The Comment Awards Are Entering the Vagina Appreciation Tunnel

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi there, you perfect apricots and nectarines! Did you know that Autostraddle is currently having a membership drive? Sign up for A+ today in order to read some truly fantastic content, like Riese’s essay, Lying’s the Most Fun a Girl Can Have, and to join the A+ Pop Up Pride Discord server this weekend!

This week, Baopu #87 asked some fair questions.

Laneia let us in for A Day of Work. (I love this series and I am in AWE of Laneia’s very mindful routine, as I have…none!)

Sha’Carri! Richardson! Is! Everything!

KaeLyn wrote about how kink, nudity, and families with kids can (and must!) co-exist at Pride.

Of COURSE Cara Delevingne’s home has a vagina tunnel!

A transcript of Autostraddle’s June Town Hall is now available!

Finally, I really loved this roundtable brought to us by Archie: A Gender by Any Other Name: What Does the Term Genderqueer Mean to Us in 2021?

And then there were your comments!

On Two Diffusers, Tracking Stats, Weirdo Quiz Results: A Day of Work:

The I Identify As A Nosy Queer Award to Gina:

1. I am a NOSY QUEER PERSON and LOVE THIS FEATURE. 2. I also LOVE your bedframe and, in the spirit of being a nosy queer person, wonder if you’d be able to share where you got it?

On Sha’Carri Richardson Is Going To The Olympics And I Hope She Brings Her Girlfriend With Her!

The Give Me My Flowers Award to thisaintit:

When they said black queer people were gonna be more powerful following Juneteenth this was who they were talking about. It’s just so nice seeing someone unapologetically black af and queer af do the damn thing and get her flowers while doing it.

On Nudity, Kink, and Safe Spaces for Kids Can All Coexist at Pride:

The Baby’s First Pride Award to Nicole:

This is BEAUTIFUL! It’s my baby’s first Pride this year and I can’t wait. “Pride is already for family, our LGTBQ families and communities

On Also.Also.Also: Cara Delevingne’s Home Has a Vagina Appreciation Tunnel, That Checks Out:

The Going Down Award to PeedlyPoi and Kristana:

lol at cara saying “i can’t take you down to the dungeon – just kidding i don’t have a dungeon, that would be weird

On No Filter: I Recognize One God, It Is Sha’Carri Richardson:

The Essential Work Award to Gina:

as a non-social media user, i want to say that you deserve some sort of humanitarian award for the beautiful act of public service that is this column, christina – all the amazing queer lady / nonbinary badass content, none of the dreck from the cesspool that is social media.

On Pop Culture Fix: Bisexual Badass Bombshell Harley Quinn is Back, Puddin!

The Little Death Award to Sally:

Omg Valerie Anne I can’t believe you mainlined the whole of Wentworth!! Presumably you died/escaped the grave multiple times during this process.

On The 5 Stages of Choosing Myself During A Pandemic:

The Aha Moments Award to ashley martin:

so many aha moments and feelings that were sooo beautifully articulated. shea always finds a way to clearly communicate raw moments of their emotional experience so well, and often times all i can do is laugh and cry and reread and cry again. thank you for sharing your journey and simply for being ❤️

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


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