Dodge Charger Superbowl Ads.

  • Why Taylor Swift Won That Grammy (And Lady Gaga Didn’t). ALSO: Grammy Gallery!

    Breaking down the Taylor Swift win and the Lady Gaga loss, with a Special Comment from Superfan Alex. Also; trouble for Naomi & Emily on this week’s Skins, the girl who plays Effy wishes she got to be gay too, a woman wins a directing award for the first time ever, and Tila Tequila quits twitter! For real!

  • Hollywood Lesbians: Harder Now (But Not Impossible) to Stay Closeted Forever

    The history of lesbian closeting in Hollywood — and why, even today, so many lesbians prefer to stay in the closet. Also a Desperate Housewives lesbian storyline mini-cap, Tila Tequila’s Australian karaoke, an amazing Taylor Swift parody and Lindsay Lohan’s new interview.

  • Lindsay Lohan’s PR Machine De-Gays Lesbian Relationship with Sam

    Bisexual Lindsay Lohan wants to get back together with Sam, but is now sticking to the “Sam is the only girl I ever liked” storyline. We know it’s just a story, but we explain why it matters that they’re making her tell it. Gaga exemplifies the modern age with her stardom. Natalie Portman is working on a female stoner comedy. Oh, and we shamelessly ask you to vote for us in some contests!

  • What Are The Top Ten Albums You Can’t Live Without?

    Top Ten Desert Island Albums. GO! Intern Emily already did – find out which records she can’t live without, and why – from Death Cab and Tegan and Sara, to Sarah Mclachlan, Okkervil River and more. Plus, the top ten albums the rest of Audiostraddle can’t live without … what are your favorites?

  • Skins Recap, just the Lesbian Parts: The Ballad of Naomi & Emily Part One

    Teen drama Skins is the BBC’s most buzz-worthy property since AbFab. The Season With the Lesbian Storyline, starring Emily & Naomi is coming to Australian and US teevees this year. Crystal recaps The Lesbian Parts of Skins for you — this here is part one.

  • Marisa Meltzer’s Actual Girl Power: The Autostraddle Interview

    Feminist author and nineties enthusiast Marisa Meltzer talks to Laneia about her new book, Girl Power. Also: zines, music, movies and even Lilith Fair, for crying out loud!

  • GLAAD Said “Let There Be Gay,” and GLAAD Saw ‘Valentine’s Day’ and It Was Good

    Glaad says Valentine’s Day is secretly gay, The Real World DC mini-recap, Out Media’s $10K contest for college queers (you could win!), Modern Family’s gay dad interviewed, Rihanna heats bisexual rumors, Porita behind-the-scenes, Gaga & Cyndi Lauper continue their talk show tour and talk about their gay followings, Ellen will be dancing on TV for 3 more years, best Single Ladies parody ever, LiLo misses her flight, Melissa Etheridge’s new album, and Janeane Garofalo dream job on 30 Rock.

  • King Kong Don’t Have Nothing Over EZ Girl: The Autostraddle Interview

    Jess talks to polarizing musician Elizabeth Ziff: “Honestly, I’m queer more than I am gay. I’m peripheral. I’ve never been conformist, I’ve never been status quo, it’s never even entered my brain. I’ve been in a band for 25 years, that’s what I’ve done. Traveled the world, fucked, got wasted, been political, and created.”

  • Ladies Love Danger, Screech, Zach Morris, Bottoming, Miss America… OR DO THEY?

    So much random fun for today’s Sunday Funday – Saved by the Bell sex secrets revealed by Dustin Diamond, will the US move forward on DADT, Miss America, JD Salinger, Lifetime Network vs. Spike TV, gay activist dragged out of court, more Lady Gaga edibles, why’s everyone want us to have gender roles so bad, Angie/Gaga hookup nonsense, J-Lo, hot butts, librarians and more!

  • 14 Lesbian & Genderqueer Tumblrs To Watch

    F*ck yeah lesbian/queer/genderf*ck tumblr blogs – when it comes to stuff gay girls like, tumblr is the best thing to happen to photography ever. Here’s a sampling of the very best.

  • Ho, Ho, Hey Did You See That Comment Seasonal Sunday!

    What, you didn’t think the gift giving was over, did you? We spent the holiday week cozied-up and reading through every one of your (many, many!) awesome comments. You’ve been so good this year; we wish we could wrap you all in a big family group hug! But due to the physical limitations of the internet, we’re giving out comment awards instead.

  • Why Taylor Swift Offends Little Monsters, Feminists, and Weirdos

    A symbolical analysis of the Taylor Swift canon (w/infographic). Is there art without sex? Love without raincoats? Feminism without girls? Beauty without dirt? Copycats without claws?

  • Day 12 of Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: On the Last Day, The Other Side Epically Failed

    It’s the very last day! And Blackenhorn continues to dig his own grave; defending polygamy and generally being a petulant h8er: “I feel like there must be some secret clause in legal proceedings that when someone says something this f*cking stupid, they automatically forfeit the case for their team. Like losing the Snitch. The polygamous Snitch.”

  • Portia De Rossi FTW on Gay Marriage, Hasslebeck’s Brain Leaks Pudding

    Portia De Rossi goes on The View, graces the universe with her radiant beauty & intelligence on topics like being closeted, her career, and equal rights. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is dumb. Kids are more tolerant of diversity, some important dude thinks women will be in the NBA one day, and the best protest signs of 2009.

  • A Shot at Tila Tequila: The Autostraddle Interview

    Autostraddle stops talking about Tila and talks to her instead: “Hopefully, after people read this interview, it will change their minds about me. But if not, it doesn’t matter. I’m still happy. I’m still going to fight for our right to get married. I’m going to buy my Teletubbies pajamas, and throw pickles at paparazzi!”

  • Good Morning America Can’t Handle Adam Lambert, Cancels His Appearance

    Good Morning America! Adam Lambert will not be performing his hot hot sex for you today because he is too controversial. #shameonyouabc! Here’s why this mistake isn’t embarrassing for Adam, but totally shameful for ABC.

  • Lindsay Lohan Home for Thanksgiving, then to Paris for Bisexual Photo Shoot?

    Lindsay Lohan will be home for Thanksgiving … and then she’ll be doing a Terry Richardson PURPLE Mag photoshoot with alleged sex scenes. Also; Candy Slice’s Lady Gaga/Beyonce parody, Fame Monster on VH1, Glee on hiatus, Adam Lambert on Letterman, CBS apologizes for Early Show kissing double standard, and we wonder why Chris Brown is booked for GMA and Adam was kicked off.

  • Jean Grey, X-Men’s X-Sexiest Lady: Why Comic Books Are Sexy

    If you need an excuse to read comic books, looking at the sexy ladies of the X-Men clad in their skintight asskicking outfits is a great place to start. Meet the hottest member of the X-Men, one of the coolest and sometimes the most batshit-crazy: Jean Grey! Also known as the Phoenix. Also known as Famke Janssen. Also just plain smokin’ hot. There are a lot of sexy X-Ladies, but she’s my numero uno, and here’s why.