Results for: gay marriage
Tuesday Televisionary: Our Number One Feeling is GLEE!
“This should be obvious, but GLEE IS THE BEST THING EVER. Srsly, you guys. It’s soooooo good. The only crappy thing is that we have to wait until the fall to see more episodes!”
Daily Fix – Best. Earth Day. Ever.
Empire Pride makes fun of NOM, but with logic instead of jokes. Everyone loves Jennifer Beals. Can psychiatrists cure homosexuality? No, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try.
Daily Fix – Iowa Gays Get Married, LiLo Changes the World, Miss Cali is From the Future
Lilith Fair will be back next year! Iowans exercise their right to marry.
Daily Fix – Ilene’s Interrogation, Iowa’s Marriage, Logo’s Awards and Everybody’s Twitter
Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, the latest interrogation tape stars …. ILENE F*CKING CHAIKEN!!!!!
Autostraddle Roundtable: Our Fantasy Gay Mommies
Who do you want to be your two Mommies? The Autostraddle Roundtable tackles this pressing topic, inspired by the Parentdish Survey where Portia & Ellen came out on top.
Daily Link Fix : Crazy, Sexy, Gender Bendy, Sad, Gleeful and Cool
We’ve got some more info on the ex-gay movement and other tomfoolery. Plus a look at Glee and some Lady Gaga photos.
GLAAD Awards Los Angeles: What is Ilene Chaiken WEARING?
It’s Sunday Funday! From now on Sunday will be a day of happiness where we’ll only tell you about happy things, just like Jesus would’ve wanted.
Daily [Nightly] Link Fix 3-24-2008: Graveyard Shifting, French Film Frenching & Psychic Reading
Guys, meet Crystal! Obama appoints a lesbian as Chief Judge of US Court of Federal Claims, there is a new French movie with sexy/psycho lesbian sex, and we are confused about Meghan McCain.
Autostraddle Roundtable: I’d Rather Laugh With the Sinners than Cry With the Saints
“It took me a very long time to come to terms with what I felt for girls. Not because of my own religion, but because of the religion and judgment of others, and because growing up in such a small town greatly limits what you see as viable options for yourself.”
Introducing Team Picks
alex, green, and carly kick off team picks, you can have a feminist wedding, and Obama is out to help women.
The Morning After sponsors the gays even though we’re not allowed in and RuPaul is making a comback!
Jim Douglas Can Suck It. Also, Rachel & Dolly Are Supreme Beings
Marriages and civil unions in Vermont and Hawaii are being opposed by douchebags, and runaway LGBT teens in New York City may be left in the cold without funding. But the good news is that Rachel Maddow made us a drink.
Daily Fix – 3.20.2009 – Best. Friday. Ever.
Oprah’s “O” magazine discovers lesbians, gay mayoral candidate to run in Mexico, the Nerve Date with Jen & Lexi is super great, and Riese is mad at Ilene Chaiken.
Riese-on-Haviland Stillwell: Life is an Upright Cabaret
Haviland Stillwell, who you may know from the world-famous Haviland & Riese Vlogs, or perhaps from Broadway’s Les Miserables and/or Fiddler on the Roof, will be performing her one-woman spectacular of audio-visual singtastic delights, “West Coast Debutante” in Los Angeles at the Upright Cabaret on April 23rd. Because Haviland is both an international rising superstar and my BFF, I was able to sit down with her cyber-coastally and have a little AIM Chat about her big show, lauded on the website as: “a sassy night ranging from Kurt Weill to Madonna, from upbeat to out of control and beyond. Come see this versatile, charming and adorable “tight little ball of spunk, bad ass, and class.” Who doesn’t like tight little things? That’s right, we all love tight little things. Here goes!
That’s One Tall Woman
Obama, Tallahassee, and Judge Judy all love the gays, Tyra Banks is creeping us out, and Stef has great new music picks.
Meet Natalie, Our Designated Driver for Social Justice! Also. Also! Answer Her Questions!
Meet Natalie! She’s here to write about social justice issues; specifically, about politics and LGBT rights and feminism and women’s rights and social justice and social norms and categories… things that irk her, things that excite her, things that make her go “what the what?!”, things that challenge her, make her uncomfortable in my own skin, things that are pleasurable and exciting. Get ready.
The L Word Episode 505 Recap: Lookin’ At You Kid
The last 20 minutes were some of the best I’ve seen on this show. It was fun and quality and featured all those verbs they sing about in that opening song we all cream over. Um, fighting, winning, fucking, whatevs. Up until that? Blah blah podcasts blah love cindy blah. You get the picture.
The L Word Episode 411 Recap: Literary License to Kill:
Why are there twice as many lesbian squabbles as lesbian sexy moments in this show? Oh yeah, it’s because this is the way that we liveeeeeeeee. This is the one where Ilene reminds us all that men are disgusting, loathsome creatures by making henry cut his toenails.
The L Word Episode 508 Recap: Lay Down the Law
Tasha faces THE BIG BAD and Nikki experiences some serious liquid heat and Jodi wears a terrible frock at a really strange dinner party.
The L Word Episode 606 Recap: Lactose Intolerant
Episode 606 of The L Word, titled “Lactose Intolerant,” is the worst thing I’ve seen on television since Episode 604 of The L Word. Howevs; whereas 604 was calmly terrible — bumbling softly along its housework-heavy path of mediocrity — 606 was outrageously, actively, aggressively terrible.