• Straddler On The Mountain: Brooklyn

    Say hi to Brooklyn – she’s a campership winner Texan trans* girl who spoke openly and honestly about her unsupportive family, being homeless and the importance of having a loving community to fall back on.

  • Straddler On The Mountain: Mel

    Mel won the Kipper Clothiers campership this time around, and you’ll know why when you see her amazing style. A third-time camper and longtime reader, she talks about Toronto, working at a hotel, her Filipino family, and (duh) A-Camp.

  • Rebel Girls: 20 Autostraddle Community Members Who Are Changing the World

    Documentary films. Policy initiatives. Direct action. These 20 activists are doing it all to save the world — and they’re Autostraddle readers just like you!

  • Dear Queer Diary: It’s Carolyne!

    She sings opera, bakes cookies, and owns more than half a dozen journals. What more could we ask for?

  • Dear Queer Diary: Meet Abbie

    Abbie has a collection of uni-ball roller pens and the coolest bangs south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

  • Straddler On The Street (Who Was Once on the Mountain): Chelsea Is Really Well-Dressed

    I resurrected this incredible column to introduce everyone to Chelsea, a two-time A-Camper and this year’s Kippier Clothier Camper.

  • Straddler On The Street: Connie

    “I am 24 and my partner is in her fifties, and I really really want to talk about my experience in an age gap relationship.” We chatted with Connie, a first generation Asian American currently living in New Mexico, about this and more!

  • Straddler On The Street: Natalie

    Natalie describes herself as a completely open book, and she’s not kidding! We talked about her transition, building community, and the pros and cons of living in rural Wisconsin.

  • Straddler On The Street: Lex

    “I’m on a major self-love extravaganza journey.” Lex shares her perspective on religion and spirituality, A-Camp, Reiki, work, art, and life.

  • Straddler On The Street: Jessica

    Jessica has lived in London her whole life but currently attends Cambridge University where she studies English Literature. She spoke about Effing Dykes, intersectionality, mental health issues, and much more.

  • Straddler On The Street: Caro

    It’s the very first Monday of 2013, and we have a brand new Straddler to kick off the new year. Meet Caro, a Miami native who talks to us about creating a queer girl meet-up group in her city, working for a non-profit that provides education on gender and orientation, and crushing on Chely Wright.

  • Straddler On The Street: Vanessa

    Straddler On The Street turns one year old today, so we captured Vanessa and insisted she let us interview her instead of vice versa like usual. The results are predictably full of floral print and feelings.

  • Straddler On The Street: Abby

    Abby was the winner of the A-Camp 4.0 Kreuzbach10 campership, and as you might expect from such a human, Abby is sweet, energetic, confident and dapper as all hell. We talked about Ghana, names, gender, telling stories, and A-Camp.

  • Straddler On The Street: Juliet

    Juliet is an Australian mum, sexologist, and traveler extraordinaire. She talks about all that and more in this lovely interview.

  • Straddler On The Street: Jill/Gilles

    Jill/Gilles is a Professional Queer if I ever met one and strives “to bring trans*, female-bodies, queer representation to a community that needs it.”

  • Straddler On The Street: Veronika

    Veronika is our third Miami Straddler, leading me to believe that there’s something magical in the Floridian sun that helps create particularly amazing women. We chatted about Regina Spektor, museum studies and her failed attempt at vegetarianism.

  • Straddler On The Street: Amanda F.

    Amanda is a 24 year old student in veterinary medicine and comparative biomedical sciences at Cornell University who is both a cat researcher and a ball python handler!

  • Straddler On The Street: Grace from Best Day Project

    “…I questioned whether or not Autostraddle is a lesbian cult and if it isn’t, how I’m going to deal with my like peaking.” Want to know the context of this sentiment? You need to read this interview and meet Grace.

  • Straddler On The Street: Marika

    If you have read Autostraddle even once, it’s likely that you’ve seen some of Marika’s brilliance in the comment section. She is one of our most frequent commenters, and she was kind enough to chat with me about science, hammocks, food, and family.

  • Straddler On The Street: Aimée

    Aimée talks about her femme identity, what it’s like to have lupus, and the cultural differences between the United States and Ireland.