The Comment Awards Are Legs Out and Faces Painted for Pride

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Good morning, peaches! Milo has taken to waking me up at 6:00 a.m. for our morning walk and I need MORE COFFEE.

This week, Syd got married, and Shea was on the case!

Niko reviewed Angel Olsen’s latest album and made us all cry.

You need this exclusive Jenifer Prince print in your life!! I’m gonna go track my order right now.

Important: Hoochie Daddy Shorts, Explained.

The League of Their Own teaser trailer is out and I am obsessed. ObSESSED.

If you have not yet joined A+, you need to do so immediately, to read this. It will eviscerate you and then put you back together better than it found you. I am not exaggerating.

And then there were your comments!

On Nine Things to Wear to Pride That Aren’t Clothes, Because F*ck It:

The Bi Bi Bi Award to Caitlin:

triple recommend sunscreen AND! if you are like me and you go ham on face paint (check craft stores and party city for cheap stuff) please do the sunscreen first, THEN the face paint, or you may end up with tan lines that say BI BI BI on your face! for instance!

On Quiz: Which Endlessly Dramatic “Gentleman Jack” Gay Are You?

The Tempestuous in a Teapot Award to Winzaloft:

Anne Lister – clearly Anne and I did indeed share many preferences in that quiz! One thing I would like to point out, Yorkshire Gold Tea is the hands down favorite of Lister Lesbians. Having visited the rich and varied sites of Anne’s love life in York – its fair to say Ms Lister may well have liked her tea like her ladies, rich, slightly exotic, very invigorating. As she was loyal to the hometown ladies, I would expect her to be loyal to the very excellent hometown brew.

On Kristen Stewart Is Seeking Gay Ghost Hunters and I’m Thrilled To Announce My New Career as a Gay Ghost Hunter:

The Receiver Award to Alyssa and brx:

What I’m hearing is that you are emotionally attuned to the paranormal and serve as a sort of Geiger counter for psychic disturbances while also adding a level of emotional pathos that will let the audience easily identify with you as you experience the very gay dilemma of desire mingled with terror

On Hoochie Daddy Shorts, Explained:

The Blessings Award to Jaime Roy:

OOOOHHH YES!!!! I have admired this fit on studs and masc queers for years and now I finally have a name for them. y’all please keep blessing us with your fine legs this summer ((also P.S. shelli I love your writing!!! one of the smaller, sillier reasons bein I keep learning how much AAVE I grew up with from my Cuban mama who was raised in the south))

On The League Of Their Own Reboot Trailer Is The Most Arousing Thing We’ve Ever Seen:

The You Spin Me Right Round Baby Award to Alexandra:

Like I said last time, I need to see Roberta Colindrez top someone or I’m suing.

On “Gentleman Jack” Is Not Some Kind of Husband! (…Or Is She?):

The Sittin’ in a Tree Award to JCF:

You forgot my favorite Sunday School line: the little voyeur saying “I saw her snogging Miss Walker!

And on FYP: I’d Like To Use My Dyke Card To Pay For Pride Merch:

The Goooo, Sportsball! Award to hihello:

wait but i had to watch SO MUCH FOOTBALL just to repeat the slow-motion arrival part

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. thank for the award! a timely reminder to buy face paint and biodegradable body glitter…and lots of sunscreen

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