• 15 Boys We Have Loved (When They Looked Like Lesbians)

    Remember when Leonardo DiCaprio still looked like a girl?

  • Johnny Weir is Gay, Officially

    Johnny Weir finally comes out / wants the world to know that he’s a big queer/has a new book coming out, James Franco is totally cool with you thinking he’s gay, Lady Gaga performs “Someone to Watch Over Me” and the People’s Choice Awards were so gay last night.

  • BREAKING: Oprah Still Isn’t a Lesbian

    Can’t two women be besties in this town without everyone thinking they’re making out? So over it. Let’s talk this out.

  • “Everybody Knows John Travolta is Gay”

    Basically this one time I said that John Travolta was gay and SOMEBODY was like “No he isn’t,” and I was like YES HE IS and now Carrie Fisher has said that he is so it’s true now which means I win. Is this tacky. Should we not talk about John Travolta being gay.

  • Stars ARE Just Like Us! Jillian Michaels Is NOT Shagging Her Straight Best Friend

    Yesterday our #1 search term was “Jillian Michaels Vanessa Marcil” and now we know why — get the full ‘scoop’ on ‘important things’ right here. Also, Carol Leifer goes on Howard Stern with a lot of feelings about Ellen DeGeneres ALSO! Tegan & Sara interview, Gaga explains nearly passing out on stage in New Zealand, Cynthia Nixon’s GLAAD speech, and a new teaser for Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono’s web series, We Have To Stop Now.

  • Sean Hayes Comes Out Gay to The Advocate. ‘You’re Welcome.’

    Sean Hayes is gay and he doesn’t care who knows it! JK, he does care, but he sat down with The Advocate and came out just the same; and explained his previous reluctance. Also; Felicia Day’s new show, Oscar mysteries revealed, Adam Lambert’s acoustic performance and a Taylor Swift cover we actually like!

  • A Shot at Tila Tequila: The Autostraddle Interview

    Autostraddle stops talking about Tila and talks to her instead: “Hopefully, after people read this interview, it will change their minds about me. But if not, it doesn’t matter. I’m still happy. I’m still going to fight for our right to get married. I’m going to buy my Teletubbies pajamas, and throw pickles at paparazzi!”

  • Kim Stolz Smiles With Her Eyes: The Autostraddle Interview

    “When time came for them to watch Top Model, which they did, I think they started seeing gayness in a normal and great light, because people liked me for that on the show. That was an attractive part of me on the show, it wasn’t anything embarrassing or perverted, and it was just a great thing. I think they started seeing me through the eyes of all the accepting people.”