The Comment Awards Have Moved on From Cold Sprouts

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi there, fireflies! Guess what? Puppy went on Puppy’s First Camping Trip last weekend! He jumped around on logs and he waded in a lake and he even got to wear a VERY lesbian flannel coat when it got cold! What a world!

A collage of a small white puppy camping!

This week, Ari’s back with a new series, Notes For a Queer Homemaker! Excited to make “your baseboards are gleaming today” the new “your hair looks great today!”

Lili Reinhart and Wallis Day? Okay then!

Are you a lazy femme? KaeLyn’s got tips for looking cute with the absolute bare minimum of effort.

Drew interviewed Dua Saleh about the new season of Sex Education.

So: I just caught up on the lesbian romance novel episode of Fantasy Island, and holy shit! That, um, flower?!

Elvira! Is! One! Of! Us! What a world.

I felt this week’s Foolish Child in my BONES. California fall is here!

Read this: Navigating My Biracial, Bisexual Identities Is a Lot Like Physics (Stay With Me Here).

And then there were your comments!

On Wait A Bisexual Second, Are Lili Reinhart and Wallis Day Gay Smooching on Each Other?

The Suite Nickname Award to Chloe:

Harry Styles w Pride flags is all I needed to be sure! This is such a step up from Cold Sprouts wow

And the Wait A Bisexual Second Award to Adrian:

brb starting a podcast called WAIT A BISEXUAL SECOND where I just gush and/or rant about things. Not to be confused with Wait is This a Date? or Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me.

On The L Word Generation Q Episode 207 Recap: Light Me Up:

The Willpower Award to Rooty Poot:

I’m so ready to see how Bette reconciles being a passing bi-racial woman who is now for the first time (that we’ve seen) in a relationship with a woman who is definitively black. That conversation with Carrie about the oppression Olympics was very, very interesting. The experiences that Pippa has likely lived just walking through the world with people telling her she can’t subtly and overtly as soon as she walks through the door or even passes by or opens her mouth would lap Bette’s experiences many times over in the oppression Olympics. Also, Pippa seems very in touch with her feelings and has no qualms about speaking them or her truth which Bette has shown she’s not so good with for herself nor is she good at accepting from others unless she seeks it. I need Finley’s backstory to understand how this Peter Pan thing she’s got going on came to be. Don’t get me wrong, I find her adorable and sweet and goofy like a love-starved labrador puppy but where does her disconnect stem from? Lastly, I want to take the Master’s or doctorate classes that taught Dani that kind of willpower. It has to be some Rhodes scholar/MacArthur grant level type shit. I mean she said NO…to Gigi…mid-kiss….how Sway? HOW?

On QUIZ: Which Gay Ghost Is Haunting Your House?

The Check for Thermometers Award to Bisexual Depressive Author, Virginia Woolf:

Anne Lister is haunting my house, which sounds excellent to me for all that I do wonder what she would make of the pedestrian shabbiness of my ex local authority flat. I welcome ‘the aroma of pine, bergamot, grapefruit, and success’; I should probably start writing more of my journals in code for my future classicist grand-nibling to work out. On a side note, Woolf is an outstanding name for a puppy and I can’t believe I never thought of that before myself.

And the Anti-Hero Award to Hannah:

In 7th grade we had to do a report on one of our heroes and I either misunderstood the assignment or my subconscious knew something I didn’t and I picked Lizzie Borden. I guess she’s been following me around since then.

On Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Is a Member of the Alphabet Mafia:

The Hallmark Original Award to a/s and cleo:

Really want their meet cute to become a gay hallmark Halloween movie

On No Filter: Holland Is Posting Incredible BTS Emmy Photos of Sarah Paulson, We Love to See It:

The Dickinson Award to Hannah MK and Lauren:

Several poet snaps for those gorgeous lady-inspired lines.

On Pop Culture Fix: Azie Tesfai Is the First Arrowverse Actor to Write Her Own Superhero Story:

The Begging You Award to Cleo:

Lil Nas X’s “Jolene

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. I had not thought of this but there are two thermometers on my desk of the four thermometers in my flat (I do like to know what temperature it is) and yes, I believe Ann Lister might be haunting my journal + thermometers desk based juxtaposition specifically; this could also explain why my desk is consistently about 7 degrees Celsius colder than anywhere else. And here I thought she was just drawn to my high femmeness and emotional fragility! Autostraddle is ever a revelation: thank you queergirl and larrann mé

  2. It’s a good day when there are ghosts and adorable puppies on the same page. I love the balance. Scared by the ghosts and all melty-hearted over puppers.

    Truly I am grateful.

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