• S L I C K: Thank You, Mistress

    “It’s not about causing the most pain or smacking as hard as I can. It’s about getting a reaction out of you and guiding you gently, but firmly, to your limit.”

  • S L I C K: Sharing the Moon

    Two lovers with heightened senses enjoy each other’s company in the woods. “Heather felt more than heard Christina’s moan — it was deep in her chest, like a rumble, like a growl. ‘Fuck, I love your tits,’ she said.”

  • S L I C K: The Defender

    A car dealership owner provides some extra services to a particularly handsome customer. “The butch was inside the building before Miranda reached the bottom of the stairs. She had planned it that way — she wanted to make an entrance.”

  • S L I C K: Yuletide Fire

    A graphic designer and a coffee roaster get frisky at their company’s holiday party. “Somehow, her thigh had found itself between my legs. Leaning in closer, she whispered, ‘I want to see how wet you are for me, babe.'”

  • S L I C K: Accept Transformation, Part 2

    “If I see that He’s hard, I drop everything,” Nix said. “My mind goes blank. I stop what I’m doing. Strip. Fall to my knees. Mouth open, arms behind me. Ready for Him to fuck me in the face.”

  • S L I C K: The Best Them

    When the speech was over, Cash walked up to their friends and hugged them only the way you would hug your best friends after fucking them in a Cheesecake factory bathroom.

  • Here’s Your Full Video Workshop Breaking Down Everything You Need to Know for Strap-On Sex

    The latest in Queer Sex 101, our series of real live queer people teaching you everything you need to know about real queer sex continues, with a one-hour workshop from sex educator, Autostraddle writer, SLICK editor and More, Please! editor Ro White on strap-on sex.

  • S L I C K: Cass Auto Repairs

    Noa tries to pick up her car at the auto shop and picks up her butch mechanic instead. “She buried her fingers in the dark locks of her mound and softly ran her finger up and down her clit, teasing. Cass pulled her hair gently.”

  • S L I C K: Accept Transformation, Part 1

    The thing swaying in front of her didn’t even register as human at first. It seemed about as alive and conscious as the vibrator thrumming between its legs. Just a sex toy, executing its designated purpose without end.

  • SLICK: What Ever Happened To Baby Blue?

    “Sometimes winning the switch fight meant kind of losing. When you were both switches, though, everybody won no matter the outcome. It all came down to pride and play.”

  • S L I C K: Raincheck Part 1

    You are just picking up Naomi. Your very good friend, Naomi, whom you have only not-so-jokingly offered to take up on her not-so-joking offer to fuck for a decade. She literally just got emotionally gut punched by some fuckboy. Don’t be another fuckboy. Not today. Unless she initiates. Fuck, she always initiates. Fuck, I missed my exit.

  • S L I C K: The Cool of the Marble

    Our narrator takes their sub over the edge. “I am so lucky to be the custodian of your pleasure and your pain, pet.”

  • S L I C K: Atelai

    I lifted up your floral skirt / and with a smile, began to flirt / lightly ‘round your pussy lips / engaging with my fingertips / the outside of your dripping wet crevasse.

  • S L I C K: I Bet It Does

    Made me want to / and I did tap / that ass / many times / made it mine.

  • S L I C K: The Ass That Ate Back

    Tanya wasn’t the kind of queer to make the first move, generally speaking, but that night was different. Marianne was different. She seemed more than interested in what Tanya had to say. Her words were gentle and warm, but funny and sexy. Like a horny heated blanket that could make you laugh.

  • S L I C K: May the Best Girlfriend Win

    On their three year anniversary, two lovers engage in a contest: whoever can make the other orgasm the most times in one day is the winner.

  • S L I C K: Raincheck Part 2

    Naomi is leaving scratches on my chest, grasping for anything to hold onto while she sits on my face.

  • S L I C K: Plug and Play

    “I picked up the tentacle attachment and clicked it into place. For a moment, nothing happened – then, the tip began to move, seeking out something to touch, and the entire shaft lit up with sensation.”

  • S L I C K: Sweet Dreams

    “I had a kind of dirty dream about you. Do you want to hear about it?” You laugh, and fuck, that sound twists itself inside my chest like a fist. I want to make you laugh more. Your voice drops, somewhere between a whisper and a quake. “It started with me kissing you.”

  • S L I C K: Sad Girl Cruising

    Sad girls trying to cruise in an all-girls Catholic School down in Bogotá.