The Comment Awards Are Making Music

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Oh, friends. I truly have no words for what it feels like to live in the United States of America this week. I know you’re right there with me. But what I do have a happy dog, who wakes up every morning bright-eyed and ready for life, a pup who runs and plays and swims every morning. If you need to borrow a little bit of his love and joy today, please do! There’s plenty to go around.

A collage -- three pictures of Milo at the creek, swimming and smiling

I just like to smile. Smiling’s my favorite.

This week, Sa’iyda brought us 14 boy band songs that would be even better if they were sapphic.

14 must be a lucky number this week, because Autostraddle also introduced 14! New! Writers!

Em reviewed Lightyear, which was SO much queerer than that one little kiss.

For You Need Help, I wrote to a reader who’s scared they’ll be a virgin forever.

Kayla’s Real Housewives content is the gift that keeps on giving. This week: Lesbian Eyebrows.

We also welcomed new art director Viv Le!!

Wait, Is This a Date? came back for episode 201, with a very special guest.

Foolish Child said it: Abortion access for all.

Niko turned 40 and wrote about life falling together.

And then there were your comments!

On 14 Boy Band Songs That Would Be Better If They Were Sapphic:

The Queer Direction Award to Chloe:

Here for the sapphic Directioner representation. Four (the album on which Steal My Girl is the opening track) has so many bangers that are so easy to spin as wlw anthems. (I say this as someone with a Girl Almighty tattoo).

On Quiz: Which ’90s Nickelodeon Heroine Are You?

The Tiny Librarian Award to Caitlin:

Shelby Woo! This entire quiz brought back such intense vibes of unpacking the twelve books I brought for the weeklong Girl Scout sleepaway camp and watching my cabin mates try to figure out My Deal

On You Need Help: Will I Be A Virgin Forever?

The Solos and Duets Award to Lu:

I can highly recommend the “do something you enjoy with other people

On A Letter to My Ex-Best Friend This Pride:

The Past Ghosts Award to Maria:

This is so beautifully written. I can almost see the two kids that you and she were then in front of me! Well done you for loving yourself, trying your best, repairing other friendships and knowing when to let some go.

On Welcome Our New Art Director, Viv Le!

The Easy Being Green Award to PandaVeg:

Viv! I, Oscar the grouch, a fellow green person, am so excited to have you here. I love what you’ve contributed so far, I’m floored by your wide variety of life experiences, and I’m stoked to see your future work.

On What Are Lesbian Eyebrows? A Housewives Investigation:

The Best Medicine Award to Heather Hogan:

I cannot remember the last time I laughed out loud so much. This is art.

And the Jennifer Coolidge Stars, Please Award to trekkie_19:

Omg hilarious! We really need some sort of ‘Best in Show’ mockumentary about lesbians in some organization. This would absolutely be a joke for it!

And on Pop Culture Fix: Harley and Ivy are Doin’ a Ton of Bangin’ in the “Harley Quinn” Season 3 Trailer:

The Heart Eyes Strong Arms Can’t Lose Award to Leah:

America Ninja Warrior had a very sweet queer love story as the background for one of the regular competitors. I was pleasantly surprised to see a queer couple get the same treatment as their straight couples, and delighted by two women giving each other intense heart eyes on this competitive obstacle course show. It’s a little past the 18-minute mark of the latest episode if anyone wants to catch it.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


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