• Riese’s Team Pick: The Decade in Poetry

    2000-2009: The Decade in Poetry at the Poetry Foundation. There’s some Eileen Myles in there. (I love her) “The women poets I know are beginning to understand feminism as a sly term that can hold a lot. All that it needs…”

  • Riese’s Team Pick: Mary Gaitskill on Lady Gaga

    I said once on twitter that I wanted to read Mary Gaitskill describe Lady Gaga, and then it turned out that such a thing had in fact already happened. !. Mary Gaitskill on Lady Gaga at ryeberg curated video: “This video is to me a picture of hell. It is so normal, yet so terrible.”

  • Sister Spit’s New Generation of Queer Poets & Rebels: The Autostraddle Interview

    In 1997, Michelle Tea and Sini Anderson started Sister Spit – a spoken word tour full of the best queer writers and poets around. Twelve years later, Sister Spit: The Next Generation is taking over the world/my heart. On October 5, the tour came to Phoenix and I interviewed them for you, which is actually a big deal because it was the first face-to-face interview I’ve ever done and I was scared, y’all.