QUIZ: Which Gay Ghost Is Haunting Your House?

A couple of weeks ago, a TikTok showed up on my FYP talking about how my house definitely has a gay ghost friend in it — which freaked me out at first, but the more TikToks I watched about it, the more I realized a gay ghost friend is just a gay friend who happens to be a ghost. I love gay friends. Well and that plus Halloween made me realize you should know which gay ghost friend is bebopping around your house. So I made you a quiz!

Which Gay Ghost Is Haunting Your House?

Choose a sport!(Required)
Pick an ink color for all those important things you write.(Required)
What ghost movie are you most likely to watch?(Required)
Select a queer poem please!(Required)
When you're lying awake in the dark at night, what do you long for?(Required)
Who ya shipping?(Required)
It's 9pm — What are you up to?(Required)
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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. My gf and I both got Emily Dickinson and our cat often stares at the walls so I guess I’ll just start chatting to Emily to make her feel welcome.

  2. Anne Lister is haunting my house, which sounds excellent to me for all that I do wonder what she would make of the pedestrian shabbiness of my ex local authority flat. I welcome ‘the aroma of pine, bergamot, grapefruit, and success’; I should probably start writing more of my journals in code for my future classicist grand-nibling to work out.

    On a side note, Woolf is an outstanding name for a puppy and I can’t believe I never thought of that before myself.

  3. Emily Dickinson! I am honored! And what can I say, I am the champion of unrequited love (any single poetry nerds here?) Also those poems are all gems, very difficult choice.

  4. I am honored to have Barbara Jordan haunt my house. I however wished she had actually haunted the halls of the U.S. Senate. Some people there need to have a come to jesus moment.

  5. Got Emily Dickinson as well, joining the “now i know who to greet when my cat pointedly stares somewhere odd” crowd!

    (Unrequited love, though. I feel attacked right now)

    • Wooo Frida FTW!!!!

      I bought a pair of Frida inspired earrings from Yellow Owl Workshop back in June, but lost them immediately… hopefully not a sign of her discontent with my choices! O.O

  6. In 7th grade we had to do a report on one of our heroes and I either misunderstood the assignment or my subconscious knew something I didn’t and I picked Lizzie Borden. I guess she’s been following me around since then.

  7. In second grade we had to do a biography project, and we randomly had an Eleanor Roosevelt biography geared toward kids already, so I picked her. And then proceeded to re-read that book like 10 times and went through a brief obsession/hero-worship phase. Learning she was almost certainly queer years later sure explained some things.

    Anyway my point is I’m beyond honored to have her in my home! I’ll make sure to say hi next time my cat stares intently at the wall

  8. Anne Lister. Boy, is she going to be disappointed in the place she ended up in. Not a lot of high social class going at my house. And my cat wouldn’t even acknowledge her unless she had food.

  9. I didn’t even know Jenny was an option 🤣 (but also as a person who spends way too much time defending Jenny I accept her into my home and hope she can have tea and cookies and get some healing done)

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