Results for: tofu
The Comment Awards Are Into Outdoor Sports
“Turns out there’s nothing better than f*cking under cover of deep, tall grass in the sunshine. Currently protecting my field spot like a dragon.”
“I ate lemon-filled doughnuts with a woman who made my head spin. I decided that it was her commitment to eating good food, like me, that drew me to her. Every bite was sour-sweet.”
“To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 506: Lights! Camera! Action! With Lauren Ashley Smith
“I feel like I’m very much a stickler for how Black church is shown on TV, and I think a lot of people get it wrong in movies and TV a lot, like it just never is quite right. And I feel like Hollywood is that way too. And I felt like this [portrayal of Hollywood] was very accurate, and I was shocked!”
The Comment Awards Are Fighting for Your Love
30 Days of Carol: Day 26 – The Food from Carol, But Make it Vegan
Someone has figured out how to make vegan poached eggs???
Monday Roundtable: Queer Culture We Just Can’t Get Into
“Look, I’m sorry! Every year the concept of pride sounds great in theory and then when it actually rolls around, it’s like New Years Eve on acid.”
Here’s How You Scored On ’90s Lesbian Trivia
What did everybody know… and when did you have no idea?
Friendsgiving Challenge #1: Real Friendship is Working Around Everyone’s Dietary Restrictions
Kyle’s created a full Friendsgiving menu that accommodates about a dozen dietary restrictions, and she’s used an impressive graphing system to make it happen.
Sunday Funday Wants to Gay Marry Chef Angela Dimayuga in Outer Space
Queer Chef Angela Dimayuga shuts down, Beverly Cleary turns 101 and Ramona is forever 8, the first protest in SPAAAACE, gay marriage is good for ya, Virginia tells bigots to calm down, and more good news!
58 Trans Women Actresses You Should Know and Also Love
Your move, Hollywood.
31 Recipes For Tofu Lovers (or Those Ready to Be Converted)
Whether you’re a tofu devotee or someone interested in picking up their first-ever pack of extra firm, these recipes will hit the spot.
33 Bowl Recipes to Keep Your Belly Full and Life Easy
The bowl: an unassuming mix of a protein, veggie and grain, perhaps with some kind of sauce, quick to cook and eaten all in the same dish. (Not a smoothie bowl. Those are bullshit, sorry.)
17 Recipes That Replace Zucchini, Because Zucchini Is Bad
Zucchini is bad. Zucchini, in fact, is the worst vegetable. Uncooked zucchini exists in a vacuum of flavor. Cooked zucchini, on the other hand, tastes like what I imagine hot turtle water tastes like. How you can go from nothing to unholy with the mere introduction of heat is a testament to zucchini’s darkness. Zucchini is the cantaloupe of vegetables. Zucchini is the vegetable you pair with yellow squash and serve in vats to large groups of people you disrespect. Zucchini is a miserable cucumber.
“Supergirl” Episode 209 Recap: Chase the Morning
The world is full of horrible things and the mayor is a giant snake-monster and the hellmouth is open but Maggie slept over!
PHOTO GALLERY: Queer in the Kitchen
Your communal photo gallery is here! Gaze upon nearly 200 queer as fuck kitchens, and the queers who queer them.
27 4th of July Recipes That ARE NOT Hot Dogs
Look, there’s an American Flag pizza in here. No excuses.
27 4th of July Recipes that ARE Hot Dogs
Everyone loves Hot Dogs, and I mean EVERYONE! I can’t think of a single person who would have any reason not to love them! I know for sure my best friend, Heather, loves them!
27 Packable Lunch Ideas To Up Your Brown Bag Game
These meals and snacks serve well at room temperature and stay fresh for hours in your brown bag, backpack, or bra (maybe not your bra).
Pop Culture Fix: Kristen Stewart’s Favorite Words are “Dude” and “F-ck”
A couple of excellent profiles of Kristen Stewart and Sarah Paulson, a new trailer for the second season of Scream, a Fingersmith adaptation you’re going to want to see, and more queer pop culture news.
20 F*ck-Up-Proof Dinner Party Dishes
These delicious, uncomplicated recipes can serve lots of hungry people without forcing you to spend the whole day in the kitchen and/or all of the money. Huzzah!