The Comment Awards Are Dreaming Up A Better World

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Hi, muffins! I finally finished Schitt’s Creek this week, and I am absolutely not okay. Anyone want to pool their money and buy an old motel in Canada to start the queer commune of our dreams?

This week, Natalie brought us an EXTREMELY comprehensive guide to voting in every state!

The WNBA Finals are underway, and Britni’s got a recap of the out players!

Welp, I have a crush on both of the characters in Reine #13.

Shelli’s into extreme iPhone minimalism and it sounds somehow both relaxing AND stressful?

Did you vote yet for your favorite vintage Autostraddle tee?

In this week’s You Need Help, Drew’s got some thoughts on dating friends of exes.

And then there were your comments!

On There’s No Time to Wait: Your 2020 Voter Registration Guide:

The I Voted! Award to msanon:

this is the best thing on the internet, and Natalie you are the best person.

On It’s Time for the WNBA Finals, You Gays!

The Three-Pointer Award to :):

I loved picking up my phone midgame to see that AS had the exact information I was about to google. I felt so understood. These players are incredible.

On Reine #13: Distraction:

The Representation Matters Award to Katie Hoss:

As a thick butch, I love this thick butch content 👍👍👍

On Hear Me Out, Extreme iPhone Minimalism Should Be the New Gay Agenda:

The Weight Lifted Award to hihello:

Reine #13: Distraction

On #PolyamoryProblems: Opening Your Relationship 101:

The Many Lives of Stock Photography Award to vavavoom:

This couple keeps showing up in the feature images and I’m a bit concerned about the future of their relationship. They have been having so many ups and downs (and how can we blame them in such a year ?) ! Just from articles I remember seeing them pictured in, they were trying monogamy in the beginning of the year, then they learned more about themselves when lockdown started, before thinking about breaking up this summer. I’m sure more has happened that I missed. Can we trust them to openly communicate about anything at this point ? Should they even try to save the relationship ? I guess we will know when they show up again next month…

On “Chutney Popcorn” Is the South Asian Dyke Rom-Com I Always Wished “Bend It Like Beckham” Had Been:

The Chutney Heart Award to Anna:

Oh my goodness. This movie has such a special place in my heart. It was the first time I saw a woman who was Indian-American, curvy and openly sapphic in my life, ever. A couple of other Asian friends and I saw this together in college. One of their moms is a die-hard immigrant feminist who’d been active in second wave feminism and who has a DVD library of indie Asian-American movies. So when I was struggling with coming out and desi family drama, they borrowed it from her and we all watched it together. It was a lovely night and they were all wonderful allies. I still treasure that memory. The movie was so touching and heartfelt and funny. To this day I’m still sad that it never reached the cult status of Bend it Like Beckham or literally anything Kal Pen was in ever. None of my other SA friends have seen it and that is a travesty.

On Taylor Schilling and Roberta Colindrez Are Wives In Hulu’s “Monsterland”:

The Spoilers! Award to msanon:

for the scaredy cat culture out here, just sayin’ we’d be fine with it if you spoil the scary show/movie and say what happens.

And on Pop Culture Fix: Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe Smooch and Celebrate Bird’s Gazillionth Championship:

The Healthy Glow Award to thatottergirl:

Taylor Schilling and Roberta Colindrez Are Wives In Hulu’s “Monsterland

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. hey americans*, vote your asses off, up and down the ballot! do it for Natalie! do it for america! heck, do it because there are other countries on the planet who would probably like us to stop doing terrible things to it!

    *of the u.s. persuasion…

    thanks queer girl!

  2. Yaay, thank you QG! I feel like the “___ watered my crops, cleared my skin, made me glow” etc meme really sums up how I feel about the Sue Bird & Megan Rapinoe clip (or at least, that is what I am telling myself, ssshh go with it) and therefore brb, may watch it again :)

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