• Friday Fix: Essence’s Lesbian Wedding, Stephen Colbert’s Gay Fear, Other Stories

    Essence’s first lesbian wedding! Early returns from DADT Survey have good news! And Stephen Colbert faces his fears, which include the editor of OUT Magazine, Feministing interviews Rachel Maddow and Winston is a snail for Halloween. Also, moar, with a special appearance by Anderson Cooper and the Jersey Shore (not together).

  • California Decriminalizes Marijuana, Glee’s Got Lady-Queer Icons, Happiness Still Exists


  • Gone Too Soon: 13-Year Old Gay Texas Boy Driven to Suicide by Bullying

    13-year-old Asher Brown was bullied for being gay. Last week he decided he just couldn’t take it anymore.

  • What Happened To Mitrice Richardson

    The recent discovery of Mitrice Richardson’s body finally put an end to the speculation about her whereabouts – but there are still important questions that need to be asked about how she disappeared in the first place.

  • Google Cares More About Your Gay Family Than America Does, Has Money For You

    Google has just made an announcement that they’ll step in where the federal government has left us out in the cold: they’ll begin compensating gay and lesbian employees with domestic partners for the extra taxes they pay that straight married employees don’t. We tell you what it all means, why, if you dare to trust it [we’re not sure we do], Google [might] save the [gay] world.

  • Hangover Thursday: Gay Olympians, Facebook Spies, Lying Models & Rentboys!

    American Apparel doesn’t want you to know they use models, interview with feminist author or wearing heels, Olympian speed skater Blake Skjellerup comes out, Facebook’s privacy settings are screwing you, gay softball team in San Francisco is suing, and more. Problems with pink culture, Muslims in Latin America, turning a self-loathing gay boy self-loving, and more effing research about hooking up [only this time, they’re not slut-shaming anybody].

  • 10 Best Quotes From Midsummer’s Great Girl-on-Girl Feminist Cyberwar

    It’s a new dawn & a new day for feminism on the internet, and a lot of ladies have said a lot of things about it and even if nobody won The Daily Show/Olivia Munn/#yallarejustjealous cyber-wars, some of those things are really important things! Also, Jezebel is taking over the internet if that’s ok with you.

  • Uncool High Schools: Constance McMillen Transfers, Kern Votes Against Harvey Milk Day

    Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.

  • Lesbian Forced to Pay Back $80K ROTC Scholarship. But Shouldn’t Pride be Priceless?

    Sara Isaacson came to school on her ROTC scholarship before she realized she was a lesbian. But coming out has cost her $80,000 — ROTC wants her money back. In 2002, the same thing happened to a girl that I once knew — who I learned today is still fighting against DADT in unexpected ways. A look at how much things have changed, and how much they have stayed the same. Also, do your hobbies make you gay, a good day to love gay men, and meet Chris Pureka!

  • Drinking While Female, Educated, Among Friends or Hosting American Idol

    Meet the women “saving” the UK’s pubs and the woman banned from all of them and also; your friends, your womanhood and your education are making you drunk! The New York City LGBT Community Center’s rainbow flag was burned, countering the truth on anti-bullying day, Funky Brown Chick loves FourSquare and there’s still time to be queer & buy queer!

  • ‘Same-Sex Marriage’ is the New ‘Struck by Lightning’: It’s Easier to Get Elected Than to Get Marriage

    While we keep losing on the gay marriage front, it’s getting easier for gay people to get elected. Dead magazines, dead feminism (again, this time it’s Hilary’s fault), Living NYE Parties, Judge Judy, sex tapes, trending topics, the end of time, trans inclusion in feminism, queer lounge, 2009 WERE YOU LISTENING?

  • U of Oregon Gay & Lesbian Student Alliance Office Vandalized, Neo-Nazi-Style

    The University of Oregon in Eugene is one of this country’s most gay-friendly campuses, but this weekend vandals hit their LGBTQA office with swastikas. This comes amid growing controversy over The Pacifica Forum, a SPLC-labeled white nationalist “hate group,” holding its meetings on campus. We speak the University’s LGBTQA center volunteer coordinator about campus climate in the wake of the vandalism, and how she hopes this tragedy will provide an opportunity for the student body to open dialogue and inspire change.

  • Gays Playing Sports, Shopping for Menswear, Still Not Going to Prom

    Closeted gays play basketball, lesbians play softball, gay boys rank each other on websites that get startup funds (bah!), Constance McMillen has her day in court and the school officials whipped out some doozies, a good lesbian suit is hard to find, Elisabeth Hasslebeck and Whoopi fight about health care, also wait ’til you see these portraits of soldiers affected by Don’t Ask Don’t Tell!

  • Prom is Better Cancelled Than Ruined by Tuxedo-Wearing Lesbians

    Rather than allow a lesbian to bring her girlfriend to prom and wear a tux, the school has canceled prom altogether! FANTASTIC. Also; the cute video of the kid finding out about gay people, the death of coffee shops, gays and the census, Bill O’Reily defends lesbian couple’s child and the national equality riders are coming soon to an oppressive campus near you.

  • Super Bowl Fight Heats Up: Lawsuit Against CBS for Anti-Choice Ad, Rejected Gay Dating Site Cries Foul

    The Superbowl’s ad spots are in hot contention — and the recent acceptance of an anti-abortion ad and rejection of a gay dating ad have inspired a lot of controversy. But is the “true story” featured in the abortion ad even true? And is the gay dating ad company being honest about their motives too?

  • If eHarmony Embraces the Gays, Should Manhunt Straddle the Strais?

    We’re on the fence about the eharmony lawsuit — who needs compatibility testing when you can have craigslist or any of the 500 lesbian “dating sites” sure to spam this post?!! A school gets rid of dictionaries, Jezebel has fun with Vogue, Katie Wudel can’t smell, gay cartoonists get the last laugh, and abstinence-only still doesn’t work.

  • The Lure of Hating on “The Lure of Dating an Ex-Lesbian”

    Details celebrates the joys of “dating a hasbian” by interviewing a bunch of guys and mentioning Anne Heche. Also; gays & lezzies smoke way more than everyone else, hookup culture, Dear Abby, more from V’s size issue, why women love Law & Order (Mariska?) and reasons to hate Oprah.

  • You’re Welcome for the Lesbian Thanksgiving RomComs & Evangelical Rappers

    Thanksgiving brings you lesbians fisiting turkeys and by that we mean a family movie for family time, as well as the horror and the spectacle of young Christian Evangelical Rappers in bloom. Also; bad photoshopping blames economy, getting out of thanksgiving, an Academic History of Thanksgiving, Femme Invisibility and a map of your discontent!

  • New York Magazine’s Queer-Friendly Sex Diaries: Yup, They’re Real.

    New York Magazine devotes a print issue to the titilating Sex Diaries, Geocities calls it quits (save ur Neve Campbell fansite asap!) and the ex-gay people want their books to be in libraries, which is fine if they’re OK with it being right next to And Tango Makes Three.

  • Lesbians Are Hot If They’re Hot or London Power Lesbians & Gay Gangsters Bash Back: Daily Fix

    Tegan & Sara’s new album artwork and track listing, in London, Power Lesbians are all the rage and Details magazine looks into the gay gangsters of BASH BACK!