• Straddler On The Street: Jill/Gilles

    Jill/Gilles is a Professional Queer if I ever met one and strives “to bring trans*, female-bodies, queer representation to a community that needs it.”

  • Straddler On The Street: Launa

    Launa is a writer, editor, freelance artist and film producer, exotic dance teacher, and nanny… and that’s not all. Basically, she’s a superhero and you definitely want to hear what she has to say.

  • Straddler On The Street: Amanda F.

    Amanda is a 24 year old student in veterinary medicine and comparative biomedical sciences at Cornell University who is both a cat researcher and a ball python handler!

  • Straddler On The Street: Mandi

    Mandi is the creator of Queerituality.com, a project we told you about a few months ago. She shared the inspiration behind that project, more about her own spiritual journey and how it intersects with her queer identity, and her favorite writers, books, and news sources.

  • Straddler On The Street: Shelby

    Shelby lives in Chicago and is on track to become a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. She talks about A-Camp, her wedding, and the costumes she makes for sci-fi conventions.

  • Straddler On The Street: Emily G.

    Emily talks about the badass A-Camp tumblr she runs and her camp feelings, her incredible rainbow hair, and how she wants to collaborate with all of you power queer Straddlers.

  • Straddler On The Street: Monique

    Monique talks about being Mexican and queer in Arizona, her favorite artists, and her adorable dog Elliot (who is an extremely well-behaved road trip travel companion.)

  • Straddler On The Street: Marika

    If you have read Autostraddle even once, it’s likely that you’ve seen some of Marika’s brilliance in the comment section. She is one of our most frequent commenters, and she was kind enough to chat with me about science, hammocks, food, and family.

  • Straddler On The Street: Charli

    Charli is a “fat, body positive, queer/pansexual Native American girl from North Dakota” and she has a lot of things to say, especially about addiction, depression, music, and being a good person.

  • Straddler On The Street: PJ

    “Being butch is something I have both been my entire life and something that I have chosen.”

  • Straddler On The Street: Juliet

    Juliet is an Australian mum, sexologist, and traveler extraordinaire. She talks about all that and more in this lovely interview.

  • Straddler On The Street: Minerva

    Minerva describes herself as a “soon-to-be post-university queer lady and professional trans feminist” and spoiler alert, she’s awesome.

  • Straddler On The Street: Maria

    Maria and I talked about therapy and the best places to eat in Seattle and we also got sidetracked talking about books and mermaid hair and Dear Sugar and then I died because Cheryl Strayed is my religion. Maria is super awesome, is what I mean.

  • Straddler On The Street: Lynare

    Lynare is a 42 year old dapper lesbian living in Miami, Florida and she told me about seducing her roommate in the Navy, what dapper style means to her, and how the community has changed over the past twenty years.

  • Straddler On The Street: Aimée

    Aimée talks about her femme identity, what it’s like to have lupus, and the cultural differences between the United States and Ireland.

  • Straddler On The Street: Jackie

    Jackie talks about her love for America, her connection with God and religion, and her non-traditional approach to school and higher education. This interview should be titled “Basically Every Subject You’re Supposed To Avoid At Dinner Parties.”

  • Straddler On The Street: Cheryna

    Cheryna spoke about her cute cat and her cute girlfriend, being queer and Dominican, and her experiences at A-Camp. There’s also a funny story involving milkshakes and a policeman, plus a cute photograph of the cute cat.

  • Straddler On The Street: Grace from Best Day Project

    “…I questioned whether or not Autostraddle is a lesbian cult and if it isn’t, how I’m going to deal with my like peaking.” Want to know the context of this sentiment? You need to read this interview and meet Grace.

  • Straddler On The Street: Jillian

    Jillian made me want to run away to a farm. Specifically her farm, in Kansas. I think you might feel the same way once you’ve read this interview.

  • Straddler On The Street: Maile

    Maile first stole my heart when she said she’s been reading Autostraddle since she was “a wee closeted baby dyke” and she won me over when she told me she “continues to be a diehard fan.”