Movie Reviews

“Princess Cyd” Is the Most Hopeful Queer Film of 2017

“Princess Cyd isn’t interested in the well-worn plot of queer sexual awakening, the torture of figuring out who you are and the fraught path you have to follow to let other people in on your secret. In fact, Princess Cyd isn’t really interested in plot (or secrets) at all. It’s a character study of two women who clumsily and gently brush up against each other and find new happiness because of it.”

TV Lists

Winter 2017/2018 TV Preview: Some Lesbian and Bisexual Content for Y’all

We’ve got Lena Waithe’s “The Chi,” a lesbian assassin in a parallel universe in “Counterpart,” budding superhero Anissa Pierce and her girlfriend badass bisexual bartender Grace Choi, Anna Paquin on a virtual reality holiday gifted by her wife and so many other lesbian and bisexual characters on now or coming soon to a teevee or otherwise-identified device near you.