feature image of Morgan by Raj
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
+ The landscape of modern relationships can take place entirely through IKEA (and so can the accompanying therapy):
“‘The store literally becomes a map of a relationship nightmare,’ Durvasula told the Journal. ‘Walking through the kitchens brings up touchy subjects, like who does most of the cooking. Then you get to the children’s section, which opens up another set of issues. And that’s before you’ve even tried assembling anything.’
Her technique skips past the store visit and focuses on the at-home assembly process, where things can really get heated. To help couples practice better communication, Durvasula asks them to assemble ‘a large piece of furniture.’ Afterward, they are instructed to return to her Santa Monica office with progress reports, the Journal reported.”
+ You should be masturbating right now probably.
+ There is a bunch of art with butts in it and you can see it in person if you live in LA.
+ Here is a really intense (gay-dude oriented but widely applicable) guide to eating someone’s ass like a cupcake.
+ Sex ed that addresses gender inequality and power dynamics is “a consistent predictor of better health outcomes,” including fewer pregnancies and STIs.
+ A Denmark sexologist is calling for schools to show porn as part of sex ed classes to help students become “conscientious and critical consumers.”
+ I’m still not sure how I feel about childhood hero Bill Nye explaining sex (from an evolutionary standpoint) but here he is.
+ Wired used science projects to explain female orgasm.
+ Has your activity partner died? You can now put their ashes in a dildo.
+ There is a correlation between the amount of sex you have and the amount of money you make:
“According to a new report by Anglia Ruskin University in the UK, ‘those who get it on two or three times a week earn 4.5 percent more than their less coitus-inclined colleagues,; reports The Daily Beast. The study, which followed 7,500 participants, uncovered a rather strong correlation between behaviors that succeed in the bedroom and the boardroom, so to speak, stating that ‘contemporary social analysis suggests that health, cognitive and non-cognitive skills and personality are important factors that affect wage level.'”

via meg allen studio
+ I am honestly not sure why people keep conducting studies about whether women enjoy casual sex because the answer is so obviously “it depends on person but yes where do you even live” but here we go again:
“A 2014 study published in Sociological Perspectives showed ‘because I was horny’ and ‘I thought it would be fun’ as the top reasons chosen for engaging in casual sex regardless of the gender of the participant. In 2013, the New York Times followed University of Pennsylvania students and observed that while some young women favored traditional dating relationships, others actively engaged in the school’s hook up scene and enjoyed themselves doing it. Finally,a recent University of Ottawa study designed to examine the physical and emotional motivations for casual sex found that women reported a partner’s appearance as a key factor in deciding to engage in casual sex along with other reasons such as ‘It feels good’ and ‘I’m horny.'”

Chrysalis models via the lingerie addict
+ Some women can orgasm just from exercise:
“The team, led by Debby Herbenick, co-director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University, located a total of 530 women to participate in a cross-sectional, anonymous, Internet-based survey. 124 participants reported having experienced an orgasm (coregasm) during activities like as biking, climbing, yoga, weight lifting and running. Out of that group, a lucky 9.6 percent said they were able to ‘coregasm’ from a brisk walk alone. An additional 246 participants reported to have experienced sexual pleasure (though not orgasm) through exercise.
While the study didn’t determine how common it is for women to experience EIO, the authors did note that it only took five weeks to locate 370 women who had experienced sexual pleasure while exercising – over half of the women surveyed (who ranged in age from 18 to 63).”
+ We hope you’ve been keeping up with the results of the Autostraddle Ultimate Lesbian Sex Survey! If not, here you go:
- How Often Do Queer Women Have Sex?
- 100 Gayest Places You’ve Had Sex
- The Masturbation Habits of Queer Women
- 50 Really Fascinating Things You Wanted Us To Know About How You Have Sex
- 26 Bits of Solid Sex Advice
- 41 Feelings You Have About Scissoring
- Here Are Your Very Queer Underwear-Wearing Habits
- When It Comes To Orgasms, Lesbians Are Nailing It.
- 100 Most Ambitious Places You’ve Had Sex
All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
Oo, the lace on that top pic is GORGEOUS
Jeebus, but Morgan is gorgeous. Seriously, amazingly so. Just sayin’.
The idea of showing porn as part of sex ed scares me, like a lot. Porn has negative effects on people socially and sexually, and contributes massively to rape culture and violence against women. Sex ed as is is really really bad, but porn is worse. Also, the idea of using porn to make them ‘critical and conscientious consumers‘ ID just indoctrinating the idea that the female body and the suffering of women is a commodity to be bought and sold, and the whole notion is disgustingly capitalist.
…did you read the article? Like, at all?
“He advocates playing teenage students a short segment of a pornographic film and then encouraging the class to talk critically about issues such as how it depicts sex and gender representations.”
Pretty radically different then just plopping 15 year-olds in front of a hardcore skinflick and calling it a day… and by the way, in case you were unaware, teenagers are ALREADY watching porn and their sexual education ignoring that reality and not talking about the issues surrounding pornography (some of which you brought up and although I don’t necessarily agree with what you’re saying I do understand your argument)
Also, Danish sex ed as it stands is actually pretty nifty.
This gives an interesting perspective on Danish sex ed and contrasts it with American sex ed (although I’m not American and I’m not sure if you are either.)
Do I think showing porn clips would be appropriate in your average North American classroom? No. Do I think it could fit in well with Denmark’s already super gender-equality-focused curriculum? Yes.
And I forgot the link, jesus christ. I wish we had an edit button!
The comments on that Buzzfeed piece about how to eat ass are hilarious… like it’s entitled HOW TO EAT ASS what exactly where you expecting, homophobic denizens of the deep?
Although the guide itself is well illustrated it’s pretty meh – I refuse to believe anything in there wouldn’t be intuitive and also it doesn’t mention practices for safer sex!
Not to mention it makes it sound like ass is crunchy. “Munch munch munch”?!
lol, That buzzfeed guide is so basic. Also, I love it (and by “love it” I mean “roll my eyes so hard they fall out”) when gay male writers write as though they are the only sort of gays in the whole gay world, the only ones eating ass, having anal sex, ect.
Pour the wine, light the fire
Girl your wish is my command
I submit to your demands
I’ll do anything, girl you need only ask…
The post at the link about Chrysalis is really good and thought-provoking, btw.
Having more sex correlates to making more money? No wonder I’m so poor.